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Chapter 2002 Undercover

Chapter 2002 Undercover

The air felt suffocating.

Breathing became increasingly difficult.

Joyce suddenly felt a chill run down her spine, her entire body tingling. What did Darrin's late-nightmessage mean? There was an undercover agent among them! And so close to her! So close to thechildren!

She jolted awake, struggling to get out of bed, heading towards the door.

But Luther grabbed her, "Where are you going?"

"I need to check on Wilson and Cullen, and Anderson and Iris!" Joyce was sweating, her voicetrembling.

Luther pulled her back, "Don't get agitated. The enemy is in the dark, while we are in the light. If wecan't accurately pinpoint the person, suspecting the wrong individual could be even moredangerous."

He pulled Joyce into his embrace, calmly analyzing the situation for her.

"The only ones who could know our family affairs are the maids or security personnel. Severalmaids have been with us for over half a month, and if the target was the children, they would havehad ample opportunity to strike. Calm down first, let's analyze this carefully. We must not tip ourhand too soon."

Joyce nodded, forcing herself to calm down. She knew Luther was right. The other party had noidea they were onto them. Once the undercover person realized they were exposed, they would bedriven to desperate measures, making the situation more perilous for them.

Taking a few deep breaths, Joyce asked, "Who do you think it could be?"

Luther squinted his deep eyes, leading Joyce to sit on the sofa in the room. They had lost all senseof sleep by now. Who would have thought that on such a seemingly calm night, such news wouldbreak out?

"As you said, first, we can rule out Chinn, as his chances are slim." Luther closed his eyes, filteringthrough all the personnel in his mind. "I don't think it's the security personnel either, as there havebeen no changes since you gave birth. Based on the information Summer provided us, it should besomeone who was inserted after you gave birth."

"Based on your deduction, it can only be one of the four maids. Elsa, Jane, Mrs. Brown, and Mrs.Powell, among them. Who do you think is most likely?" Joyce tightened her grip, "I haven't noticedanything unusual during my interactions with them. It seems I'm not sharp enough."

"Think back carefully. Who seems suspicious to you? Even the slightest discomfort or oddity canhelp us. Let's analyze together." Luther took Joyce's hand and held it in his palm.

"Hmm. Let me think." Joyce's clear eyes glazed over as she delved into thought.

She went through recent events in her mind like a revolving lantern.

"Elsa is the most meticulous and careful person. She is a distant relative of my mother and wastransferred from the warlords. She has never made a mistake in her work. I can't think of anythingsuspicious about her. As for Jane, she is kind and easy to get along with. She is very polite to me,and I've observed her getting along well with others. Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Powell are younger than

her, and they have never acted superior. Most importantly, only Jane can hold Wilson. If there wereany issues with Jane, then Wilson would have to be cared for by me temporarily."

Luther shook his head, "Let's not focus on Jane for now. Wilson is very discerning by nature; Ibelieve he wouldn't choose the wrong person."

"I hope so."

Although Joyce said this, she didn't dare to bet, as Wilson was just a baby.

"The other two maids were recruited from outside. We should keep a closer eye on them. EspeciallyMrs. Powell, with her background being somewhat pitiable, she would be more susceptible. Whatdo you think?" Joyce thought carefully.

Luther narrowed his long eyes, "Following this line of thinking, we should be cautious."

"Otherwise, should we have them all leave tomorrow?" Joyce's expression turned cold, "I'llpersonally oversee them, it's better than worrying every day."

"We can't be too careful. What if we're heading in the wrong direction? It could provoke the otherparty and force them to act prematurely. Then we would have no room to retaliate." Luther remindedher, "I've thought about what you're suggesting, and I even considered sending the children to thewarlords' quarters. But what if the enemy is already among them? What then?"

Joyce bit her lip, knowing Luther was right.

She nodded, "Yes, you're right."

"At the moment, we know there's an undercover agent. But they aren't aware we've caught on. Ourimmediate priority is to probe each of them one by one until we find the real mole. Then we can act.As long as we remain still, the other party won't move, and the children will be safe." Luther lightlynovelbin

patted Joyce, "Get some sleep, you can't show too much nervous tension. It will alert the other partyand make them vigilant."

Joyce took a deep breath, "How could I possibly sleep? I want to check on Wilson and Cullen.Would it be okay if I brought Wilson to sleep with us tonight?"

Luther pondered briefly, "Sure, it's a chance to observe Jane's reaction. You go, I'll wait here."

With that, Joyce got up,

And went to the door of the nursery.

She pushed the door gently, and the room's light was on, indicating someone had just been there.

Jane was not asleep; she sat up upon hearing movement, looking towards the door.

"Madam, it's late, why are you here?" Jane asked.

Joyce approached Wilson, "I suddenly woke up in the middle of the night, had a nightmare, so Icame to check on the child."

Jane smiled, "Wilson was restless a while ago; I changed his diaper and fed him some milk. Nowhe's back asleep."

Joyce gently touched Wilson's delicate face, "I want to take him to our room and have him sleepwith us."

She picked Wilson up from the crib.

"Alright, let me prepare." Jane quickly got up to gather things like diapers, wet wipes, etc. "Untilmorning, as usual, Wilson might need to be fed once more. I'll prepare it for you and keep it in athermos. If he cries, give him a bit of milk."

"Okay, got it." Joyce held Wilson and went to the neighboring room to check on Cullen.

Cullen was sound asleep, and Mrs. Powell, who was caring for him, was also asleep, seeminglyundisturbed.

Joyce quietly slipped out.

Carrying Wilson, she said to Jane, "Taking care of the children consecutively must be exhausting foryou. Rest well tonight."

"Thank you, Madam." Jane nodded.

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