Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther)

Chapter 1933: Kindness Is Not A Cheap Virtue
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Chapter 1933: Kindness Is Not A Cheap Virtue

Chapter 1933: Kindness is not a Cheap Virtue

Joyce was the closest to Munin when a man named Munin suddenly grabbed her arm. "No, I can't go

back. I will die, I will die for sure!"

Luther, feeling nervous, quickly moved to protect Joyce.

Joyce gently shook her head. "It's okay, he can't hurt me."

Joyce tried to comfort Munin. "Don't get worked up. First, I want to confirm, have you lost your

memory? You can't remember who you are, but you remember someone wanting to kill you?"

Munin held his head with his other hand and said, "My head hurts, there are fragments fighting in my

mind. I really can't remember who I am. Munin? That person just now said my name is Munin, right?


He struggled to remember, but couldn't.

"I don't know, I really don't know what my name is. But there are a few fragments that keep repeating in

my mind. Someone wants to harm me, they, they pushed me into the sea. They had guns, no, I can't


He was in great pain, released Joyce, and held his head with both hands.

Joyce and Luther exchanged glances.

At this moment, a lifeguard said, "Based on our experience, we believe he fell into the sea last night.

Luckily, he held onto a floating object and managed to survive until now. According to the distance and

wind speed, it is entirely possible for him to drift from the international waters near Country W to here."

"You mean someone tried to kill him on the high seas. He was lucky to drift here and be discovered bynovelbin

us?" Luther asked.

"Yes, that's my initial suspicion. We can involve the maritime police for a detailed investigation," the

lifeguard replied.

At that moment, another lifeguard brought a thin blanket and covered Munin. They also handed him a

cup of hot water.

"Keep yourself warm for now, drink some hot water. You're showing signs of hypothermia. It will take

time to reach the shore, so you need to stay warm," the lifeguard instructed.

Munin took the cup and said, "Thank you."

At this moment, he still looked dazed. Holding the hot water, he took a few sips slowly, almost choking.

The sudden warmth made his whole body tremble violently. Wrapped in the blanket, he appeared weak

and helpless.

Joyce felt compassion.

She stood up and said to Luther, "Since we've saved him, we can't just ignore him. After all, he's being

chased by someone and has amnesia. He doesn't know who wants to harm him, and that's the most

dangerous thing. If we rashly send him back to Country W, it's no different from killing him. If we hand

him over completely to the police, what if they find him through special channels? He won't escape

death either. We saved him in vain."

Luther frowned, knowing Joyce's kind-hearted nature.

He pulled her aside.

"We're not saints, we can't save everyone. I know you're kind, but kindness is not a cheap virtue.

Besides, how do you know if what he's saying is true or false? What if he's deceiving us or has ulterior

motives, pretending to have amnesia? What if we fall into a trap? Think about it, why is it so

coincidental? He appears in the sea area and we happen to encounter him."

Joyce furrowed her brow. "Have you been under too much stress recently? I think your deduction is

unfounded. First of all, our decision to go fishing was impromptu. Plus, who would know our

whereabouts? How could someone manage to be conveniently encountered by us? It's clearly just a

coincidence that we happened to save him."

Luther frowned, "You have a point. I have been overly cautious, mainly because of our past

experiences. I've been thinking deeply, and it's for your own good."

He glanced down at Joyce's swollen belly.

"We don't have the energy to deal with trivial matters with your due date approaching. Let's leave it to

the police to handle it. We've done our part."

Joyce bit her lip, hesitating. Luther was right.

At that moment, Munin, sitting on the ground, sneakily glanced at Joyce, his gaze filled with


He spoke up voluntarily, "You don't have to feel obligated. Hand me over to the police. I should have

died, but you saved me today. I'm deeply grateful and will remember your great kindness. I don't dare

to ask for more. Thank you."

With that said, he weakly supported his frail body and stood up crookedly, bowing deeply in gratitude to

Joyce and Luther.

Catching a glimpse of the child in Joyce's womb, he placed a hand on his waist and revealed a pale


"You will be the best mother in this world, gentle, kind-hearted, and pure. Your soon-to-be-born child is

truly fortunate. I wish for all your desires to come true and for everything to go smoothly. After we reach

the shore, let us part ways."

Joyce opened her mouth, momentarily at a loss for words.

However, at that moment, Munin suddenly staggered and fell heavily with a loud thud. The cup in his

hand spilled all over the floor.

Surprised, Joyce exclaimed, "What happened to him?"

Having said that, the lifeguard repeatedly pressed Munin's pressure point.

Luther furrowed his brow, clenched his fists, released them, and clenched them again.

Finally, he agreed, "Alright, I'll follow your lead."

Joyce smiled lightly and said, "That's settled then."

Luther embraced Joyce, "You've been standing for too long. Let me help you inside the cabin to rest for

a while. Don't worry about anything else."

"Okay," Joyce nodded.

They walked away together, heading towards the cabin.

Meanwhile, under the lifeguard's "rescue," Munin suddenly opened his eyes.

He stared intently at Joyce's figure, his eyes filled with an eerie light.

His name wasn't Munin at all. It was all part of his plan.

His real name was Clint!

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