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Chapter 1909: Let Him End It

Chapter 1909: Let Him End It

Athena lunged forward, the bottle in her hand already open. Just as she was about to splash sulfuric

acid onto Luther's handsome face, Joyce sensed something was wrong. She tried to push Luther away,

shouting, "Be careful, get back!"

But evidently, it was too late.

Just as Joyce felt despair creeping in, someone acted faster than her. Christian seized Athena's wrist

as she was about to commit the act. With a forceful twist, the highly concentrated sulfuric acid turned,

its colorless liquid splashing entirely onto Athena herself, and splattering onto his own hand, causing a

sizzling sound.

Cecelia acted swiftly, rushing to cover Alisha's eyes. In the next moment, she had already taken Alisha

from Luther's embrace, holding Alisha tightly, "I'll take the child out first."

After speaking, she quickly dashed out of the basement. Children shouldn't witness such a bloody


Numb from long-term drug use, Athena stood still for several seconds before emitting a piercing

scream of agony. Almost all the sulfuric acid had splashed onto her, especially her once proud delicate

face, including her eyes.

"Ahh, it hurts, it hurts!" she cried miserably, feeling her entire body burning as if it was melting. "My

eyes, my eyes can't see! My face, my God, my face is melting! Save me, someone save me, who will

save me!"

She collapsed to the ground, writhing in agony, devoid of any strength, rolling on the floor in pain.

Although she wanted to die, she had never thought of dying in such excruciating agony. She was

especially afraid of pain, otherwise, she wouldn't have constantly increased her dosage of painkillers.

She never dreamt that Christian, who had cherished her since she was little, would ultimately be the

one to destroy her. Christian looked coldly at the immensely suffering Athena, feeling no pity in his

heart. She had committed so many wrongdoings, and now she was reaping what she had sown. Since

the mistake began with him, it was only right that he should end it.

The scene happened too quickly, almost endangering Luther. Joyce, watching Athena writhing in pain

on the ground, felt lingering fear, her back drenched in cold sweat. If it wasn't for Christian's timely

intervention, the one suffering at this moment would have been Luther. Athena was downrightnovelbin

psychotic; if she couldn't have something, she wanted to destroy it, which was truly terrifying.

Seeing Christian's burned hand, Joyce whispered, hastily grabbing Christian's wrist, "You're injured!"

"It's nothing." Christian broke free, his facial expression unchanged despite the intense pain he was


At this moment, the back of his hand was burned beyond recognition by the sulfuric acid, impossible to

recover. But he had no regrets; the scars he would carry in the future would serve as a constant

reminder of the mistakes he had made.

Waving his hand, he said, "All of you leave, I'll handle this."

Athena had already fainted, lying motionless on the ground. Her face was no longer human-like,

grotesque and terrifying, her body in shambles.

Luther frowned, asking, "What are you going to do with her?"

Christian turned away, "She won't survive. With the deep-seated drug addiction and extensive burns,

not even the gods can save her... for the sake of the many years of brother-sister affection, I will give

her a merciful death. All of you leave, I will take care of this, she won't harm you anymore."

"Okay." Luther gathered Joyce to his side. "Let's go, don't look, it's not suitable for a pregnant woman to

see such a sight."

Joyce was somewhat worried about Christian but still allowed Luther to pull her away. Felix and Vicki

followed suit.

After leaving the basement, Felix couldn't help but ask Vicki, "Given your understanding of Christian, do

you think he will save Athena?"

Vicki shook her head, "Impossible. Once Christian makes a promise, he will definitely keep it. I guess

he will use euthanasia to ease Athena's suffering. It's his final act of kindness."

Felix sighed, "Actually, I don't hate Christian. Even though we've become estranged, he's a loyal man,

a victim. Well, it's all in the past, it's meaningless to dwell on it."

Vicki looked back, "It seems that from now on, the Ballard family will fade from people's view."

"Oh!" Felix suddenly remembered something and shouted to Luther and Joyce ahead, "Wait, Kiki and

Westbrook are still inside, we need to get them out! The two children must be terrified."

Luther glanced back at Felix, "You're remembering now, when it's too late. When weentered the

basement, Aldis had already taken the two children away. They're probably in the hospital by now."

Felix caught up with Luther and suddenly punched Luther's back, "You've kept this a secret too well. Do

you know how worried I was? My wife, my child, they were all in there!"

"The truth will speak for itself. I've already thanked you. Besides, if you hadn't lost the recorder, would I

have been misunderstood by Christian for so many years?" Luther was equally blunt. "Can't even take

care of your own things."

"What? You're actually blaming me! Wasn't it you who provoked Athena?" Felix exclaimed.

"I provoked her? Who insisted on taking me to Christian's seaside villa for vacation? Otherwise, I

wouldn't have met Athena! It's all because you're so fond of playing around." Luther retorted.

"Fine. You're amazing, it's all my fault, alright?!" Felix was trembling with anger.

Vicki intervened, pulling Felix away. "Stop arguing. We've finally made it through a difficult situation

today, and here you are, arguing with each other."

Joyce laughed and pulled Vicki aside, "Let them argue. Men are always boys at heart. They're not

really fighting. Perhaps the stress was too much just now, and this is their way of releasing it. Let them


Vicki rolled her eyes, "So childish."

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