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Chapter 446

Jacqueline was relieved after she told Luther all the things about the shares.

Right now there was still the problem of Charlotte, and it would be perfect if they could solve it too.

She saw Luther's surveying gaze falling on Charlotte.

She made a gesture to wipe her tears and said to Charlotte, "We should not have let you hear it. It’s so


Charlotte waved her hand, "Why, Jacqueline? Your business is my business. If there is anything you

need from the Heath family, just let me do it."

A smile of satisfaction hung from Jacqueline's lips, "Oh, Charlotte, there is indeed something I would

need your help with!"

She knew that Luther was stubborn and could not be force, and forcing him would only backfire. So she

would need to do something herself. She had had an idea, and she would see to it that the two of them

would get married.

"You know, Luther, you had been in a coma for a week. The Capital just happened to hold a real estatenovelbin

bidding recently." Jacqueline said.

"I know, Casey has showed me the recent schedule, and I've seen it. R&S has submitted our price

offer, as requested." Luther glanced at Jacqueline and said lightly, "Since when do you care about


Jacqueline looked a little embarrassed. She knew she hadn't done anything for the R&S Group, when

Stephanie was alive, she couldn't get involved even if she wanted to, and after Stephanie passed away

there was literally nothing she could do because of Joyce. For all this time, she had not given much

thought to the business of the R&S Group.

"Hey, it's all because you were in a coma back then, or what could I do? Mr. Longman found me the

day before yesterday. He told me something about the Capital real estate bidding thing. It seems that

this time the capital government wants to build their latest and largest CBD in the Capital, and this

bidding will be the center of their construction project. They will build the tallest landmark building in this

country, and there will be quite a good number of commercial buildings, subway stations, high-speed

rail stations and everything. However, because there is a secret underground military base under the

land. Therefore, there are many things that would require special procedures, and additional approval

from the military. Therefore, Mr. Longman came to me because he knew the relationship between our

family and the Heath family, and wanted me to help him a bit. If the Heath family is willing to help us, it

is really a piece of cake,” Jacqueline said, stealing a few glances at Luther from time to time.

Shelly stood up at this point and poured Luther a cup of tea.

"Brother, you must be thirsty, hurry up and drink it."

Luther took it and sipped it gently.

What Jacqueline said obviously did not impress him, and he said lightly, "I have read the paperwork

prepared by Casey, the price is very high. With the Warner family's strong financial resources, we can

win the bid without the assistance of others."

Charlotte sat right next to him, feeling a little embarrassed. In terms of financial power, no one could

really be a match for the Warner family across the country.

"Definitely! Mr. Longman was concerned that there are times when money doesn't work well. For

example, this time, our competitors are all sons and daughters of high-ranking officials, and they have

already made connections up and down. If we do nothing, we may not be able to compete with our

financial strength alone."

Jacqueline explained, "Luther, I don’t really want to meddle in the business of the group. It was only

because you were in a coma that Mr. Longman had no choice but to find me. Since you are awake

now, I will pass this on to you, and it is up to you to decide exactly what to do."

She knew better than to say anything more. It might just backfire if she continued.

After the several times she had lost to Joyce, she learned her lessons.

She was extra cautious this time when she could finally have an opportunity.

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