Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 144: Bullish
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Chapter 144: Bullish

Inside the Mercedes Benz S600, Marsh's face was full of flattering smile, "Master Connor, let's go down

together, and you need to help me make amends to the young lord."

“Young lord doesn't want to let people know his identity. Just call him Mr. Lee, and I won't go down. It's

not good to have too many people and eyes on us. Just remember what you need to do. Go.”

Connor didn't want to show up at this time.

There were Maximilian’s relatives and friends. If they were too respectful to Maximilian, their

relationship would be discovered by others. If they were not respectful enough, Maximilian would hold a

grudge against him.

So Connor thought about it and stayed in the car to keep things under control.

“Then I'll deal with it first, and then I'll rely on Connor to help me with some sweet words."

Connor closed his eyes and waved his hand. Marsh opened the door and got out of the car. After

getting out of the car, Marsh looked at the group, analyzing who Maximilian was.

After taking a look at Maximilian, Marsh immediately turned his eyes. It was because of his ordinary

clothes, which was not consistent with the image of the young lord in Marsh's mind.

Was Dragon Sect so powerful? Even if he had to disguise himself, he should at least wear something


He shouldn't wear an ordinary shirt.

Excluding Maximilian, Marsh's eyes swept over Andy. Looking at Andy's better street clothing, Marsh

shook his head slightly. In the end, Marsh focused his eyes on Humphrey.

In Marsh's eyes, Humphrey was in a Givenchy suit, which fit the imagination. In addition, Baron'snovelbin

expression also affected Marsh's judgment.

Previously, he told Baron to embarrass Humphrey, so Marsh instinctively thought that the person who

could make Baron treat him so warmly would not be Humphrey. It was probably the young lord of

Dragon Sect who couldn't bear it and hinted at Baron's identity in a low-key way.

After thinking about this, Marsh immediately smiled and sped up his pace towards Humphrey.

Baron had been observing the look of his boss. Seeing Marsh smiling at Humphrey, he immediately

complimented Humphrey more.

“Humphrey really has influence. It seems that our boss is really here for you. Let's meet our boss now."

Baron immediately said with a flattering smile.

Humphrey was so shocked that he raised his head and straightened his clothes, just like a proud Little


Although Humphrey wondered why Marsh had suddenly appeared, seeing Marsh's look with a bit of

flattery, Humphrey suddenly felt that there might be some changes that he didn't know, since he had

bragged and Marsh did come.

But no matter what changed, Humphrey thought it was good for him. At least this time, he was


The rest was just false civility!

At this time, Baron's words attracted the attention of Laura and others.

Looking at Marsh striding forward, and looking at Humphrey's posture, which seemed to be welcoming

the arrival of a subordinate, Laura and others were elated.

“Humphrey is so powerful. Now that he called the big boss, our money will be returned soon." Laura

said in a high pitch.

For Laura, Humphrey's victory was her victory, because she invited Humphrey here!

Lucy and others were no longer hesitant, coming up with the enthusiasm and saying all kinds of nice

words to Humphrey.

"Just now, it's my fault. Now, you are really amazing. Humphrey will surely have a bright future and

become the richest man in H City."

“Humphrey has so much power, and so much talent. I don't know if you had married. There are many

beautiful girls in my family that I can introduce to you."

Laura raised her eyebrows and thought no one could be introduced to Humphrey! If Maximilian was not

in the way, Humphrey would have become her son-in-law in the future.

“Keep your hands off Humphrey. Humphrey won't take a fancy to those mediocre girls.”

As a warning to the old sisters, Laura glared at Maximilian fiercely, wondering that she would handle

him later.

She must take today's opportunity to drive the loser out of his house!

Maximilian didn't see Laura's eyes. Instead, he looked at Marsh in disbelief. He didn't know what was

going on.

Did Connor do something wrong?

After a little thought, Maximilian helplessly shook his head. As long as they can get the money back, he

just let the rest go.

Marsh had come up to Humphrey and reached out his right hand.

Humphrey put on airs, gently shook Marsh's hand, and then immediately released it, obviously

disdaining Marsh.

At this moment, Humphrey didn't care what Marsh came for. He wanted to hold his own posture

anyway. He thought this would scare Marsh and made it easier for him to do the rest.

Marsh didn't mind. Instead, he thought to himself, this momentum and attitude was the right one.

Ordinary people couldn't do it.

“This is our boss, Marsh. Boss, this is..."

Baron wanted to introduce Humphrey to Marsh, but Marsh remembers Connor's advice, shook his

hand and said, "You dont have to introduce him. I know who he is."

Since Marsh knew Humphrey, Baron immediately shrunk and retreated behind Marsh.

Baron felt the scene was strange. Marsh told him to embarrass Humphrey just now, but he respected

Humphrey at this moment, like dealing with his own father. Was Humphrey so powerful? Or did he

have Marsh's Achilles’ heel?

When Baron was puzzled, Marsh had pulled Humphrey to him and said,

“Brother, I didn't expect that your family also invested money in our company. I just hurt your family by

mistake! If I knew about it earlier, I would have put your money into the account long ago. I guarantee

you I'll compensate you. Wait and see." Marsh said and patted his chest.

If he wanted to make the young lord happy, he couldn't just refund the money according to the general

condition. He should not only refund the money with interest, but also share more interest with him!

Humphrey eyebrows picked happily. This was just prefect, and Marsh was so nice.

“Marsh, you are really nice. In that case, let's do it quickly. After that, we won't disturb you anymore."

Marsh was thinking about how to disturb the interest. Maybe he had to disturb him once more!

He did this just to get connected with the young lord. It seemed that he was not satisfied. Maybe he

needed to make more efforts!

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