Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 235 The Villain Accuses the Victim
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Chapter 235 The Villain Accuses the Victim

People in the banquet hall looked happy. Many leading figures from local area were chatting with Hugo.novelbin

“Hugo. You look vigorous and your face looks rosy. You looks like a 60-year-old man. You are wearing


“I suppose you will live over your 100th birthday. Lots of good days are waiting for you.”

Many distinguished guests said all sorts of auspicious words, making Hugo grin from ear to ear.

Carson and Gibson and the rest of the people participate in the conversation enthusiastically, trying to

establish friendship with those distinguished guests.

In this moment, Alfie, with a side of his face covered by his hand, rushed into the banquet hall with grief

and anger.

Following after Alfie, Tommy shouted loudly when he entered the banquet hall, “Grandpa, elder uncle.

Brother Alfie was hit by Maximilian, the loser.

The happy atmosphere of banquet hall turned into silence instantly after Tommy’s loud shout.

Everybody gazed at Alfie.

Alfie clenched his teeth and his eyes were filled with tear. He put his hand away and showed the

audience his swollen cheek, which made them surprised.

Although the guests didn’t know Maximilian, they sensed a trace of abnormality.

Either Maximilian was someone of high social status and who does not fear the Wright family’s bully

grandson at all, or someone who was fear of nothing for he had nothing and who was ready to risk his

life to fight with the Wright family.

No matter who this man was, the guests were not interested in joining in their fight. They all kept silent

and ready to be sheer spectators of this fight.

The veins on Hugo’s forehead bulged and twitched violently. He was so angry that he almost had a

heart attack.

”Grandpa and dad, you must help me teach him a lesson. I went there to bring Maggie back to the

banquet hall, but we bumped into Maximilian, that loser. So we quarreled with him, and then he

attacked me like a mad man, slapping me on the face violently. I didn’t know why he did this suddenly

and Victorian had no intention to stop him at all. She just sat there, watching. I suspected that they had

been planning for this. They are attempting to ruin grandpa’s birthday party.”

Alfie accused Maximilian of what he did, aiming at Maximilian paying a price for it.

“How dare he? Bastard! How dare the loser do this? Does he think we the Wright family are

powerless.” Hugo slapped the table angrily.

Carson’s face darkened. That his second son got slapped on the face was equal to that he was hit on

the face.

The fire of wrath burned inside Carson. He roared with anger, “Maximilian intended to shame us all. He

clearly knew today is Hugo’s birthday. How dare he do this?”

Gibson chuckled secretly and glanced at Carson who was angry. Thinking that his nephew made his

whole family lose face, Gibson thought this may be a great chance for him to rise to power in the

Wright family.

Gibson said, “Brother, the lesson you taught him must be unbearable to him, so he bore a grudge.

That’s why he acted like a madman. We should be more tolerant as a human being for the penniless is

fearless when they are driven crazy ”

Hugo scowled at Gibson and said angrily, “It is not the right time to say this. It is time to teach the loser

a lesson. Laura! He is your son-in-law. How do you want to deal with the matter?”

Laura was already flustered, and she cursed Maximilian for a thousand times. She had never expected

this to happen.

”Dad, brother Carson. It was all Maximilian’s fault. I will say nothing whatever you do to him; not even

you hit him to death.”

Laura hated Maximilian gravely. She even wanted Maximilian to die now. If he did, then she would not

have so much trouble.

Sylvie spat out melon seed shells and proposed with a smile, “Let Alfie hit Maximilian the exact same

way for what Maximilian did to Alfie.”

Laura lowered her head and felt she was humiliated so deeply that she dare not speak up.

Hugo said ironically, “See what your good son-in-law did. It is such a great humiliation to me. “How

should I face my friends and neighbors in the future? I shouldn’t have invited your whole family. I was

so disappointed.” Hugo was angered so much that his body trembled. He took his dragon walking stick,

stood up totteringly and walked outside.

Carson and Gibson rushed to their father and held him around his arms. They said, “Where are you


Hugo answered, “To seek revenge for my grandson, I am going to beat that loser to death. How dare

he make such a mess at my birthday party? I am going to hit him to death even if I shall disgrace

myself and mess up my birthday party.”

Hugo walked outside angrily. Even Carson and Gibson dare not stop him. What’s more, they all wanted

to teach Maximilian a lesson. Therefore, they helped Hugo walk outside.

Alfie wiped his tears off his eyes, following behind his grandpa, and said, “Grandpa, it is all my fault. I

make you lose face.”

“Grandson, you did a good job. You didn’t make me lose face. We are family of intellectuals. We have

manners. But we don’t do manners when we deal with a mad man like Maximilian because he is a

beast. A beast doesn’t deserve politeness.”

Hugo’s anger reached its greatest extent. He saw Maximilian as a beast instead of a human being now.

Only man instead of beast deserved manners.

Alfie wiped his tears and nodded, “I understand now. Next time I deal with the same despicable beast

like Maximilian, I wouldn’t do manners again.”

Tommy curled his lip in disgust, thinking what a drama queen his brother was as Tommy believed his

brother applied manners just because he was defeated by Maximilian.

Seeing Hugo‘s figure far away, Laura wiped her tears continuously and felt bitter. She has so many

words to say, but she just didn’t know where to start.

“Laura. Let’s go out and watch. After all, it is your son-in-law who will be taught a good lesson. You

should watch and learn. How to make your son-in-law behave himself is a knack. Mother-in-law like

you is just incompetent.”

Sylvie pulled Laura to the outdoor hall before Laura could answer her. Sylvie also said to Marcus,

“Marcus, let’s go! For such a big deal, you should be present, too.

Marcus’s face darkened. He thought he totally lost his face this time. He was afraid that he may be

embarrassed in the future visit to the Wright family.

Seeing the Wright family members went to the outdoor area, guests followed them. In a few minutes,

the whole banquet hall became almost empty.

Hugo arrived at the outdoor hall angrily. Alfie led his grandpa to the front of Maximilian and said,

“Maximilian, grandpa is going for you.”

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