Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 187 Strength
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Chapter 187 Strength

Archibald was good at hitting his opponents’ brains and blood into spatters.

At that moment, he saw Maximilian whose shape and footwork were all ordinary with no threat.

Archibald could not wait to beat him.

A melodious ringtone made the solemn atmosphere stagnant. Archibald was filled with anger and

astonished when he say Maximilian taking his smart phone out of his pocket

“He brought his smart phone with him when fighting in the ring. And he even picked up the call. Does

he look down upon me?” Archibald thought to himself with fury in his heart. His eyes were brimming

with anger.

Nathaniel was frozen for a moment and then smiled coldly, and said, “How dare you answer a phone

call? Doesn’t he know that the fight begins as soon as he was in the ring?”

“Ah, Nathaniel, you have over-estimated those countrymen. Those people were to die in the ring. It

doesn’t matter whether he answers the call or not,” Marco said with smiles as if he had seen

Maximilian’s broken brain.

“That’s boring. But the guy looks so familiar,” Nathaniel mumbled and something suddenly hit him. He

took out his phone and opened the photo that his nephew had sent to him. He glanced at the photo and

then looked at Maximilian.

“What a coincidence. The guy in the ring is exactly the one in the photo. Now, he is able to kill two

hawks with one arrow.”

Nathaniel smiled and sent a message to his nephew, telling him that he would kill Maximilian right now

and asking him to watch Maximilian’s misery.

When Walter received the message, he rushed immediately to the Boxing Stadium with Oliver. As for

Franklin, Walter got rid of him with a perfunctory excuse.

Maximilian held his phone with bright smile on his face and said, “Darling, you miss me, don’t you?”

“Nope. I want to eat midnight snacks. Take something like duck necks when you are on the way back


“Ok, I’ll be back soon.”

Looking at Maximilian and his wife’s intimate talk, Archibald thought he was humiliated and Maximilian

even thought about to buy snacks for his wife.

Archibald snarled and lunged at Maximilian, he gathered all his strength into his right arm. Along with

the gathering, there was a sound of muscle stretching in his right arm.

And along with the crunchiness, his right arm swelled visibly. All of a sudden, it became a Kirin arm.

This was the most powerful move of Archibald, which could gather blood and power instantly into his

right arm and burst out extraordinary power for a short time. Then he was able to smash huge stone

with only one punch and could also easily crush one’s brain.

“Go to the hell! I’ll smash your brain for your answering the phone.”

Whoosh! A fist full of anger from Archibald broke through the air harshly and flied to Maximilian’s brain

at a very fast rate. However, Maximilian was still talking with Victoria on the phone leisurely.

Connor was scared to death and could not bear to see the scene any more.

Nathaniel smiled with amusement in his eyes and his head shook slightly as if he was saying that

Maximilian was weak.

Marco and Oakley crossed their legs and smoked. It seemed that they had sentenced Maximilian to


“The sound around you is strange. What are you doing right now?” Victoria’s voice floated out of the


“I was playing games with friends. He always lost to me, so he was mad. Let’s chat when I go home

and now I will teach him a lesson.”

“Well, ok, be careful on the way home.”

The moment the phone was cut, Archibald’s fist was less than ten centimeters from Maximilian’s face.

His fist would hit on Maximilian’s brain in a very short time and smashed it.

Archibald grinned and his face was full of expectation. It seemed that he had seen Maximilian’s head

broken, which was his favorite scene.

But in the next moment, Maximilian’s right hand appeared from nowhere and blocked Archibald’s fist.

“It’s impossible to stop my fist!"

BANG! After a loud crash, Archibald’s face was contorted and crinkled together, which looked like an

old Shar-Pei.

Archibald’s fist was blocked by Maximilian’s palm that grasped more than half of the fist. With the palm

squeezing gradually, Archibald’s iron-hard fist was cracking.


Archibald’s body was in cold sweat. Because of the pain, his muscle was trembling.

“You…what? You make me unhappy because you bothered my phone call with my wife.” Maximilian

said indifferently and all of the sudden, he squeezed harder and Archibald’s fist became ground meat

which splattered everywhere mixed with blood and bones.

“Oh! What’s the fuck! I…” Before Archibald finished his threaten words, he was hit on the belly by

Maximilian’s foot. Archibald spat a mouth of blood in the air and then his angry eyes became dull.

Boom! Archibald fell onto the ground not far away from the sofa that Nathaniel sat and spat some blood

and finally died.

Total silence. The whole Boxing Stadium was silent as a graveyard.

Everyone present looked at Maximilian in the ring with shock. No one had thought that Maximilian was

able to kill Archibald so easily.novelbin

One minute he was answering a call, and the next he stopped Archibald’s deadly strike. And then he

killed Archibald in turn with ease and joy. Was this what an ordinary people could do?

In the corner, the big man, who had mocked Maximilian was covered in icy sweat and his back was


At that moment, he felt very lucky that Maximilian did not fight with him. Otherwise, he thought his body

might lie in a parking lot.

Connor kneaded his heart hard. And his heart was eventually calm, thinking to himself, “The Young

Lord is really like fierce.”

The cigarette held by Marco was dropped onto his pants. When the butt burned through the cloth,

Marco felt a burning pain and realized it.

He hurriedly swept the butt and looked at Archibald’s body with sadness.

Archibald was a master who cost Marco a lot of money and was his most excellent bodyguard. Marco

would lose a fortune due to his death.

Marco was in great anger and pointed to Maximilian, shouting, “Great! How atrocious it is. I would keep

you in mind. If you die here today, everything will be over. But if you are lucky enough to be alive, I will

kill you wherever you go in my lifetime.”

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