You Hit My Heart

Chapter 20
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You Hit My Heart By Kylie Stanford Chapter 20

Chapter 20

“Should I congratulate you?” Justin smirked.The atmosphere was tense.Joyce was so nervous that shealmost forgot to breathe. What could she do to ease the situation?She also knew that no matter howshe explained it, it just would not work. She was afraid that what happened today would be a painfuland fatal blow to Justin. Then all her efforts for a long time, all in vain.She struggled for a long time, andfinally, she chose to drag Luther away with force, “Please, step aside.”Meanwhile, she did not forget toturn her head to Justin and say, “Justin, I can explain. You trust me, you wait here for a moment, and I’llbe right back. Don’t ever leave!”Having said that, Joyce dragged Luther around the corner to anunoccupied spot and was just about to speak.Luther interrupted coldly, “Last time at the hospital, was italso because of him?”Joyce froze, and then she remembered the last time she was in the hospital, sheblocked his lips with her lips to stop him from opening his mouth for fear that Justin would find out.Sheadmitted, “Yes.”“You’re his fiancée?” Luther had just heard it all.He glanced at the diamond ring onJoyce’s finger out of the corner of his eye, his expression was awe-inspiring, and the pupils of his eyescontracted violently.Joyce noticed his gaze and awkwardly took off the ring and put it in her pocket. Sheneeded to find the right time to give it back to Justin, but certainly not right now.“No, no, it’s not that … I…” Joyce felt wordless for the first time in her life, “None of this is the point, the point is that we are notreally married, right? You should talk to Shelly about our relationship, and I’ll explain to Justin.”“No way,Shelly can’t hide her words. She knows, and Grandma will definitely know.”“So … or you can explain itto Justin.” Joyce was really desperate.In her pleading gaze, there was helplessness, anxiety, andexpectation. It stung him deeply. In his memory, she was lonely, she was stubborn, and she was cool.She had never begged him, and now she was begging him for another man?“Huh.” Luther sneered.Asking him to explain to Justin? It was a joke.“Joyce, you are quite something. Do you still say you donot climb the ladder of power and wealth? In fact, you have already messed around with JAXAHCorporation Bank. Now you can’t tell a lie and you want me to help you?”“It’s not what you think.” Joycejust felt burnt out. She held her forehead with one hand, and she felt exhausted, “We are in acontractual relationship, and you have no right to interfere in my personal affairs. Don’t you? I’ll take

care of my business with Justin and make sure it doesn’t affect Grandma.”“Don’t forget that we had anagreement that you and I were not allowed to have dealings with other men during our marriage.”Shewas not just having dealings now. She became the fiancée of another man.He clenched his fist and theveins on the back of his hand had also popped up when he was desperately trying to hold back hisanger.“I promised you? Why don’t I remember?” Joyce was very surprised. How could she have agreedto such a condition?Luther thought about what happened that night. It was true, Joyce did fall asleep inthe car, so she didn’t hear.But that’s no reason for her to cuckold him!He burst out word by word fromhis teeth, “If you already have someone you can get money from, why do you still want to approach mygrandmother?”“I …”She and Justin’s past was not something that could be explained in a few words.Atthis point, she was physically and mentally exhausted and unable to explain.There must be somethingwrong with her mind to expect that Luther might help her.“Forget it, think what you like, and explain ifyou want.”The matter had come to an end, so she simply did not care.Joyce had no time or patience tofight with Luther again.Turning around, she rushed back to Justin.But when she ran back to the gardencorridor, she could not find Justin!“Justin, Justin.”A bad feeling crossed her heart and she called outanxiously, looking around.novelbin

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