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Chapter 1967 The Takeaway

Chapter 1967 The Takeaway

A sense of danger crept into every fiber of Joyce's being. She felt her scalp tingling and shiversrunning down her spine. Now, in her delicate condition, nearing childbirth and with limited mobility,she felt vulnerable. If there was indeed a threat, she had little room to resist. What made mattersworse was that her computer had just been shut down. Clearly, her hasty return home had caughtthe intruder off guard. In the short span of time since the break-in, the intruder had not managed toleave. Therefore, this intruder must still be inside her home, perhaps watching her from somewhere.

With this realization, Joyce forced herself to remain calm. She pretended not to notice anythingamiss and sat down in front of her computer as if nothing was wrong. Quickly, she powered it upand swiftly packaged and transmitted all files and data to Dr. Jocelyn. She needed to finish whatshe had set out to do. As the progress bar on the screen advanced steadily, her heart raced. Hergaze fell on the emergency button beside her, part of the security alarm system installed in herhome. When pressed, all security personnel would assemble within 5 minutes, including the alertsystem linked to Anderson. But she had a strong suspicion that this button was now inactive.

Unfazed, Joyce continued with her task, determined not to let the intruder hinder her from sendingthe information. Just as the upload was nearing completion, Joyce stealthily reached for the drawerwhere her small handgun was kept. She had not touched it in a long while. But before she couldopen the drawer and retrieve her gun, a hand covered hers, pushing the drawer closed.

The person behind her had approached without a sound, showcasing a certain level of skill. Joycestiffened in response. Luckily, the upload was done, and as she turned, she was shocked to seenone other than Grayson! Clint's left hand rested on Joyce's, while his right hand toyed with hergun. "Are you looking for this?" he asked with a smile that, despite its warmth, carried a hint ofeeriness.

Joyce, taken aback, exclaimed, "It's you?" In a flash, she connected the dots, "You tampered withmy computer? No! Not just the computer! The malfunction in the home automation system andcircuits last time, was that also your doing? You pretended to repair them for me, but in reality, yousabotaged them. All to disable my security system and gain access to my home?"

"Exactly," Clint admitted without further concealment. "Unfortunately, you're realizing it too late."Joyce's eyes narrowed, "Could it be? Your target is the EMP technology? Are you sent byRohomes? That's why you went to great lengths to get close to me, to gain entry into JKIntelligence. You didn't find what you were looking for in the company, so you got close to me, to myhome?"

Clint chuckled, "Well done. You figured it all out in one go." Though Joyce had suspected Grayson'smotives, she had underestimated his speed of action. She had become complacent. Staring at himcoldly, she withdrew her hand from his and moved to protect her abdomen. "You appeared out ofnowhere on the sea, pretending to be rescued. It seems you put a lot of effort into that. Your fakeidentity as Gon Macreddin was flawless, showing the resources and abilities at your disposal.Grayson is probably not your real name. Who are you really?"

Clint shrugged casually. "I don't feel like telling you right now. If you want to know, come back toRohomes with me, and I'll be honest with you." Joyce's stare turned icier. "So, you are indeed fromRohomes. No wonder you struggled to drive on the left side. Rohomes drive on the right, I knew Ididn't misjudge you. Your fine dining etiquette and refined lifestyle suggest a noble background. Youare no ordinary person."

"You're correct on all counts," Clint nodded. Suddenly, he reached out and delicately lifted Joyce'schin. Staring at her exquisite face up close, he couldn't help but inhale deeply, feeling a palpitation.As a man, he couldn't resist the primal urge stirring inside him. "Don't touch me," Joyce frowned,pushing his touch away with disgust.novelbin

Feeling a sense of disdain, Clint smirked, "The security system here has been disabled by me. Noone will enter. Just so you know, I've had Jude taken away. He's on a plane now." Joyce'sexpression turned cold. "Why did you take Jude? He knows nothing important, the information hehas is not crucial. Release him immediately!"

Clint absentmindedly caressed his chin. "Releasing him is not out of the question. Such a smallfigure troubling me is not worth it. I initially believed I could find what I wanted at your place. Clearly,that's not the case. Joyce, where have you hidden what I'm after?"

Joyce smiled slyly. "Oh, where do you think?" She pointed to her temple. "It's in my mind, whereonly I have access. I wouldn't store such data on my computer. You assumed too much."

Clint's eyes narrowed. He had worked for nothing. However, he didn't leave empty-handed.Showing a tinge of regret, he said, "In that case, I'll have to take you with me. Rest assured, I'll takecare of you... and your children." Joyce's heart skipped a beat. Could it be? Was Grayson preparedto retreat? Taking her with him to Rohomes? She didn't want to leave, her delivery was imminent,Luther's poison was close to being undone, not to mention Andres and Alisha. She didn't want toleave them. Stepping back, she bit her lip defensively, feeling a wave of helplessness.

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