Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther)

Chapter 1912: Ultimate Warmth
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Chapter 1912: Ultimate Warmth

Chapter 1912: Ultimate Warmth

Cecelia was preparing a sumptuous meal. She walked from the kitchen into the living room, watching

her family harmoniously together. She smiled and said, "Why don't you have some snacks first, all

brought from the Capital. I just heated them up."

She placed the plate of snacks in front of them, "We have hawthorn pastries, cinnamon crisps, candied

fruits, crystal cakes, water chestnut cakes, and some pastries, grape cheese, yogurt cake. After eating,

I suggest you all take a bath. It's like coming back from outside, washing away any bad luck."

Joyce took the plate, "Good, I was thinking the same. After the bath, we can all rest for a while and

then have a big dinner together."

"Alright, I'm fine with that. I'll go wash by myself," Anderson put down his game controller and picked up

a piece of crystal cake from the plate, "These are really delicious. It's been so long since I've tasted

Grandma's cooking."

"Eat more," Luther patted his head.novelbin

"Unfortunately, I didn't help this time," Anderson shrugged his small shoulders, looking disappointed.

"How so? If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have found out so quickly about Westbrook and Kiki being

taken away. When the other party called, we wouldn't have been able to prepare in time. It's all thanks

to you," Luther praised generously.

"Really?" Anderson's eyes sparkled.

"Of course, you are the hero," Joyce lightly pinched Anderson's nose, "Go on, do you want Dad to

accompany you to the bath?"

"Okay," Anderson nodded.

"Big brother, can I bathe with you?" Alisha looked up, asking innocently.

"Um," Anderson hesitated. Although it was good that his sister was close to him, but...

"Alisha, boys and girls can't bathe together," Anderson said in all seriousness.

"Oh, can't Mom and Dad bathe together too?" Alisha's big round eyes were full of confusion, "What a


"Well, not exactly. When boys and girls who love each other get married, they can bathe together,"

Anderson thought of this explanation.

"Okay," Alisha looked disappointed, sitting on the ground with a pout.

Anderson didn't know how to cheer up his sister and started to feel anxious.

"Alisha, I'll take you to the rooftop to soak in the hot spring and enjoy the view, how about that?" Joyce

lifted Alisha up from the ground, asking softly, "You bathed with Grandma before. Today, do you want

Mom to wash your hair? I promise it'll be fragrant."

Alisha immediately became interested, "Hot spring? What's a hot spring? Is it fun? I want to go. Can

Dad come too? Dad has washed my hair before."

"Sure. I don't need to go along, you two go bathe together. I'll go by myself," Anderson quickly said and

ran off, leaving the heartwarming bath opportunity to his sister, dad, and mom. They had finally reunited

and he didn't want to spoil it.

Joyce looked at the sensible Anderson with relief.


"Alisha, hot springs are so much fun. Come, let me take you," Joyce walked towards the rooftop,

carrying Alisha. She glanced back at Luther, "Can you get a change of clothes for Alisha and bring a

glass of juice up?"

"Okay," Luther responded.

On the rooftop, in the hot spring room that provided 24-hour heating, white mist continuously rose. It

was hot, and as soon as they entered the hot spring, they felt a thin layer of sweat on their bodies.

"It's so hot, Mommy," Alisha looked around curiously. The feeling here was completely different from

the Capital. When they were in the Capital, she and her grandmother lived halfway up the mountain,

and every day, all she could see was lush greenery, far from tall buildings.

But here, in her dad and mom's home, standing in the bustling city. On the rooftop, looking into the

distance, all she could see were densely packed high-rise buildings, bridges spanning across, bustling

with activity.

Joyce helped Alisha take off her clothes and carried her into the hot spring pool. As the warm water

enveloped them, they instantly felt extremely comfortable.

Joyce had been tense for a long time, and now she finally felt a long-awaited relaxation. She took a

deep breath.

"Wow, it's so much fun," Alisha began to play in the water, splashing around.

Joyce just quietly watched, not stopping her frolicking. This heartwarming scene had been imagined in

her mind many times, and now that it was happening, she still felt a sense of unreality through the mist

of the hot spring.

At this moment, Luther brought the replacement clothes and placed the juice by the hot spring before

joining them in the water.

"Dad, come play with us," Alisha jumped and laughed in the hot spring, feeling happy.

Luther sighed softly, "Your mom really knows how to do it. I've never seen Alisha so happy before."

Joyce's gaze fell on the scar on Alisha's chest, now displaying a faint pink color. She had to admit that

Reuben's surgical stitches were very well done, the wound was straight and beautiful.

Luther nodded and lightly kissed her forehead, placing his hand on her slightly bulging abdomen,

"Everything will be fine, trust me. Look, Alisha is back. Now our whole family is finally reunited."

Joyce felt a pang in her heart and nodded.

Alisha shook her head, "No, it doesn't hurt at all. I've been better for a long time."

She walked up to Joyce and pointed to her chest, "Mommy, look, I don't feel anything now."

Alisha looked up, thinking for a moment, "Okay. But what about Grandma? Will Grandma stay with us


Joyce nodded, "Grandma will stay with Alisha for a while. Sometimes Grandma will be busy with her

own things, but whenever she's free, she'll come to see Alisha and make delicious meals for her,


Alisha thought for a moment and then nodded again, "Okay."

She paused, then smiled sincerely, "I'm really happy now that I have a dad, a mom, and a brother. I'm

really happy."

The innocent words made both Joyce and Luther choke up at the same time.

Indeed, this day had come with great difficulty.

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