Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 287 The Stone Family come to plead
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Chapter 287 The Stone Family come to plead

"It's you who are looking for death. Mr. Moore has brought people to the door. You still don't know what

to do?"

Franklin grabbed Maximilian's wrist and twisted Maximilian's wrist with both hands, but Maximilian's

wrist didn't move under the sudden force.

In an instant, Franklin's blood was cold, and then he remembered the story of Maximilian fighting the

kidnappers before. Franklin understood that his small body, even if it was up to ten, was not

Maximilian's opponent.

Glancing at Darian, who was winking to him, Franklin's cold blood instantly turned into an ice ball. He

was pitted and Darian didn't even do it!

"Maximilian, I'm doing this for our family, and you should kneel down, and don't make everyone

embarrassed!" Franklin said with a shiver.

Maximilian smiled coldly, shook his wrist, and shook Franklin's hand away, then slapped Franklin's face

with a slap.

Like a piece of paper, Franklin flew out by Maximilian's slapping, hitting the wall with his whole body,

and then slowly sliding down the wall.

The severe pain caused Franklin to faint directly.

Looking at Maximilian like the God coming alive to the world, Darian swallowed vigorously, murmuring

that he did not act on Maximilian impulsively, or his consequences would be the same as Franklin.

Andrew's face was extremely ugly, because his son was beaten, "Maximilian! You are becoming more

and more courageous now. Do you think Victoria can support you? Today you pair of trash will be

swept out of the door!"

Maximilian didn't pay attention to Andrew at all and looked at Iris with cold eyes.

Iris was frightened and trembling all over, stepping back in Leon's direction step by step.

"Mr. Moore, save me, quickly ask your men to clean up the trash Maximilian." Iris's face turned pale in


Leon's expression darkened, feeling that Maximilian's behavior was just provoking his authority.

This time he came to clean up Maximilian, but this nasty guy dared to resist and fight in front of him,

which was simply unbearable!

"You wimpy guy are so courageous. Do you think you are still supporting by the men surnamed Owen

and Davies? The two of them are just using you as a gun. Do you really think you are a human being?

You are just a stinky dog. Shit, be realistic!"

Leon roared and gestured to the bodyguards around him. The bodyguards stepped forward, staring at

Maximilian with enthusiasm.

"Be careful." Victoria yelled out in a panic, and took Maximilian's arm to prevent Maximilian from

moving forward.

Those bodyguards looked so strong and brave, and they were still holding electric shock devices in

their hands, and they looked like they were not easy to provoke.

Although knowing that Maximilian's skill was very good, Victoria was still worried that Maximilian would

suffer when he went up.

Maximilian smiled gently and patted the back of Victoria's hand lightly.

"Don't worry, it's just a bunch of garbage, and it's easy to handle." Maximilian said confidently.

Zakariya and others suddenly felt despised by Maximilian, and they all glared at Maximilian.

"You rubbish is still here to speak out. The bodyguards we brought have all seen blood on the

battlefields. You can wait to be cleaned up by us."

"First interrupt this trash's limbs, and see how arrogant he can still be. Without the fifth limb, this trash

can only be a useless man in the future."

"Looking at this silly shit makes me feel sick. I have endured him for long enough. The Griffiths is also

rubbish. They can't even make this rubbish kneel for such a long time. I really don’t know why the

Griffith hasn't closed yet!"

Zakariya and others ridiculed, and Leon's patience had been exhausted, "Your Griffith are rubbish. I

think we should solve this waste by ourselves."

The expressions of Andrew and Darian were extremely ugly. Maximilian's non-cooperation made them

feel a strong sense of crisis.

It was estimated that after Leon cleaned up Maximilian, he would set more stringent conditions, which

would mean giving the Griffith Industry to others for free.

But Andrew and Darian had no other way out. If they really made Maximilian angry, they would benovelbin

slapped by Maximilian and probably have to spend the rest of their lives in bed.

When Leon and others were annoyed, the Griffith was helpless, and when the bodyguards were eager

to try, there was a sound of neat footsteps.

The footsteps were neat and loud, and obviously many people came.

Leon frowned, thinking that Connor had sent someone here.

However, he felt it shouldn't be. Connor was attacked. Although he escaped, he should stay in his lair

to recuperate.

If it was not Connor, who else would bring someone here?

Andrew and Darian looked at each other. Although they didn't know who was coming, they thought it

was an opportunity.

Those who could put on such pomp must be of great influence. Whether it was to make great efforts, or

to find ways to take advantage of the situation, they must overcome the difficulties.

After making eye contact, Andrew and Darian rushed out of the meeting room to greet the mysterious

guests from outside.

"I'm Andrew from the Griffith. I wonder which gentleman is coming here."

Andrew said to the oncoming group of bodyguards in black suits.

"Step aside!" the bodyguard shouted coldly.

Andrew said with a sullen face, "I am the host of the Griffith. Everything I say about the Griffith is

counted. Just tell me if you have anything to say."

Taylor in the middle of the team took a look at Andrew, and then said in a deep voice, "We're not

looking for the Griffith."

Andrew was a little dumbfounded. They broke into the Griffith's office building and said that they didn't

come to the Griffith. They guys were making funs?

"Then, may I to ask who you are looking for?" Andrew asked blankly.

"Just go away." Taylor said coldly, and the team of bodyguards in front of him separated like a tide,

revealing a path.

Both Andrew and Darian looked at Taylor together, took a closer look, and were sure that they didn't

know him.

But looking at Taylor's clothes, both of them concluded that this person's identity was definitely not


It was not difficult to raise a group of bodyguards. Coal mine bosses could raise a group at will, but the

style and taste of dressing was not something that an ordinary nouveau riche could learn. The so-

called three generations of nobles were indeed true. Without time for accumulation and precipitation, it

was difficult for the nouveau riche to enter the aristocratic level.

Taylor straightened his clothes, his expression became more serious, and he walked through the

passage formed by the bodyguards and stood at the door of the conference room.

Frowning and looking at Andrew and Darian who stood in front of the door, Taylor said in

dissatisfaction, "Get out of the way."

Andrew and Darian hurriedly stood aside, leaving the meeting room door open.

Taylor looked into the conference room and said respectfully, "May I ask if Mr. Lee is here, Taylor Stone

from the provincial capital is here to humbly ask your pardon!"

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