Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 202 Continue to hurt her.
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Chapter 202 Continue to hurt her.

Victoria frowned and sat in the room. Her mind was recalling the events in the private room.

Victoria did not regret rejecting Mateo Mccarthy.

However, when she thought of the retaliation Mateo Mccarthy might do, Victoria was a bit scared.

Mateo Mccarthy’s pharmaceutical company had great influence. If he wanted to deal with the Griffith

family, then the Griffith family could be crushed and went bankrupt in days.

Not to mention that Angus and the others were also Mateo Mccarthy's henchman. And if they helped

Mccarthy, then it was enough to destroy the Griffith family soon.

Maximilian entered the room and walked behind Victoria. His hands gently placed on Victoria's

shoulders and embraced Victoria into his arms.

The feeling of dependence filled Victoria with warmth. But this warmth was soon washed away by the

worry in her heart.

"What are you worried about?" Maximilian asked softly, stretching his fingers to smooth Victoria's

frowning brow.

Victoria closed her eyes and said quietly, "Of course I'm worried about the business. Mateo Mccarthy is

very influential in the provincial pharmaceutical industry. As long as he said a word, no one will use our


"And there's also Angus and the others who will help him. All three of them have dirty tricks. If they join

hands with Mateo Mccarthy, I don't even know what will happen tomorrow."

Victoria became more worried as she talked about it. She felt that something was about to happen, and

maybe when she waked up tomorrow, she would receive bad news.

"Don't think so much, and you still have me. You can rely on me for your problems, as I am a

professional in dealing with scums" Maximilian said with confidence.

Victoria was amused by Maximilian. She pouted and said, "Why don't I know you could deal with


"How can you not know? I have dealt with a lot of scums on the raw material factory these days. You

do forget them all, don’t you?"

When she thought of the incidents in raw material factory, Victoria's smiling eyes turned into crescents,

temporarily suppressing the clouds in her heart.

In the next morning, Victoria was awakened by a phone call. After picking up the phone and saying a

few words, Victoria hurriedly washed her face and dressed up.

After leaving her room, Victoria went straight to the door. Maximilian took the breakfast he had just

made and stuffed it into Victoria's hand.

"Don't be panic. Eat your breakfast on the way. Is there something wrong in the company?" Maximilian


Victoria forced a smile, "Nothing, there is an urgent matter for me to deal with, I'm leaving."

Looking at Victoria's leaving in a hurry departing, Maximilian's mouth was slightly tilted, and he

whispered, "They don't know how to die?"

Maximilian's words were naturally not heard by Victoria, who was already far away.

After starting the car, Victoria stepped on the accelerator, and the car roared and rushed out.

Arriving at the company in a hurry, Victoria could not take a breath and went straight to the meeting


The core figures of the Griffith family were all in the Meeting room. Andrew, Darian, Franklin, and Iris all

looked at Victoria, who had just entered with a gloomy face.

Victoria's heart thumped as she walked to her seat and sat down, looking at everyone inquiringly.

Franklin sneered and threw a few pieces of documents in front of Victoria.

"Everything you’ve done is fantastic! Will you talk about business or not? If you don’t, you should say it

earlier. Now you offend Mr. Mccarthy, all the deals I've negotiated have gone away, and they've all gone

back on their contracts!"

Iris looked at Victoria playfully, and her heart was full of gloating emotions.

"Victoria, why don’t you seize the opportunity? Mr. Mccarthy is a giant in the pharmaceutical industry in

the provincial capital. Now you offended him, and we are all in trouble. Take a look at these documents,

our family's old customers have also cancelled their orders."

A few more documents were dropped on the table, and Iris's provocative eyes looked at the dazed


Darian curled his mouth, tapped his fingers on the table, coughing, and said, "Not only these contracts,

we are raising funds to expand production and I have almost done with the bank. But the general

manager of the bank suddenly called me last night. He said he wanted to discuss with us for the loan,

and it is also because of Mr. Mccarthy."

"Several finalized strategic partners received a phone call from Mr. Mccarthy last night, and they said

they will not cooperate with us again at the same time. All of our family's development plans have been

stalled because you have offended Mr. Mccarthy! All our partners have abandoned us!"

Andrew reprimanded Victoria with a stern voice. The situation had deteriorated beyond Victoria's


She thought that if Mr. Mccarthy wanted to make trouble, he would take it slowly step by step. But she

didn't expect Mr. Mccarthy's influence was so huge. It seemed that the whole world had abandoned the

Griffith family overnight.

"Now there are internal and external problems! I won't say anything if the development plan is stopped.

After all, there is always a chance to develop again. But now most of the contracts are stopped, then

our capital chain may break at any time. And even the cooperation with Graham Group will come to a

halt! Victoria, what do you think we should do?" Andrew shouted sternly.

Victoria was in a trance. Looking at the relatives, her lips squirmed twice, but she didn’t know what to

say. Should she say it was not her fault?

But no one wanted to listen to this. All they wanted was the interests. And once their interests were

lost, they would not care who was at fault. Should she say she could solve it? Victoria didn't have that


Just one night, Mateo Mccarthy could stir the situation and made most of the partners betray the Griffith

family. Victoria felt that she could not change Mateo Mccarthy's attitude unless she could meet Mateo

Mccarthy's condition, that is, to sleep with him.novelbin

But Victoria didn't want to wrong her and didn't want to sell herself, let alone do those shameless thing

for the so-called family business.

Seeing Victoria not speaking, Iris said mockingly, "How did you offend Mr. Mccarthy? Didn't you want to

play hard to get with him yesterday, but made Mr. Mccarthy furious with shame? Do you really think all

men like your method?"

"Or do you think you are inlaid with gold and diamonds, so you offered a sky-high price, which made

Mr. Mccarthy angry? You think you are a goddess, don’t you? The legendary Weaver Girl and the

Seven Fairies were married poor rubbish in the end. You are quite like them."

Iris said more and more unpleasant words, and her face was full of sarcastic smiles.

Victoria's pretty face was white with anger. Her hands tightly grabbed the corner of her coat and said,

"What do you mean? Now you should think about solving the problem."

"Oh, solve the problem? Of course, we should solve the problem. But the problem is caused by you,

and it is natural for you to solve the problem. You should not say that you can cause trouble, but cannot

solve it."

Iris felt happy. There were not many opportunities to humiliate Victoria. Especially Victoria enjoyed

success in the business world recently, which made Iris envious and jealous, and she couldn’t wait to

throw a pot of dirty water on Victoria.

"I will find a way to solve it." Victoria said firmly.

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