You Hit My Heart

Chapter 6
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You Hit My Heart By Kylie Stanford Chapter 6

Chapter 6

“I don’t want to get rid of you, Justin. I have raised enough money for your operation, just don’t give up,everything will be fine, you can definitely stand up.” She slowly squatted down in front of him andlooked at him with her sincere eyes.Almost, his heart was about to feel pleasure, but suddenly his facebecame even more gloomy, “What then? After I stand up? Your mission is complete? You don’t feelguilty anymore? And you’re finally free?”“I’m not, you’re overthinking it.”He looked excited and suddenlyreached out and dragged her to him, leaning down and then kissing her, “Then you give it to me. I wantit now.”“Justin, don’t you do that.” She dodged his lips.Enraged, he pushed her violently to the groundand hissed, “Why did you refuse! Why won’t you marry me!”Joyce was now a total mess and felt painall over her body. Two years, and she was really too tired.What has happened could not bechanged.What would happen in the future, who could know?There was only so much she could do forhim, with everything she had.“Justin, we’re going to check into the hospital tomorrow.”Justin turnedblue and pushed the wheelchair back into the room by himself, and threw the door shut with a“bang”.Just now there was a moment when he rolled within his heart and almost wanted to tell her thathe was just pretending with he was playing women, and that he was just angry that she didn’t careabout it all.She didn’t understand how much he loved her and how afraid he was of losing her.He wasafraid that she would speak up, and even more afraid that she would say something he never wantedto hear.He was not stupid. He understood that she did not love him. It was either sympathy or guilt.Anyway, it was not the love he wanted. All through these two years, it was always wishful thinking of hisown in this so called love.But he has nothing left now and really could not live without heranymore.Joyce stood up and bent down to gather up the pieces of the plate.She was distracted andsuddenly felt a stinging pain in her finger. She took a look at her hand, and what she saw was blood.Atthat moment, her phone suddenly rang twice.She took out her phone, her bloodstained fingers swipingthrough the screen.The first thing that came to her mind was the scene where she got her license withthe man, and then his god-like, cool side face. The man was too high up, too far away, and not to bemessed with. But she needed money, and Justin needed surgery.She lifted her head and looked at thenovelbin

closed door of the room, her gaze flowing with indefinable emotions.If it was money that she owed,there would eventually be a time when she could pay it off.But what if it was love that was owed? Whatwould she pay back with?President’s Office, 88th Floor, R&S Group Headquarters.Aaron Browning isLuther’s personal assistant.At this point, the people inside were reporting, “President, investigationshows that the people who attacked you that day, most likely OGW. There were no cameras around atthe time, and strangely enough, there was quite a bit of sprayed blood on the ground, like they wereinjured by some kind of sharp object before they fled.”“That’s why they didn’t continue to attack me.”Luther always felt puzzled, that day he was in great danger and leaped into the river, but why did theygive up? Were they actually injured by someone?Who would be the person that drove the killersaway?“Tracking the blood dripping down their path, we traced it to an underground clinic. But it wasalready empty. The only clue is the doctor who treated them at the time.”“Do whatever it takes to findthis doctor,” Luther commanded.Knowing what injuries the other killer suffered might lead to newclues.“Yes, Luther.”“It was also OGW who gave me that kind of things?”“I don’t think so, need to checkagain.”“Go ahead.”Luther stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, overlooking the whole ofKhebury from his 88th-floor office. With all the tall buildings around and lights twinkling like stars, hewas lost in thought.OGW really didn’t have to give him that kind of stuff, so who could it be?What wasused to repel three killers at the same time?That was definitely something unusual.This mystery hemust solve, and he always felt it would be the key to finding out what happened that night.Suddenly, heremembered he hadn’t transferred money to Joyce.He picked up his phone, made a few quick clicks,and transferred her half a million.It shows that Joyce had received it successfully.He stared at the textmessage for a moment.Half a million to him was just so insignificant. Even if they were discarded onthe ground, he would not even bother to lift a hand to pick them up.But Joyce’s words and deeds weresomething he could not understand. When he thought back to the day before yesterday and herlicense, she looked just so beautiful and cold. She was just so flirtatious and spontaneous, yet she wasindifferent and meritorious at the same time. He really did not know, which side could be her trueside.He snorted, after how she pretended to be so indifferent, she still took the money.

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