You Hit My Heart

Chapter 58
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You Hit My Heart By Kylie Stanford Chapter 58

Chapter 58

At this point, Charlotte thought here was her chance to redeem her image.She can do a little artificialrespiration.So, Charlotte trotted to the man. “I’ll do it, I’ll give him artificial respiration.”She glanced atthe man lying on the ground, slightly fat and ordinary looking. His lips were white because ofchoking.Charlotte tried to hide the disgust in her eyes, pinched the man’s nose with two fingers, leanedover and began to do artificial respiration.Repeated chest compressions and artificial respiration, thenrepeated chest compressions and artificial respiration.She tried her best to recall the first aidknowledge she had been taught in school and struggled to do it.After pressing for a while, the man onthe ground did not spit out the water in his chest.Charlotte was sweating profusely.She glanced atLuther every now and then, being afraid he would see the signs.It should be correct. This was how toadminister help. Why did it not work?Damn disgusting man. She had made much efforts. ith cursed inher heart, her hands did not dare to stop.Luther saw Charlotte volunteering to give help and do artificialrespiration. Thinking to himself, Charlotte did know first aid. That night she also gave him artificialrespiration. Maybe she refused to go into the water for another reason.Charlotte did this many timesover and over. Without seeing the result, she became impatient.She increased the force and pressedon the man’s chest.Fortunately, Luther walked over to pick up Joyce, or else his eyes kept staring ather. She was really getting nervous.Finally, there was a “poof” sound.The man lying on the ground spitsout a large mouthful of river water from his chest. Finally, it worked!Charlotte fell to the ground at once.Her forehead slicked with sweat, and no one knew whether she was tired or anxious.At the same time,the ambulance arrived.The car quickly ran down a group of professional first responders.They quicklyput the drowning man on a stretcher, put him in the ambulance where there were oxygen tanks. Aparamedic handed Joyce and Luther a few large bath towels.Joyce took the towel, dried her hair, andwiped her body all over as well.It wasn’t cold, but it wasn’t hot either. The wind blew across her body,and the cool feeling made her shiver slightly.Joyce simply wrapped the bath towel around herbody.Luther was fine. Only his pants got wet.After the ambulance left, the crowd of onlookers alsoslowly dispersed.After everything settled down around him, Luther’s mind was filled with morenovelbin

doubts.He was deeply touched by the scene of Joyce jumping into the canal to save others.AlthoughJoyce mentioned that she had participated in first aid volunteer training, it was still very shocking whenhe saw the scene with his own eyes.On the contrary, Charlotte …… who saved him that night.Thinkingabout it, he still can’t stop being suspicious of Charlotte.The cloud of suspicion lingered andintensified.He approached Charlotte, who was sitting on the ground resting. He asked with a gaze,“You’re …… today.”Charlotte instantly understood what he was going to ask, and during the break justnow, she had calmed down and thought of a way to cope with.She immediately interrupted Luther andsuddenly pretended to cover her stomach with both hands.“It hurts. It hurts.”She was in so much painthat her entire body fell to the ground. The sweat was falling from her forehead.Her watery eyes werefilled with crystal tears. She reached out and grabbed Luther’s pant leg and pleaded in a tremblingvoice, “Please, send me to the hospital, my stomach hurts. I’m in so much pain ……”

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