You Hit My Heart

Chapter 28
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You Hit My Heart By Kylie Stanford Chapter 28

Chapter 28

Today, the Heath family celebrated the recovery of their daughter with a feast.Everybody was lookingforward to seeing the warlord’s descendant.The lights focused on the top of the revolving staircase andthe media swarmed up.The flashing lights were staggered and blindingly dazzling.With the flowers,applause and music, a woman in a white princess dress slowly walked down, covered with finediamonds as the glitter of stars.Fine eyebrows and almond eyes. Bright and charming.The daughterwas none other than Charlotte.Luther was both surprised and shocked that Charlotte was the long-lostdaughter of the Capitalthe Heath family.The granddaughter of the military general, the daughter of thegeneral. She was indeed the descendant of the warlord.Joyce was also surprised that she hadn’t seenCharlotte at school for a while, and she remembered that the orphanage’s director Rachel had calledthem to identify their relatives and left their hair and nails for DNA tests.Little did she know that it wouldbe Charlotte who would find her family.Along with Charlotte was her mother Cecelia. The identity of herfather Ralph was too special to show up in the public.Joyce could not help but looked Cecelia again.She was extremely shocked that Cecelia had indescribable temperament. She was more thanbeautiful, gentle, noble, truly a lady from the big and noble family.Joyce was truly attracted by Ceceliathat she could not help but take a few steps forward.Charlotte slowly stepped down the stairs, passingby Joyce. Her lips curled up in a meaningful smile. Once she reached the top, she could think of thestatus and glory added to her body that she never dared to imagine. She became a princess-likecelebrity from an orphan girl who used to be treated badly.From now on, she, Charlotte, was also at thetop of the pyramid.She could get every single thing as long as it was what she wanted.Joyce must nothave imagined that all should belong to her. Including ……Charlotte looked lovingly at Luther with thesoftest smile.He, too, will be hers.There were more and more people who walked by and accidentallybumped into Joyce.The handbag Joyce was holding fell to the ground. She reached out to pick it up,but was squeezed behind by the people beside her.Cecelia passed by and leaned down to pick it up.She walked through the crowd and handed it to Joyce with smile. There was no haughty manner inher.They looked each other. There seemed to be warmth flowing throughout the body.What a healingnovelbin

smile.Cecelia seemed to radiate maternal kindness all over her body.Joyce had never been envious ofanything, but at this moment she felt uncomfortable. She had never met her parents, and she trulyenvied Charlotte, who had found such a gentle mother. What more could she want?“Thanks.” saidJoyce. Unfortunately she was already pushed further away by the crowd.People surrounded Charlotteand Cecelia, sending their congratulations.Cecelia introduced her lost and found daughter toeveryone.Her bright smiles spread across their faces.Everything was extraordinarily beautiful.As thebanquet drew to a close, Jacqueline, Shelly, Cecelia and Charlotte sat on a sofa chatting. The twofamilies were friends for generations, so they were naturally closer than other people in thebanquet.Shelly put her arm around Charlotte affectionately, “I can’t believe you’re the Heath family’sdaughter. I’ve never heard you mentioned it at school, you’re so low-key.”Charlotte said modestly, “Ijust found my parents. There are a lot of things I don’t understand, so I will have to ask you for moreadvice in the future.”“No problem.” Shelly just loved to hear her talk because it made her feelcomfortable.Then Charlotte complimented Jacqueline.Jacqueline was delighted to hear it and saidbluntly, “Cecelia, congratulations on finding such a well-behaved and virtuous daughter. She is so wiseand likeable.”Jacqueline and Shelly were both surprised that Luther brought Joyce along.They wereworried that Luther would go public with the fact that he was married.

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