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Chapter 766

After Charlotte was gone.

Otis gestured and patted the couch beside him with his eyes fixed on Joyce, "Ms. Knowles, please

have a seat."

Joyce stood motionlessly, and her shrewd eyes narrowed. She had found it quite hilarious. This was

the first time they met, and he asked her to sit next to him. What? Did he think that this was a


Finally, she sat down on the couch across from him.

Otis did not force her but said with a somewhat frivolous tone, "I saw Ms. Knowles yesterday. You are

indeed quite extraordinary, but unfortunately, I only saw you from quite afar. Today, when I finally have

the chance to have a close look, you are really beautiful. I can say, women with such a beauty can be

very rare across this world."

He scanned Joyce up and down like he was looking at a prey, taking in every inch of her.

Joyce had the feeling that he would jump on her and eat her alive at any moment.

He spoke frivolously and wildly. Rare? Did he think she was some commodity for sale?

The way he looked at her made her extremely uncomfortable, as if he was hunting.

"Mr. Robertson, is that how you usually talk?" Joyce smiled demurely on purpose.

In front of him, she deliberately folded her legs slowly in an elegant and sexy movement and they

simply could not take their eyes off.

Otis's eyes narrowed slightly, and gulped nervously.

She was surprised by how straightforward this Mr. Robertson could be. He did not even hide his desire

any little bit. After all, he was married, and it seemed that today he just got his marriage license. His

wife had just left, and he was flirting with another women. She almost thought she was having an


The most important thing was that Charlotte seemed to be afraid of Otis and dared not say anything.

Charlotte just had to leave in dismay when Otis asked her to.

Interesting. What was this all about?

"How is that possible?" Otis laughed freely, "After all, it's rare to find a woman as beautiful and capable

as Ms. Knowles."

"Come on, Mr. Robertson, Ms. Knowles, please have some tea." Mr. Davies and Mr. Taylor both came

forward to pour tea for them.

It was clear that Mr. Robertson was interested in Ms. Knowles, and naturally they wanted to please

both of them.

"You're all done with your business here, aren’t you?" Otis lowered his head and looked absently at his


"Yeah, yeah." Mr. Taylor knew what he meant immediately.

Mr. Robertson must have thought that they would get in his way if they stayed any longer.

"Mr. Robertson, our munitions ..." Mr. Davies asked, licking his lips as he cheekily served Otis a cup of


"Got it." Otis waved his hand impatiently.

"Mr. Robertson, don't worry. We will definitely make you satisfied." Mr. Taylor rubbed his three fingers

together as if to indicate something.

"Huh." Otis laughed casually. He had got such a status and definitely he would not be short of money.

"Mr. Robertson, we're off now. Have a nice chat."

Mr. Davies and Mr. Taylor both finished and rushed to leave the VIP room.

If there was a door to the VIP room, she guessed they would have closed it for Otis, but unfortunately,

there was no doors to the VIP rooms in the convention center.

"Ms. Knowles, I hear you have an intelligence design business?" Otis asked, "Is there anything, any

product that would interest me?"

In fact, before they all left, Joyce thought it was Mr. Davies and Mr. Taylor who had asked her to come

to the VIP room.novelbin

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