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Chapter 318

The lobby of the private clinic was very grand, with marble floors, European-style décor, crystal

chandeliers, and if the staff weren't all wearing white medical uniforms, it would be almost impossible to

tell that this is a clinic.

"Hello, how can we help you with? Our main business is obstetrics and gynecology." In private clinics,

the service was always outstanding. A nurse enthusiastically came forward and asked, "We have the

most advanced equipment here in Khebury to give you the best experience, whether it's an

examination or a procedure."

"I would like, to consult about abortion …"

Joyce uncomfortably stroked her long hair and asked in a small voice.

"Please come with me over here, we have a special VIP consultation room, which can completely

protect your privacy, please don't worry." The nurse at the guide desk brought Joyce into a VIP box.

The door was then closed.

There was a doctor sitting inside, not very old, and when she saw Joyce, she asked directly, "How old

is the baby? Have you had an ultrasound? Are you sure you don't want it?"

Joyce was a little embarrassed by the question.

But for doctors, miscarriage was just a common occurrence, nothing strange. They had seen

teenagers, silver hairs in their seventies, couples, mistresses, etc. Some of them had even come here

for the operation five or six times. It was just normal for a woman the age of Joyce to have an abortion.

Joyce took out the ultrasound report from her bag that she had just got from St. Maria Hospital and

handed it to the doctor in front of her.

After the doctor looked at it, she frowned, "More than three months, I see that the pregnancy sac is

quite large. That would not be easy. You cannot do painless abortion. Let me explain to you, generally

the time for painless abortion is for women with an average of 6-to-8-week pregnancy, and three

months of pregnancy is far more than the best time for painless abortion, you must be hospitalized in

this case."

"Hospitalization?" Joyce had never experienced something like this before and froze.

"Yes, because the fetus at more than three months is already formed. We usually use medication first

to allow the fetus and placenta to flow out much as possible from the uterine cavity, and then use a

forceps scraping procedure to clear the uterus so that the endometrial residue is completely cleaned.

Of course, in this way, the degree of damage to the body is far greater than the negative pressure

attraction of painless abortion." The doctor responsibly explained in detail.

Induced labor, forceps scraping, Joyce could almost think about the gruesome picture in her head.

A fetus that had taken shape meant that the little life in her womb had arms and legs and a beating

fetal heart.

At the thought of brutally killing a small life that had already taken shape, a chill ran down her spine,

and her sweat stood on end.

"You can think it over. If you need surgery, I can make an appointment for you from my side. The

sooner the better, you can't delay any longer in your current situation. The bigger the fetus the greater

the risk, and many pre-operative tests need to be redone." The doctor handed the ultrasound report

back to Joyce.

Joyce suddenly stood up and hastily shoved the ultrasound report back into her bag, "I'm sorry, doctor.novelbin

I'll think about it again."

After saying that, she fled from the VIP clinic and ran out of the clinic without looking back.

She ran along, and when she looked back again, she found herself in the middle of a noisy street.

Her heart was pounding and her mind was blank. Looking numbly at the pedestrians coming and going,

she could hardly believe what she had just done. She didn't even want a baby.

This is a living, breathing little life. Already a child with hands and feet, and she could even imagine the

child's future cute chubby face. And she almost moved to kill.

It was cruel, and she felt deeply disgusted that she had ever had such a thought.

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