You Hit My Heart

Chapter 13
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You Hit My Heart By Kylie Stanford Chapter 13

Chapter 13novelbin

“Grandma.” Luther was shocked and rushed forward to the old lady.However, Joyce rammed him awayalmost simultaneously, “Don’t you move her!”Then, she immediately began to massage Stephanie’sheart, “Call the doctor, what medicine do you usually use? Hurry up and use it.”The house was instantlyin a mess.The family doctor arrived soon after.Joyce kept on doing heart massage and dared not evento stop. Beads of sweat were rolling down her cheeks. When she saw the doctor coming, she hurriedlystepped aside, “Grandma had a heart attack, and I felt something was wrong when I saw her face turnpurple before.”Jamie McKnight, the family doctor of the Warner family, quickly gave Stephanie a shotand fed her another dose of medication.At last, Stephanie began to get better.“How is my grandmothernow?” Luther asked sharply.Jamie stood up and said in a gruff voice, “Nothing serious. You shouldthank this lady for her heart massage and the medication was administered in time. I gave her somesedatives, and you should let her sleep for a while, and not stimulate her again.”Mr. Arnold went to seeDoctor McKnight off, while Shelly and Jacqueline helped Stephanie back to her room.Immediatelyfollowing Luther’s unceremonious eviction, the women all drove back to their downtown mansion withworried faces.In the large living room, only Joyce and Luther were left there.Luther looked at Joyce,who looked so tired and was wiping sweat from her forehead.He could not help but want to know moreabout this woman.She had been so good at first aid. Just watching her massage her heart, he couldnot help but think about the night he was rescued – there seemed to be such a hand, giving his chestmassage constantly.Was it an illusion? Why would he just get a familiar feeling when looking at her atthis time?“Have you ever given anyone else a heart massage like that?” Luther suddenly asked.Joycewiped the sweat from her forehead, “Yeah.”She suddenly remembered the night when she lost hervirginity, and remembered how she tried to help but was violated in the end. Thinking of this shefrowned.“Is it a man?”“Men, women, seniors, kids all around! I’ve participated in first aid volunteertraining.” Joyce returned without a smile, “It was organized by the school, and many of my classmateshad participated.”Luther was instantly disappointed. Hell, what the hell was he expecting? Why wouldhe try to find a connection between her and the person who had saved his life that night?Obviously, the

girl who saved him was Charlotte.First aid volunteer training by the school? Charlotte must haveattended it too? And that’s why she had saved him.Mr. Arnold returned to the living room after sendingDoctor McKnight away. The way he looked at Joyce was no longer disdainful, but more respectful –Joyce was indeed a good girl, and Stephanie was really not wrong. He should not have looked downupon her before.Mr. Arnold respectfully walked up and helped Joyce with her luggage, “Madam, I’ll helpyou arrange your room.”“Mr. Arnold, take her luggage to my room.” Luther glanced at Joyce’s worn-outsuitcase on the floor.She just got 800,000, is it not enough for her to get a new suitcase?“Wait aminute.” Joyce reached out to stop him, “I have to share a room with you? It’s such a big house, can’twe just find a guest room?”“You think I want to share my room?” Luther raised an eyebrow, “Grandmawould suspect.”“…”“Yes, young master.” Mr. Arnold respectfully returned.Gurgling, Joyce’s stomachrumbled indisputably.Having walked half a day to get to this place and worked so hard to helpStephanie just now, she was hungry chest to back.“Is there any food?” She askednonchalantly.“Madam, it’s already past dinner time. I will prepare a bowl of seafood noodles for you.”Mr. Arnold answered immediately.“No need.” Luther yanked Joyce over, “I’ll take you out toeat.”Imperiana.Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, at the top of the mountain, however, it wasextremely luxurious inside. Without a premium membership, you just could not walk in however muchyou have.Luther didn’t know what was wrong with him that he would bring Joyce to such a place.AfterJoyce had her dinner, he took Joyce into a private room on the top floor of the clubhouse.FelixSaunders, Mathew Fleming were all Luther’s best friends.One was the son of a real estate tycoon, andthe other was an e-commerce newcomer.The two of them were drinking and playing darts in the privateroom at the time.“Luther, it’s the first time I’ve seen you bring a woman.” Mathew was surprised. Whatwas wrong with this guy? Usually women were not allowed to stay by his side.If they were just someoutsiders, they might think Luther had some special tendencies.Luther sat down next to the floor-to-ceiling window, and with the cliff and the hollow dark night in front of him, it was as if they would bedragged into this dark abyss.He lighted a cigarette carelessly.“She’s my wife.”

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