
Chapter 7 I’m Leaving Tomorrow
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Chapter 7 I’m Leaving Tomorrow


Blaine was frowning when I met her gaze. I wondered why her friends were laughing while she wasdispleased. Excusing myself from Finley and Riley who were busy grilling the marinated ribeyes, Iwiped the sweat off of my face.

Speaking of the gorgeous woman who fogged my brain with lust and made me hard too painful to bearwas ogling at my abs. Most girls loved abs than a man’s brain, and I loved their mouth all over me.


“Hey, girls.” I waved, and they were already smiling back. The brunette girl from Blaine’s left was alsobeautiful and the strawberry blonde as well, but Blaine was very attractive with her huge eyes. “Mind if Ijoin?”

“Aren’t you—”

“Of course, take a seat, Xandry.” The brunette quickly butted in, making my brow cock.

“Thanks, you know my name. Got a name beautiful?” I smiled genuinely, and the last thing I wanted, forBlaine to get ideas that I was flirting with her friend.

“Charlie.” She offered her hand, and I gladly took and planted it to my lips, making her giggle.

“I’m Olive, more beautiful and sexy, but I know you disagree because Blaine is gorgeous, right?” Shewinked, and I grinned.

I did the same as I did to Charlie, then sat across Blaine who was displeased to see me sitting withthem. “Women are beautiful, but there is always someone that you can’t take your eyes off of her.”

“Like Genesis?” Charlie asked.

“Genesis?” I asked back, furrowing my brows in confusion.

“Yeah, did she ask you to check her dog Bennie?” Blaine asked in a sharp tone, looking beyond pissed.

“Wait, that girl who offered me tong?”

“Yes, she named her Chihuahua Bennie to get on my nerves,” Blaine answered flatly.

So, that woman had a history with Blaine, huh? She was flirty back there, though she had a good pairof tits, she just didn’t interest me the way Blaine did. And not even my cock jerked after showing me herflirty smile.

Charlie shrugged. “She said she just like that name.”

I pressed my lips into a hard line. A few seconds passed by we were still in uttered silence. I noddedlike I understood why Blaine was so mad at her. Why did that Genesis girl here anyway?

I admired Blaine for raising that boy all by herself. That douché bag vanished after sticking his dick onher.

I released all my anger to the fire on the grill stand after finding out about the sperm donor. If someonedid like that to my sister, I wouldn’t think twice punching his face, cutting his dick off, and throwing it to

the Paga crocodile pond with his pulped balls. He shouldn’t have used his dick if he wasn’t aware of theconsequences.

I had sex with many women, did something kinky, and I admitted that I was just a guy with a hugeappetite toward hot sex. It may just a no strings attached sex, and they were clearly aware that I didn’tdo relationship, but I made sure I never abused their body and hurt their feelings.

It was hard enough for me to see everyone hated my guts and turned away from me like I committed agoddamn murder. Realizing my damn mistakes was like a punch to my gut and made you wanted torepent big time.

If I happened to knock up someone, I would never turn my back on the woman who was carrying mychild. And that was why there was affordable protection invented for dicks.

“Why did she do that?” I asked them silently.

“She slept with Blaine’s ex,” Olive said, wrinkling her nose in disgust, and made my mouth form an Oshaped.

“Guys, please, it was a long time ago,” Blaine interjected.

“Yeah, but I still hate them. Again, who invited them?” Charlie inquired, side glancing at Olive.

“It’s just a dinner, I’m sure after this they will go home when they won’t get anything they want,” saidBlaine.

“What they want, sweetheart?”

Her two friends giggled, their lips were both pressed trying hard not to burst into laughter.

“What’s wrong?” I arched my brows and looked at them in curiosity. These girls were close friends ofBlaine and they knew how to annoy her when they wanted.

Olive shrugged. “Nothing.”

“Then why are you two giggling?” Blaine shot them an intense glare, making them both shut upabruptly. A smile formed on my lips on how she quickly stopped her friends from embarrassing herfurther.

“I had fun, girls, but I need to go and help them.” I stood up and glanced down at Blaine. Our gazedmet, and she looked seemingly disappointed. I smiled at her and walked back to the guys.

“Oh, my God. He’s hot!”

I inwardly shook my head, though I used to hear that line, coming from Blaine’s friends made me smilein amusement, though I wondered if Blaine was affected by her friends’ remarks.


I was barely breathing after the dinner and never been so full in my entire life, until tonight. The food athome was delicious and cooked by our family chef to perfection. What I loved about this dinner was theno strict table manner, like we laughed at Riley’s jokes, talked about non-business-related topics, and itwas a damn good new experience for me.

These people were awesome.

Finley came back carrying two acoustic guitars and gave one to his twin. Carissa, Miranda, and Brendawent inside the house. Bianca was already leaning on Kyland’s shoulder and so as Cam to Pyke.

The twins started strumming a country song. The girls were already leaning against the table with aweon their faces as they listened to Riley singing in a deep-bass baritone voice.

Holy shit! He had a good voice. He could be the next modern Johnny Cash.

Blaine relaxed beside me after the two women left early, and Ben was already in bed.

“Do you sing, sweetheart?”

Her head tilted to my side and rolled her eyes. “Meh, can’t even sing nursery rhymes.”

“I play the piano in high school.”

“Of course, that’s the typical rich kids’ first instrument,” she reacted, and I never missed the sarcasm.novelbin

“That’s a little harsh, Blaine, but I’m not rich. I’m just one of my dad’s employees.”

“But your bank account is loaded.”

“Yes, I won’t deny that, but I still pay my own bills. My family might be loaded, but I went to school likeyou and I know dad won’t hand me a position easily without my qualifications.”

“Your dad seems a good guy.”

“He is and Mom too.”

She looked back at her cousin started to sing another song. She suddenly rubbed her hands on herdress anxiously.

“Are you cold?” But the weather didn’t seem to give us shiver, besides the night was so beautifulcomplementing with the jar lanterns dangled above us were giving a romantic vibe. The wind was justright, enough to caress our skin in a feather-like touch.

She shook her head and whispered, “I’m fine.”

“Then stopped fidgeting because you looked nervous to me.” I grabbed her hand on her thigh andsqueezed it causing her to stiffen. “Relax.”

She breathed deeply and focused back to her cousins as I started to draw circles on her hand, makingher loosen a bit.

Christ! If it didn’t feel so good to hold a woman’s hand without flirting to get into her pants.

“I think we should retire, guys. They have an early flight tomorrow.” Bob stood at the door andannounced, making me sigh in disappointment.

After bidding goodbye to Blaine’s friends and Max’s family, I retreated inside at a lazy pace.

“Xandry, sleep, and don’t go anywhere.” Pyke stopped at my door before I could get inside.

“What made you think I’ll go anywhere?”

“Don’t you think I didn’t notice how you look at Bianca’s sister?”

“And what’s wrong with looking at her?”

“You want to get into her pants, Xandry. And then what?”

I breathed deeply. “Look, you can’t control me in which pants I want to shove my dick in. And I don’thave any intention of doing that to Blaine.” That wasn’t exactly true because fuck me if I didn’t have

already blue balls since I got here. “So back off and save your lecture to someone else because I’mleaving tomorrow.”

“Good night then.”

I got inside and closed the door without replying to him. Why did they have to always think of me thatway?

I got into my bed after taking a shower and pumping my cock with my hand. That felt good to releasemy sexual frustrations since I laid my eyes on a hot mommy.

Fuck! What was I thinking? I was sure I would forget her once I got back home and there were so manyavailable pussies for an easy lay.

Fuck again! My deal with Saph and I almost forgot. I groaned, slumped my body on the bed, andclosed my eyes. A soft knock forced me to sit on the bed with a huff.

“Coming.” I sauntered toward the door, pulling it open.

“Hi, um, sorry. Did I wake you up?”

My jaw dropped to see Blaine already on her green frog printed PJs. I shook my head like an idiot and Iwas still tongue-tied to respond with my heart was pounding wildly in my chest.

“Um, I just wanna say thank you for talking to my son. He’d never been closed with someone who hebarely knew. So, thank you.” She gave me a small smile and started to turn her back on me.

I grabbed her wrist, and she stiffened. “Where do you think you’re going?” I looked from side to side tomake sure nobody saw us and grabbed her inside the room.

Her eyes widened and whispered, “What do you think you’re doing?”

“Saying my goodbye properly.” Before she could protest, I yanked her against me, cupped the back ofher head, and crashed my hungry mouth against the softest lips I’ve ever kissed. She tastedminty. Does this mean she come knocking on my door and expects me to kiss her?

I swallowed the gasp that escaped from her surprise and licked her lips to encourage her to open forme. I dove my tongue into her mouth as soon as I got a chance. She moaned, digging her short nailinto the skin of my arms, which made me groan. Her moan sent a soft vibration in our entire body andburned my body into flames.

I tilted my head to deepen the kiss as I pressed my body against her when I felt her kissing me back ashungry as I was. I lowered my hand to her thigh and she immediately wrapped her legs around mywaist. Quickly, I backed her against the door causing it to slam.

She grabbed handfuls of my hair and yanked them as if she was begging for more. A groan rumbledfrom the deep of my chest. She sucked my tongue, bit my lip so rough, yet so sexy— the pain zingedthrough my aching and hard as rock cock that made me almost pass out.

Fuck! This woman can kiss.

I pushed her harder and ground my thick erection to the warmth between her thighs. Pressing myselfagainst her body, I kissed her hard, but it wasn’t nearly enough and I wanted more than just a kiss tosatisfy the beast filled-lust deep inside me.

My heart ached for beating so fast with her bra-less soft breasts pressed against my chest. Herpuckered nipples were rubbing through her thin clothes as we get lost in our punishing kiss.

My heartbeat accelerated further as I fought hard not to come in my boxers. Damn! That would beembarrassing.

Our body was on fire, and it was hard to bear, then she suddenly whimpered in our mouth. Therealization hit me hard, she was heading towards her climax.

I was breathless and thunderstruck. “Let go, sweetheart.”

I ground my hips in circular motions until she broke our kiss and shuddered violently. Lurching her headon my shoulder, she gasped for air and moaned breathlessly.

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