Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 194 Ten BMWs.
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Chapter 194 Ten BMWs.

Iris pointed to Maximilian and yelled loudly, making Maximilian frowned.

Steven and others were still twittering and laughing until they heard Iris yelling, then they all stared at


Maximilian gave everyone a promotion and increased their salaries today, which pointed a way to a

better life for everyone. At such a beautiful moment, someone came to scold their leader, which

naturally made Steven and other staff feel very angry.

"Who are you? How can you talk to our boss in this way?" Steven said angrily.

"Hey, I can’t believe that Maximilian, the loser, can be a boss and has so many female staff. My God,

Maximilian, you are awesome. Are you really a pimp?" Iris said in surprise.

"Damn it. A pimp can be so rampant now. You take so many people to the streets. You are not afraid to

be caught by the relevant departments. It’s really funny, and I will call and report you to the police."

Berry waved his mobile phone, narrowed his eyes to look at Maximilian.

Armstrong hugged Iris, sneered and said, "This loser is clever. He has learned to be self-reliant. But

maybe he had chosen the wrong business. He should not be a pimp. He should be a prostitute. Do you

want me to introduce some thirsty and rich women to you to ensure that you can get money faster than


Steven and other staff almost cried with anger. They argued with Armstrong and his fellows.

"What are you talking about? Our club is a SPA Saloon. It is a normal place, and we only accepts

female guests. You are pimps."

"Look at the women around you, they are all bitches. We earn money legally. Our boss is a good

person. Do not slander us."

Iris pointed to Maximilian and curled her lips. She did not believe it and said, "You said the poor guy is

the boss of a SPA Saloon? You are all crazy, or you are all living in illusion. The jerk even has no

money to buy his underwear. How can he own a SPA Saloon?"

"Ah, you gigolo, do you know how much it costs to open a SPA Saloon? Do you know how much to pay

monthly to engage in so many employees? Don't come out and pretend to be a successful person.

You’ll be exposed soon."

"I feel a little boring when I bully such a jerk. Look. I’ve cursed him for a long time. But he dares not to

respond. He’s such a waste who dares not to say any rough words."

Both Armstrong and Berry felt a little bored because Maximilian was too calm and said nothing. And he

even stopped several enraged employees. Therefore, they did not want to continue bullying him.

Iris was very proud. She had mocked Maximilian and no one stopped her, which made her feel

comfortable like eating chilled watermelon on hot days, and all her sweat pores were relaxed.

"It's really boring. You loser doesn't even dare to resist. Maybe you know that you should be afraid of

me. If you see me later, you should show respect. You'd better kneel down and beg for mercy when

you see me, otherwise you will lose your face every time."

Armstrong glanced at Maximilian, hugged Iris, and turned around, "Jerk, do not be so pretentious, or I'll

beat you whenever I see you. Come on. Let's go party."

Armstrong left with his fellows, but Steven and other staff stamped their feet with anger and defended

Maximilian against an injustice.

"Boss, you shouldn't have stopped us just now. We should go up and scratch their faces."

"Yes, although we can’t fight, we can scratch them. They will be scratched up and even their father

cannot recognize them."

Maximilian smiled and said with indifference, "They are all buffoons. Take it easy. Don't be angry. Let's

go for dinner. You can order whatever you like."

Then he entered the restaurant with Steven and other employees. He told the waiter the room number

given by Thomas, and the waiter took Maximilian and others to the room.

There were three big round tables in the private room, which could just accommodate them.

"You can order at will, and I’ll announce a temporary decision."

After he said, all the employees looked at him with expectation, ready to listen to his temporary


"I decided that ten employees with the most outstanding performance at the end of the year will get a

BMW car for reward."

All employees were stunned. BMW car was too far away from their daily life and was actually a luxury


However, Maximilian actually took such valuable items as prizes as a year-end appraisal.

"Boss, re…really?"

"Of course. I promise. A BMW seven series for the top prize, BMW five series for No. 2 to 5, and a

BMW three series for No. 6-10. As long as you work hard, all your dreams will come true."

The staff suddenly got excited, and the sound of cheering could overturn the roof.

"Long live my boss! You are the greatest boss I have ever seen. "

"I will definitely strive for the first prize!"

"Our boss is so awesome. I will work hard for him!"

Looking at the cheering staff, Maximilian smiled and asked them to order quickly.

Soon a series of dishes were served, and employees held wine glasses to propose a toast to


Maximilian drank with everyone and exchanged ideas with them. He encouraged them from time to

time, and the atmosphere of the dinner was extremely harmonious.

"You are the most amiable boss I have ever seen. As long as you don't fire me, I’m willing to work with

you for a lifetime." Steven raised her glass and was the last to propose a toast to Maximilian.

Maximilian and Steven clinked glasses. Maximilian said with a smile, "Fine. As long as you are willing

to help me make the beauty salon bigger and stronger, I will give your shares in the future, and you will

be my business partner."

"Thank you, Sir. I’ll drink it. Thank you."

Steven's eyes shined. She raised her head and drank a glass of wine. Maximilian also held the glass

upward to drink all the wine in it.

Steven served some food for Maximilian, pursed her lips slightly, and whispered, "Sir, eat somenovelbin

vegetables. You drink too much wine and should eat some food."

Maximilian asked them to help themselves, and soon the food on the table ate up. The employees felt

stuffed and satisfied.

Because of the incentives given by Maximilian, everyone had a big appetite and ate a lot more than

usual. Now they felt full.

"If you are full, let’s go. Steven, take them to the cars and go back. You must pay attention to your

safety on the road."

Maximilian said and took them out of the room.

They came out of the room and went outside. A young man in a suit and tie standing at the bar saw


Staring at Maximilian, the young man became embarrassed and surprised. He said in his heart, "It

turned out to be Maximilian. Why is this loser here?"

The young man walked angrily to Maximilian and pressed his shoulder.

"Hey, Maximilian, how are you? You come to my restaurant for dinner?"

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