Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther)

Chapter 1989 Preparing For The Wedding
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Chapter 1989 Preparing For The Wedding

Chapter 1989 Preparing for the Wedding

The days with children passed by quickly, and half a month had already flown by. It had been morethan 20 days since Joyce gave birth.

Today was the weekend, and both Anderson and Alisha were at home.

Joyce had an impatient temperament, and despite everyone's opposition, she had already gone toJK Intelligence yesterday to handle a day of work before returning home. Today, Luther absolutelyrefused to let her go out again.

Early in the morning at home, the two of them had a slight argument.

Luther expressed his displeasure, "You haven't completed your postpartum recovery yet, and youworked all day yesterday. What else do you still need to handle? Let me handle it for you, or youcan handle it online at home."

"I haven't been there for more than half a month, and how can I finish all the piled-up work in a day?And there are many design details that I need to discuss with everyone. You keep preventing mefrom going out, how am I supposed to work?" Joyce raised her voice. "And I have already fullyrecovered, full of energy. You insist on keeping me at home. It's not like I'm in prison. Following theconfinement practices should depend on individual circumstances. It's not necessary to count thedays, waiting for the full 30 days to be over."

"I haven't been counting the days, you need to rest. Even at home, you're not at ease, taking care ofWilson and Cullen is tiring, and you should keep a bit of distance from outside matters." Luthergrabbed Joyce's arm. "Even after the confinement period, I hope you still take good care ofyourself."

"Jude was kidnapped before, luckily he returned safely, although I've already had him retire andcome home. But that doesn't mean the people in the company are unaware of this incident.Everyone is anxious, and I can't just stay at home. They will have more speculations. Do youunderstand? Grayson previously targeted JK Intelligence, where he also spent some time.Everyone knows him. After Jude's incident, I must boost everyone's morale. Whether I do more orless work is another matter. My presence or absence is what matters. Do you understand at all?"Joyce became anxious and struggled to free herself from Luther's grip.

"I understand, I'll let you go. But can it wait until the afternoon?" Luther said helplessly.

"Do you have something to do? Didn't you have the people from the wedding dress shop come toour house a few days ago? The wedding dress has already been chosen, and you don't need tobother me with the venue and other details." Joyce frowned.

Luther rubbed his forehead. How unreasonable that she was so indifferent to her own wedding. Itreally gave him a headache. He wanted to give her the grandest wedding to make up for pastregrets. But she didn't care at all.

"At first, the wedding dress is custom-made. It will be completed tomorrow, and I will have themsend it over. You need to try it on; adjustments are necessary if it doesn't fit." Luther emphasized,"My request isn't high, is it?"

"Okay. What else?" Joyce pouted.

"And the wedding ring..." Luther's words were interrupted by Joyce.

"Do we have to discuss this issue again? Just use the set of jewelry you made before. Isn't it goodenough?" Joyce looked up at Luther, her gaze sparkling.

She had been kidnapped by criminals before, and they demanded a ransom of 5 billion, to be paidin diamonds. Luther had prepared diamonds worth 5 billion and successfully rescued her. Thediamonds used for the ransom were given to Winston Jewelry Design, and a complete set of jewelrywas custom-made. It was luxurious enough. Now, for the wedding, he actually wanted to makeanother set, which was unnecessary.

"That set of jewelry is indeed good. But the style was designed several years ago, and the diamondring in the set is a bit small..." Luther furrowed his handsome brows. "After all, the diamonds usedback then were for the ransom, and the largest one was only five carats; the rest were around threecarats. They were almost enough for a complete set of jewelry, but the matching wedding ring is toosmall. The design back then was for an evening event, not suitable for a wedding."

Naturally, Luther was dissatisfied. Even if he was a billionaire, nowadays, even ordinary wealthyfamilies would buy a 5-carat diamond ring for their wedding. How could he settle for a 5-carat ringfor his long-awaited wedding?

"A 5-carat ring is still too small?" Joyce widened her eyes. "I tried wearing it a few days ago, and Ialready found it too heavy. Rings are meant to be worn, don't you know that it's inconvenient to dothings with a big diamond? From a day-to-day perspective, even 5 carats would be too big. Alright,this is my final emphasis. I don't want anything else; just this set. If you say anything else, then Iwon't get married!"


A stalemate for a moment.

"Fine, it will be as you wish. I won't bring it up again." Luther, feeling helpless, had to hug Joycetightly and soothe her in a gentle voice. Regardless of the situation, she had already given in byagreeing to the wedding, and he couldn't push her any further. If the ring was a bit small, it wouldhave to do.

"I will handle the rest. You don't need to worry. By the way," Luther paused, "this morning, my momand my sister will come to see you and the kids, along with my brother-in-law. Yehan went to theairport to pick them up."

"Oh." Joyce was startled for a moment.

It had been a long time since she had seen Shelly and Jacqueline.

"If you don't want to see them, you don't have to force it. I can tell them to go back directly becausethey only told me before they got on the plane." Luther held Joyce's hand. His mother already knewthat Joyce had given birth to twins and had been wanting to visit, but he hesitated and didn't agreeuntil Shelly persuaded him. After all, his mother suffered from Alzheimer's, and she didn't havemany days left to remember things. That was why he agreed.

This time, Jacqueline and Shelly would stay until after the wedding.

Joyce glared at Luther, "What are you thinking? Am I such a petty person? I was thinking earlier,they haven't returned to the country. Is your mother still undergoing treatment? How is she? Is hercondition under control?"

Luther shook his head, "Alzheimer's is irreversible. My mother's condition has developed quiterapidly. I can't say it's under control, only that it's been delayed. Fortunately, the treatment effect isstill good, and she can still recognize most of the people around her."

"That's good! When Shelly took her away, it was for better treatment," Joyce nodded. "When willthey arrive? I'll ask my mom to arrange for a get-together at noon. It's a coincidence that my momwill leave for the Capital tonight, so before she leaves, they can meet. It's been a long time sincethey've seen each other."

"Okay, no need for any special preparations. We're all family." Luther held Joyce in his arms. "Don'tmove, let me hold you for a little longer. We won't have any time alone once guests arrive. Yourmind is always on the kids, and it's hard for me to have a conversation with you."

"How is that possible? Clearly, you're the one taking up most of the time." Joyce rolled her eyes indisbelief. What a shameless man!

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