Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther)

Chapter 1998: Opening A New Company
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Chapter 1998: Opening A New Company

Chapter 1998: Opening a New Company

Joyce returned to her study and slumped into the office chair in front of her desk. She was coveredin sweat, feeling hot and slightly annoyed, which only made her even hotter.

Originally planning to try on wedding dresses in the afternoon, she had intended to visit JKIntelligence. But now, she had been drained of all her energy and had no desire to move. She wouldhave to work tomorrow. She seriously suspected that he had done this on purpose, finding everypossible way to keep her at home.

Oh well.

Joyce opened her computer and decided not to go out today. Instead, she would handle somebusiness online. Alisha's shooting coach, Chinn, would arrive in the evening, so she needed tomake arrangements.

She opened her email and browsed through her messages, working for a short while.

Suddenly, the video call icon on her desktop lit up. The caller was none other than Kane.

Joyce hesitated for a moment before answering the call. On the other end of the video call, Kane'syoung, vibrant face appeared.

"Hey, sis, good afternoon!" Kane's voice was clear and cheerful.

Joyce frowned. "It's the middle of the night over there. Why aren't you sleeping?"

"I can't sleep, I miss you," Kane replied.

"Stop being cheeky. What do you want?" Joyce scolded.

"Sis, you're not being considerate enough. I heard that Wilson and Cullen are almost a month old,and you didn't even inform me! I was planning to ask you in a couple of days, thinking it was yourdue date. I only found out when Andres told me while we were playing online! I think I might be thelast one to know!" Kane complained.

Joyce apologized, feeling genuinely sorry. "I forgot to tell you. I gave birth a month early and wastoo busy at the time. It completely slipped my mind."

Kane felt even more aggrieved. "You really forgot about me. You left me behind in Mufron! Not coolat all."

Joyce couldn't argue with that. "Sorry about that. What do you want? I'll try to make it up to you."

Kane, relenting, said, "Never mind. Talking about it might hurt our relationship. Sis, you look tired. Isit because of the baby? Taking care of a newborn must be exhausting."

Joyce shook off her fatigue. However, it had nothing to do with taking care of a child. It was mostlydue to someone annoying!

"Yeah, a little bit. By the way, how is the situation at JK Intelligence and Mufron now?" she asked.

"With me there, do you really need to worry? The orders keep increasing, and three newtechnologies have been implemented. The company is thriving. Sis, I'm considering whether tomove the headquarters back to Khebury. I don't want to stay here alone. It's so boring! I want towork with you," Kane whined, pouting like a big boy.

Joyce considered it. "I've thought about it, too. Either way, my future will be in Khebury. But do youreally not want to inherit the family business?"

"Of course not, sis! How many times do I have to say it? I have no interest in the media. I lovecomputer technology. It's my life," Kane emphasized.

"Let me think about it," Joyce nodded.

Kane was eager. "Sis, think about it quickly. I can't wait to go back! Can I see Wilson and Cullen?"

"They're sleeping, and I'm in the study. I was about to handle some business. How about I send youpictures later?" Joyce suggested.

Kane agreed, albeit a little disappointed. "Okay, but don't forget."

"I won't," Joyce assured him.

"How's the situation over there? I heard that Jude was kidnapped some time ago but was safelyreleased. Is that true?" Kane suddenly turned serious.novelbin

"Yes," Joyce admitted. "That's why I wanted you to stay in Mufron. Jude's kidnapping is related towarlords. It shouldn't affect you directly, but I'm still worried."

"I'm more worried about you! Sis, I can help if I go back!" Kane insisted. "Let me go back. I can buya plane ticket anytime I want. I asked for your permission because you understand why."

Joyce understood Kane's respect for her. With Jude retiring early, she was in dire need of technicalpersonnel. However, she didn't want to involve Kane. If she did, would he really be safe outside? Ifthe other party really wanted to harm them, what information couldn't they find? She would have nocontrol over the situation.

"Kane, are you willing to do this? Open a branch in Rohomes?" Joyce's eyes lit up. She had afeeling that everything started in Rohomes. If she could infiltrate Rohomes, even if it was only atemporary base, it would be better than knowing nothing.

"Rohomes? Open a branch? Right now?" Kane was very surprised. "To expand our market? Wecan't even handle the current orders. It seems unnecessary."

"It's not for market expansion. I just have a hunch that Rohomes might have the answers I'm lookingfor," Joyce didn't reveal everything. "Darrin is one of my bodyguards and he's in Rohomes. If you goand open a branch, he can help you."

Kane didn't ask too many questions. "It's just opening a branch. No big deal. Sis, leave it to me. Ipromise to support whatever you ask me to do. Whether it's going through fire and water, I'll bethere for you."

His sincere promise made Joyce chuckle.

"Don't be so dramatic. Where's the fire and water? I wouldn't dare to ask you to do anything unsafe.Opening a branch, contacting some clients, and handling a few orders. That's it," she clarified.

"Got it, sis. I understand. I know you want to gather information about Rohomes through the branch.Don't worry, Media is my family's specialty. I have connections and information channels. It won't bedifficult for me. I can even set up the company directly in our family's Rohomes Media Building. I'llhave contacts and stay low-key," Kane reassured.

"Great idea," Joyce agreed. "I'll contact Darrin later to help you."

"Okay!" Kane gestured.

"I have to go. I have work to do. Goodbye," Joyce waved and ended the video call.

At that moment, Luther gently pushed open the door to the study.

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