You Were My Only One

Chapter 149 Did You Approach Me To Get Back At Them?
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Chapter 149 Did You Approach Me To Get Back At Them?

When the doorbell rang, Scarlet Song was lying on the table drowsy, and the second round of PK withYezhifeng was about to start. She was sorting out the owner information of this competition. She wastoo tired, she lied down on the table to sleep for a while, then she was woken up by the doorbell.

She picked up the alarm clock and looked at it. It was nearly eleven o'clock. Who would come?

The sound of the doorbell sounded hurriedly, indicating that the people outside the door were impatient.Having learned the previous lesson, she checked the peephole to see who was outside the door, andthen decided whether to open the door or not.

When she saw Zijin standing outside the door, she couldn't help laughing at herself. How popular shewas these days, everyone came to see her one by one.

She locked the door and turned to the bedroom. After two steps, she heard Zijin start to scold, "Scarlet,you filthy little fox, shameless marriage destroyer, open the door for me, or I will tear you up today!"

Zijin smashed the door plank bang bang, in the silent night, appeared particularly startled. Scarletsubconsciously thought that Zijin had already known that she and Harry’s entangled story.

"Scarlet, you come out, you dare to steal my husband, don't hide in the house and be a turtle."

Scarlet was afraid to arouse the neighbors, she had to open the door, "Zijin Song, who is on-earth theshameless marriage destroyer, please tell me!"

Zijin was already uncontrollable angry after being slapped by Younan that she throwed herself atScarlet. Scarlet grabbed her hands, said angrily, "are you ashamed enough?”

She shook off Scarlet's hand, pushed wide the door and went into the room. Scarlet didn't stop her andwatched her go in.

Zijin was sitting on the sofa. Scarlet thought that her sister was going crazy, so she didn't move for along time. Then she saw the tears on Zijin's face pattering down. Zijin Song, the kind of woman whoseldom cry but let others cry was now crying in front of her.

Scarlet lowered her hand, went to the sofa opposite her and sat down. She was upset by Zijin’s crying,"what's the matter?"

Zijin did not speak and just wiped her tears in silence.

Scarlet stood up and tried to make herself hard-hearted, saying, "you can cry if you want. I'll go back tomy room when you cry enough. Remember to close the door after you left."

"Scarlet, you are right. I have done so many unforgivable things. I beg for your forgives and mercy.Please give me Younan.” Zijin changed her attitudes now.

Scarlet stabilized her body.

"Do you know, Scarlet, Harry asked me to get out of the house. He had already known that Younan andI had done something unfaithful to him, but he kept silent. Until a few days ago, he decided to divorceme. In order to prevent those photos from being exposed, I had to promise to leave our house. Scarlet,I have nothing but Younan and this child. You are the aunt of this child. You are kind that you will notallow that he has no father when he is born, right? " Zijin's voice didn’t have a bit of regret, she was justfighting for her own life.

Scarlet's pupils were dilated, "uncle already knew that you...”

"Yes, he knew it long before you did. Scarlet, please promise me not to rob Younan from me, OK? Ihave nothing left. If I lose Younan, I will die.”

Zijin's voice gradually faded away. Scarlet was shocked. Harry knew Younan and Zijin together earlierthan she did. It was not the night they fell into the river in the sex earthquake, it was earlier than thatnight, but he did not stop them. Instead, they acted recklessly. What did this mean?

She staggered back a few steps, if all this was in his calculation, then he deliberately approached herfor what?

Scarlet's mind was in a mess, countless ideas flashed in her mind, but she couldn't hold one, her heartwas completely in disorder.

"Scarlet, you promise me to divorce Younan and not to rob Younan from me, OK?" Zijin looked at herand shook her head, thinking that she was refusing, and she begged desperately.

Mother said that Scarlet was soft-hearted and old-fashioned. If she begged her with their sisterhoodand the unborn child, she would give her the promise. But why was she shaking her head now? Washer plea useless?

Scarlet looked down at Zijin, whose cheeks were swollen up now, and said, "Younan and I will not goback, you can leave, I won't rob him from you.”

With that, she turned and went into the bedroom.

Zijin got the promise she wanted. She didn't stay for a second and left with her bag.

Outside the door came the sound of the security door being closed. Scarlet sat on the groundpowerlessly. She supported her forehead, and Zijin's words kept ringing in her ear.

Her heart pounded, and she suddenly stood up and picked up her bag and key. It was late at night, butshe still ran out of the door.novelbin

Scarlet took a taxi to Harry’s residence. She stood outside the villa. It was already 12 o'clock. The villawas located in a secluded place, and now it was more peaceful.

Her heart beat, in this silent night, was particularly clear. She stood outside the door, staring at thedoorbell installed on the wall. She raised her hand and hesitated for a long time. Suddenly she closedher eyes and pressed the doorbell.

The doorbell rang, and every sound seemed to knock on her heart, which made her want to retreat andescape.

The door opened. What should she ask him? Ask him if he knew that Zijin and Younan had beencheating, and why he didn't tell her? But what was the use of asking? What could change?

Scarlet felt that she was too impulsive, because Zijin said those words and then she wran to questionhim. If he answered yes? What was she going to do? She regretted more and more that she should nothave come here because she had no reason to question him.


She quickly turned around and was about to leave when she saw Harry standing under the maple tree.He had one hand in his trousers pocket and the other in his suit. She didn't know how long he hadstood there.

Scarlet was suddenly flustered. Seeing him coming towards her step by step, she was so nervous thatshe wanted to escape, but her feet seemed to be fixed in place, which made her unable to move hersteps.

Harry walked to the front of her. There was obvious surprise on his handsome face, "Scarlet, why areyou coming here to me so late? Miss me?"

He was so close that she could smell the clear masculine smell on him. She was extremely flusteredand her mind was in a mess.

Harry watched her for a moment. She came here in the middle of the night to look for him. He was veryhappy, but they couldn't stand outside all the time. With a lesson from the past, he couldn't expose herto danger any more.

He dragged her to the gate and pressed the password. Scarlet saw it. The number was very familiar,but she couldn't remember where she had seen it. When the gate opened, Harry stood by the door,looked at her and said, "go in and talk about it."

Scarlet stood by the gate and did not move. When Harry raised her eyebrows, she suddenly asked,"Harry, is it because of me that you and Zijin divorced?"

In the night, Harry looked at her, her hands twisted together, showing apparent nervousness.

Scarlet was pulled in by him. Under the street lamp, the man's back was tall and straight. His pace wasnot fast enough for her to keep up. Seeing the villa in front of her, she suddenly stopped and broke herhand from his palm. ”Harry, I'm not going in. I just want to ask you a few words. I'll go when I'm done.”

Harry stopped, turned around, his eyes fell deep on her, and his voice was low: "Scarlet, you come tome, I'm very happy, what do you want to ask, I know, but do you think clearly? After hearing my answer,you can't leave me anymore."

Scarlet looked up at him. The emotion hidden in the man's eyes gradually revealed, and then moreintense without concealment spread in front of her. She was seen through by him, now she regrettedmore for her recklessness.

She turned and was about to leave. Behind her came Harry's voice, "yes. I divorced Zijin because ofyou.”

Scarlet suddenly stopped, and there was a buzz in her ear. She couldn’t believe what she heard. Sheturned around, and the meaning in the man's eyes was more profound. He stepped forward andrepeated, "I divorced Zijin because of you!"

Scarlet was shivering in the night wind. The burning emotion in his eyes made her unable to bear it.She staggered back a step, "you knew Zijin and your nephew had an affair, why didn’t you sayanything?"

Harry looked at her for a moment and then sighed: "why should I say anything? I don’t care.”

Scarlet shook her head and couldn't believe it. Was she the only stupid one and the last one to knowthe truth? For a long time, she had been helping Zijin and Younan keep the secret from him, in fear ofhurting him.

"Let me ask you one last question. Do you deliberately approach me in order to revenge them?"

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