Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther)

Chapter 1947: The Princess Among The Stars
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Chapter 1947: The Princess Among The Stars

Chapter 1947: The Princess Among the Stars

The classroom erupted into cheers after a brief moment of silence. Children stood up, clapping their

hands, some shouting "welcome, welcome." Others jumped and yelled, all displaying excitednovelbin


"Wow, Anderson's sister is so beautiful."

"Yes, like an angel."

"So cute."

"I really like her."

Suddenly, all attention turned to Alisha.

Mr. Middleton could no longer contain the atmosphere in the classroom as children kept leaving their

seats to run up to her. Mr. Middleton tried to get them back to their seats, but more and more kids

gathered around her.

Gradually, Mr. Middleton lost control, unable to shout above the noise, as children surrounded Alisha.

Feeling a bit embarrassed, Alisha fidgeted with her hands, unaccustomed to being surrounded by so

many people all of a sudden. She felt a bit fearful.

Seeing this, Anderson walked up from the back and gently separated the children, taking Alisha's hand.

"Come, let's sit in the front row."

Alisha nodded quickly, huddling close to Anderson.

Finally managing to pull the children away, Mr. Middleton told Alisha, "Go on, the seat in front of

Anderson is for you."

She then exclaimed, "All children, please return to your seats. It's time to start the lesson."

Other children returned to their seats, enthusiastically glancing back at Alisha, their eyes full of


Anderson tapped Alisha's shoulder, encouraging her, "Don't be afraid. They won't bite. I'm here."

Alisha nodded, reassured. It wasn't fear that made her uncomfortable; it was just the unfamiliarity of the

situation. But meeting so many new friends made her very happy. In her previous memories, she was

always locked in a room, isolated from the outside world. She took a deep breath, reminding herself to

stay strong.

Meanwhile, some children were whispering among themselves.

"Do you think Alisha is beautiful, or Kiki?"

"Of course, Alisha is beautiful. Just look at her brother, they look alike. Obviously siblings."

"I agree. I used to think Kiki was beautiful, like a fairy in my eyes. But now with Alisha here, Kiki is


"Well, each has their beauty," some disagreed.

"I don't care, I want to be friends with Alisha."

"Me too."

"Me too."

Kiki overheard these conversations, and her expression changed as she felt a twinge of jealousy.

Despite the fact that Alisha was Anderson's sister and getting closer to Anderson meant getting closer

to Alisha, making friends and building a relationship with her was inevitable. But as a girl, seeing the

beautiful Alisha, Kiki couldn't help but feel envious. Competition among peers always stirred up some


Kiki subconsciously adjusted her hair, trying to look more beautiful.

Westbrook noticed this subtle movement and gently pulled Kiki close, comforting her, "Kiki, you are

always the most beautiful in my eyes."

"Really?" Kiki looked back at him.

Westbrook nodded firmly, "I picked a hairpin for you. I'll bring it tomorrow, and it will make you even

more beautiful."

Kiki raised an eyebrow, not quite believing him.

"Forget it."

She glanced at Alisha with a hint of hostility, realizing that she might lose her position as the most

popular girl in the class.

"Quiet everyone, it's time for class," Mr. Middleton raised his voice, silencing the room.

The children settled down as the first lesson began, an English class. Mr. Middleton turned on a large

screen and played English nursery rhymes, singing and dancing, teaching the children simple

pronunciation and vocabulary.

Anderson didn't need to listen to this; he already knew it all. For him, school was a waste of time, so he

brought a mini-computer to school to pass the time. But because Alisha hadn't learned before,

Anderson didn't play games today. Instead, he sat next to her and tutored her, teaching her things she

hadn't learned before.

Alisha had an excellent memory, quickly picking up what she was taught.

Before they knew it, it was time for lunch. Several boys eagerly surrounded Alisha, helping her get a

chair, serving her food, and even passing her chopsticks and spoons.

Alisha felt a bit embarrassed, smiling awkwardly, "Thank you!" She had been shy and quiet before, not

used to socializing on her first day.

Her gratitude caused a stir among the children.

"Wow, your voice is so pleasant to listen to."

"You speak like you're singing. Please talk to me more. Please!"

"Can I be your friend?"

"After school, can you come to my house? My Mom cooks delicious food."

The chatter bombarded Alisha's ears.

Unable to bear it any longer, Anderson shooed them away, "Quiet down, can't you let her eat?"

The children dispersed.

Taking her lunch tray, Kiki quietly moved to a corner and ate alone.

Seeing this, Westbrook sat beside Kiki with his own tray, comforting her with sweet words, "I'll be here

with you. I'll always be by your side."

Kiki's gaze remained fixed on Anderson. Unfortunately, Anderson didn't spare her a second glance.

Feeling annoyed, Kiki suddenly asked Westbrook, "You wouldn't betray me, right?"

Kiki half-believed him, "You better not deceive me."

Kiki glared at him, "Enough, stop talking. What could I possibly make you do? Hmph."

Meanwhile, Anderson was helping Alisha adjust to school life.

Before long, Alisha had blended in seamlessly, thoroughly enjoying her time at school, her face lit up

with a radiant smile.

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