Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther)

Chapter 1916: Heading In Different Directions
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Chapter 1916: Heading In Different Directions

Chapter 1916: Heading in Different Directionsnovelbin

As Torrance left with Kiki, about five minutes later, Felix and Vicki returned to the ward. They had just

been to the doctor's office to see the CT scan of Westbrook's brain. They found Joyce, Luther, and

Anderson already in the ward.

"Hey, you're here. Why don't you sit down? The doctor said it's not a big problem. Westbrook will wake

up soon. Kids recover quickly and won't have any aftereffects in the future," Vicki greeted them.

"I'd like to stand for a while," Joyce said, reaching out to hold Vicki and looking her up and down. "Do

you feel okay? Any unusual symptoms? Do you want to get a check-up while you're at it?"

Vicki smirked, "I'm not that fragile. Do I look like there's something wrong with me? Constantly getting

check-ups, I'm almost turning into something."

Felix, displeased, interjected, "Joyce, you really should talk some sense into her. She's never treated

herself as a pregnant woman. She's been busy all this time. We've already been back once to take

care of all the aftermath. Just an hour ago, we rushed back to the hospital, and she's off to the doctor's

office to see the scans, now waiting for Westbrook to wake up."

Luther raised an eyebrow, "It's your luck that Vicki takes charge."

"I've been worried too, on tenterhooks all the time," Felix said helplessly.

"You can stop worrying, I don't need you to manage me," Vicki said, pushing Felix away. "If Westbrook

doesn't wake up, you can go home and rest tonight, I'll stay at the hospital."

"You see, she's showing off again. Of course, I'll stay," Felix grumbled, "She never pays attention to her

own health."

"Alright, you two, stop bickering. Let's get Carlo to come and watch over the night. I feel like Westbrook

and Carlo have a close relationship," Joyce suggested. "Both of you, whoever it is, need good rest


Felix thought for a moment, "Alright. I'll make a call in a bit."

Vicki looked around, "Has Torrance taken Kiki back home already?"

"Yeah, they just left. The child was quite scared, it's better for her to go home tonight," Joyce replied.

"Oh, by the way, Torrance just told Kiki that the bad woman who kidnapped them is dead? But has

there been any progress on Christian's side?" Joyce asked.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. Yes, I got a report from the person I left with Christian. Athena suffered

extensive severe burns, was taken to an underground hospital, and the doctors judged that there was

no chance of saving her, so Christian personally gave Athena an injection. Five minutes later, Athena

passed away. She has been taken to the morgue," Vicki said in a casual tone, as though discussing the


Joyce paused, hearing the news of Athena's death. Though she felt it was expected, she was still

slightly shocked. After all the entanglement, Athena would no longer harm anyone.

Luther remained calm and silent. This was the ending Athena deserved.

"Is the news really true? Could it be false?" Felix was a bit uneasy, fearing that Athena might return.

Dealing with such a reckless woman was truly difficult.

"Absolutely true," Vicki glanced at Felix, "When you returned to the Saunders family, I left for a while. In

fact, I personally went to the morgue to see, Athena has indeed died. I met Christian and chatted with

him for a few moments. Christian said that after the cremation tomorrow, he will have someone take

Athena's ashes back to Rohomes. She doesn't deserve to be buried in the Ballard family's cemetery.

On the urn containing her ashes, he will engrave the name Athena, her real name. From where she

came, back to where she will go, cutting off the last tie between him and Athena. I think that's

Christian's intention."

Joyce fell silent for a moment.

She asked, "Vicki, do you think Christian is doing okay emotionally? Or should I go visit him in a few


Luther immediately frowned, wary, "Why would you go see him? As a man, he won't be unable to


Vicki chuckled, "Mr. Warner, such jealousy."

At the same time, she said to Joyce, "Indeed, Christian will be fine. In fact, from my judgment, his

feelings for Athena mostly remain in his youth, more like family love, far outweighing romantic love.

Added to that, Athena was in a coma, over time, memories became hazy, even he himself couldn't

distinguish. But later..."

Vicki paused, "Later, Christian metyou, and gradually shifted his affections to you, unknowingly. When

he realized, it was already too late. When he first approached you, it was indeed with the intention to

uncover the truth about Mr. Warner. He is an extremely responsible person. Even if only familial

feelings remain, he still holds an undeniable sense of responsibility towards Athena. The situation has

now evolved to this point, where he is thoroughly disappointed in Athena, and has completely let go, it's

also a release of many years of pent-up emotions. You don't need to worry, he can handle it."

Luther scoffed lightly, "I could tell something was off from his gaze before. Friends' wives should not be

trifled with, doesn't he understand this?"

Saying that, he pulled Joyce firmly to his side, asserting his authority.

Joyce gave him a speechless glare.

She asked, "What are Christian's plans for the future? With Athena's death, OGW has been completely

dismantled. The affairs of Rohomes have nothing to do with him. What else is he concerned about?"

Vicki shrugged, "In fact, the Ballard family has long been cleansed. They have been doing legitimate

business for over twenty years. With OGW gone, he won't need to concern himself with underworld

matters anymore. I probed a bit today, and Christian intends to relocate the Longshi company to

Mufron, and in the future, he will hardly come back."

Felix shrugged, "Once good brothers, now parting ways. Even if we say it openly, we can't return to the

past. Heading in different directions, heh."

Vicki was about to speak.

At that moment, there came a moaning sound from the bed.

Vicki was the first to react, "Westbrook might be waking up."

Felix turned immediately, "I'll call the doctor to come and check."

Joyce and Vicki reached the bedside first, and indeed, Westbrook's eyelids were fluttering, and he was

making whimpering sounds.

Joyce took Westbrook's hand and gently called, "Westbrook, wake up."

After a moment, Westbrook slowly opened his eyes.

When he saw the people around him and the surroundings, he asked in confusion, "Where am I? Who

are you?"

Vicki was stunned.

Joyce and Vicki exchanged a look, both inwardly surprised.

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