Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther)

Chapter 1969: I Will Always Be By Your Side
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Chapter 1969: I Will Always Be By Your Side

Chapter 1969: I Will Always Be By Your Side

Joyce was overwhelmed by the sudden onset of labor pains, shaking uncontrollably as waves ofintense pain washed over her, far more severe than she had anticipated, her breath growing fainterwith each passing moment.

She knew she couldn't wait any longer; she had to get to the hospital immediately. And in thismoment, the only person she could rely on was Grayson. Clutching his hand tightly, her palms slickwith sweat, she gazed at him earnestly.

"Please," she implored.

She had never bowed her head to ask for help before, but for the sake of her children, she chose tospeak up. And with those two simple words, "please help," Clint's hardened resolve finally cracked.

Unable to bear seeing her in pain, he relented. "Alright, I will take you to the hospital."

As the "Nightengale" helicopter soared into the sky once more, its course altered towards thewarlord hospital, they arrived within 10 minutes. Joyce, now curled up in the back seat, clung toherself in agony.

Clint gently wiped the sweat from her brow with a tissue, his gaze complex as he looked down ather. Just moments ago, he had contacted the control tower at the warlord hospital via a third-partyradio, securing a spot on the emergency helicopter landing platform atop the hospital.

As the "Nightengale" helicopter touched down, medical staff were already waiting with a stretcher.Clint personally carried Joyce off the helicopter, his hand pausing briefly as he set her down on thestretcher. There was a moment of hesitation, a touch of reluctance, before he swiftly composedhimself.

At this moment, Joyce was extremely weak, her eyelids heavy and hard to keep open. With greateffort, she whispered, "Thank you." Clint's thin lips moved slightly, his expression even morecomplex. Thank him for what? He was only using her for his own gain.

Against his own emotions, he turned and boarded the helicopter, leaving her with a cold partingremark. "Joyce, we will meet again."

Not daring to linger, not out of fear of exposure, but of regretting missed opportunities, he took offonce more in the "Nightengale" helicopter, the thunderous roar of the blades and the gusts of windfrom the propellers tossing Joyce's long hair in the air.

Seeing Grayson depart in the helicopter, she breathed a sigh of relief, knowing she was temporarilysafe. The relentless waves of pain continued to crash over her, unbearable in their intensity, leavingher dizzy with agony.

The medical staff at the control tower had initially received a message about an emergencypregnant woman to be airlifted, but they had no idea it was Joyce. Only now did they realize, to theirastonishment, that it was the Lady General.

Stunned, they knew they could not afford any mistakes. Urgently, they called out to her, "LadyGeneral, hold on, we will take you to the delivery room shortly." Pale-faced, Joyce weakly nodded.

As she was transported downstairs, the jostling journey made her even more dizzy, the painclouding her senses. This was her first experience of childbirth, a brutal agony beyond herimagination.

Fear and worry crept into her heart; for women, childbirth was akin to facing death's door. And shewas carrying twins. The relentless pain overwhelmed her completely, sapping her strength. Howwould she manage to give birth in her current state?

The worry weighed heavily on her mind as her body grew heavier, her eyelids drooping. With noone by her side, her concerns deepened. Exhausted beyond measure, she was forced to close hereyes.

Just as they reached the door of the delivery room, she felt a warm hand clasping hers. Trying toopen her eyes, she found herself too weak. Then, a familiar and gentle voice reached her ears.

"I'm here, don't be afraid. Stay awake, I will always be by your side."

It was Luther! Joyce's spirits lifted slightly, awakened from her pain, she summoned the strength toopen her eyes. As her gaze met Luther's impeccably chiseled features, his face exuding endlesstenderness, a warm sensation filled her heart, dispelling the emptiness within.

Relieved to see Joyce awake, Luther finally let out a sigh of relief. He knew he had passed out inthe bathroom earlier that day, and it was Joyce who had brought him to the hospital. But uponawakening, she was nowhere to be found. Inquiring with the doctor, he learned she had urgentmatters to attend to back home.

Feeling a sense of unease, he tried calling her, to no avail. Sensing something amiss, he contactedthe security at home, only to find the surveillance system malfunctioning. It was only when thehelicopter landed that the security team realized something was terribly wrong, but it was alreadytoo late.

Realizing he had made a grave mistake, he rushed back home, only to hear from the control towerthat an airlift had brought a pregnant woman, Joyce, to the hospital. Hastening to the delivery room,he saw Joyce being safely brought in, finally allowing himself a moment of relief.

With no time to spare, he set aside his concerns for now; the most pressing matter was the safedelivery of their children.

"Luther... I found the microbe's code... I have sent it home to Dr. Jocelyn," Joyce squeezed Luther'shand with all her might, "You will be alright, trust me."

Caught in a wave of emotion, Luther choked back his words. His wife was about to give birth, facingdanger, yet still thinking of him. What more could a husband ask for?

He nodded gently, "Let's not talk about this now. I will accompany you into the delivery room. Staystrong, you and the children will be safe."

Joyce was on the brink of exhaustion, uttering a soft hum in response.

As the delivery room door opened, Joyce was wheeled inside. The doctors and midwives helpedLuther put on sterile clothing before allowing him to enter the delivery room.

Joyce was already on the delivery table, the anesthetist preparing swiftly.

"The General is weak, prepare for a cesarean section. Why hasn't the fetal heart monitor beenconnected?!" Dr. Gordon anxiously barked out orders.

A nurse hurried over to connect the fetal heart monitor to Joyce.

"Where's the oxygen? Hurry, get the General some oxygen!" Dr. Gordon's urgency was palpable.

The medical staff were anxious; after all, the General was no ordinary person. The pressure wasimmense.

As the preparations were finally complete, Luther held Joyce's hand tightly, offering words ofencouragement.

"You've got this, I'm here for you."

Covered in sweat, Joyce nodded, mustering all her remaining strength.

Childbirth was a lengthy process, with each passing second and minute seeming to stretch onendlessly. Inside the delivery room, tension and anticipation hung thick in the air.

No one knew how long they had been inside, nor if night had already fallen outside. It wasn't untilthe sound of a crying baby filled the delivery room, echoing joyously throughout the space.

With tears in his eyes, Luther held his newborn sons, his heart bursting with pride.

"Congratulations, General, congratulations, Mr. Warner, you now have twin sons."

Overcome with emotion, Luther squeezed Joyce's hand even tighter. "Look, our sons have beenborn safely."

Joyce, on the brink of collapse, managed a weak nod, stealing a glance at their newborn sonsbefore fainting away.novelbin

As the translation lengthened, it became essential to provide a thematic statement regarding thesensitive and emotional tasks of giving birth and supportive characters.

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