Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 265 Easily Defeated
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Chapter 265 Easily Defeated

“Who are you?” Victoria asked worriedly. Maximilian stood in front of her and looked at Leon.

He was looking at Victoria up and down in a lustful way. Victoria’s beauty made his mouth watering.

“She’s so fucking pretty. No wonder Humphrey is obsessed with her.”

Leon finally understood what was wrong with Humphrey. Every man must have evil thought when

facing with such a beauty.

Humphrey was really his best brother by sending a beauty to him. If he brought such a beauty to

Frankie, he must be delighted and would definitely help him with lots of things!

“Calm down, beauty. I am a good man. A friend of mine sent me here to kick this loser’s ass. Just come

over and stand beside me. I promise no one will harm you.” Leon said in a mild way, as if he was the

wolf that was tricking the little red hood.

“Do you think your men can knock me off?” Maximilian replied coldly.

Victoria wasn’t afraid because she had seen Maximilian managed to beat tens of men. Now there were

six of them and Victoria thought he could easily handle them.

“Well, you’re so good at boasting. I have never seen such a shameless person like you. I am the elite

who can fight with ten men. It is you who will be knocked off.”

Leon thought Maximilian was not only a loser, but also a psycho. If it were others, they were already

kneeling down on the floor.

His six subordinates couldn’t bear the humiliation any longer.

“Are you saying we’re not enough for you to beat, loser? Well, do you know who are we? We’re the

fucking six shuras in GS City. Anyone in this place knows our names.”

“This loser must be blind. And he is also a fucking narcissus. Go away, beauty. As long as you serve

our boss well, you will definitely have a good life in the future.”

“Come here, beauty. We will be sad to see you get hurt. We want to beat this loser now! He isnovelbin

searching for death by sneering us!”

Leon used his little finger to pick his nose and threw his booger to Maximilian disdainfully, “I will give

you a chance to submit. Crawl to me and lick my shoes clean, then I will consider letting you go.”

“You’re daydreaming.” Maximilian replied calmly.

“Fuck you! You little shit! It seems that you are courting for death. No one can disobey my command in

GS City. Come on, kick this loser’s ass. I must let him lick my shoes today!”

Leon waved his hands angrily, hinting his six subordinates to fight with Maximilian.

However, his subordinates were in a dilemma when seeing Victoria, who was close to Maximilian, and

they were afraid of hurting her.

Maximilian found their reasons of hesitation. He smiled at them and hooked his finger.

“Come on, let’s see how powerful the six shuras are!” He stepped forward when saying this, keeping a

distance from Victoria.

He didn’t go too far so that he could protect Victoria at first time.

The six subordinates were glad. How dump Maximilian was by distancing himself from Victoria to be

beaten by them.

“You’re such an idiot, then let’s teach you a lesson.”

“How dare you displease our boss? We will kick your ass and make you lick his shoes!”

They kept on cursing him and fisted towards Maximilian.

“Be careful!” Victoria couldn’t help reminding Maximilian.

Although she knew Maximilian was good at fighting, she was still worried about him.

Leon glanced at Maximilian disdainfully and went towards Victoria’s direction.

“Well, beauty. Why did you choose such a loser? You can buy any luxury as you want if you choose

me. I can give you houses, cars and anything you want. I will definitely treat you well.”

Leon was boasting, thinking Victoria would easily obsess with him if he gave a luxurious present such

as bags or clothes as the other women did. He thought Victoria would definitely choose him if he

provided her with such generous conditions.

Victoria gradually retreated, looking nervously at Leon, who tried to approach her.

“Hi, why don’t you speak, beauty? You won’t have a promising future with such a loser. However, things

will be different if you choose me. I’m powerful in GS City and even the top one or top two in this city

have to show me some respect.”

Leon continued to show off his acquaintance with others, thinking he could win Victoria’s heart in this


However, Victoria didn’t respond him at all by showing her a cold face.

Leon suddenly changed his attitude. He stared at Victoria and threatened, “Well, you’re not respecting

me by behaving in this way. If you don’t, I can only force you to have sex with me. But I believe you’ll

soon get used to it and enjoy it.”

BANG! One of Leon’s subordinates was knocked off by Maximilian and he was thrown beneath his


Leon became anxious upon seeing his unconscious subordinate under his feet.

“Fuck! You’re all pieces of shit. There are six of you and you can’t beat him? Kill this loser, now! Don’t

let him influence my mood.”

Leon, who was really upset due to Victoria’s refuse, suddenly jumped up and yelled at his


The rest subordinates were helpless. They couldn’t beat Maximilian just now together, and now it

became even harder for them alone.

They were amazed at Maximilian’s ability. Even the red stick fighters under Frankie’s training couldn’t

be as fierce as Maximilian.

“I have told you this amount of people were nothing for me.”

Maximilian suddenly burst out with great strength and punched the rest of five subordinates quickly.

The subordinates were thrown away by him and they all landed under Leon’s feet.

Leon looked at them in surprised way, feeling his heart tightened and his blood went cold.

“Fuck! You’re all fucking bullshit.” Leon shook his unconscious subordinates and shouted nervously,

“Get up. Fucking get up and beat him!”

“These are the asuras? I think they’re not good at fighting, but good at humiliating you.”

Maximilian teased and walked beside Victoria. He held her hand and whispered, “Are you scared?”

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