Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther)

Chapter 1900: No One Is Going To Make It Out Alive
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Chapter 1900: No One Is Going To Make It Out Alive

Chapter 1900: No one is going to make it out alive

And at that moment, Luther's phone suddenly rang.novelbin

The abrupt ring echoed throughout the empty hall, especially jarring.

Startled, Joyce released Luther's waist abruptly and sat upright.

Instantly, everyone's attention fixated on the phone screen.

A string of gibberish, no normal number displayed, obviously coming through a special channel.

Joyce and Luther glanced at each other, both frowning deeply.

Vicki sneered, "Looks like it's Athena's call."

Luther gave Joyce a deep look.

Joyce nodded lightly, signaling Luther to answer.

Luther put the call on speaker and pressed the answer button.

Athena's hoarse voice came through the phone, "Remember when we went camping? Do you want the

place of my first time? Come here, you, Joyce, and Felix, Vicki, all of you. What you owe me, it's time to

pay up. Let's settle this. If anyone is missing, I'll kill two children immediately. From now on, every hour,

I'll kill someone."

"Hello!" Luther was already furious after listening, he was about to speak, but unfortunately, Athena had

already hung up, leaving him no room to negotiate.

Luther fiercely punched the side, cursing under his breath! He didn't want to involve Joyce, but Athena

insisted they all be present. This woman could be planning anything.

"I've never touched her," Luther's face filled with disgust, as if even mentioning Athena made him sick.

"I've always believed in you," Joyce gently patted his hand, comforting him.

Vicki shrugged, she couldn't believe what Athena said either. No matter how beautiful Athena was, to

Mr. Warner, she was just trash.

"Since she mentioned that we all should go, then let's go," Vicki said nonchalantly, "What is Felix going

back for? I'll call him now and have him meet us. But the camping site Athena mentioned? Where

exactly is it?"

"Didn't Christian mention that it was the place where Athena fell off a cliff?" Joyce asked.

"Yeah. I know where that is. I'll send the location to everyone now. Then we can consider how to

deploy," Luther began sending the location, "Athena won't give us much time. She already said that

she'll kill a child every hour. We can't take any chances, no matter who it is."

"But, an hour is not enough time to prepare. Athena is not stupid, she must be fully prepared by now,

and we have no preparation at all," Joyce unconsciously pinched her palm with her thumb, using the

slight pain to keep herself alert.

Worriedly, Luther looked at Joyce, "I don't care about myself, but you, you're already pregnant, going

into danger like this. No, I can't let you go, you stay here, I'll figure it out."

"No, Athena is insane. If I don't go, she will definitely kill children. She's capable of anything. Our child

is important, and so are others' children," Joyce shook her head, "I have to go."

Looking at both of them, Vicki said, "Time is running out, I'll contact Christian first to see what help he

can provide."

As she spoke, Vicki had received the location Luther sent and forwarded it to Christian and Felix.

After sending it, she called Felix, "Don't come here, go directly to the location I sent you. Athena just

called, we have one hour, and she demands all of us to be present."

"I got it. You stay with them and be safe. I'll inform Mr. Ball now and have him on standby," Felix


"Okay," Vicki hung up immediately.

Taking a deep breath, Luther knew Joyce was right, but he had selfish motives.

He had a splitting headache, repeatedly pressing his temples, "Let me think, besides contacting my

people, what else can I do?"

"No time to lose, think as we go. I can see the location is not close, it will take fifty minutes to get


As she spoke, Joyce brought out a box from the side, opened it in front of Vicki, revealing all the

weapons she had prepared to carry with her. She took out two pistols and handed them to Vicki.

"Glock Pistol, large caliber, 17 rounds, take these two."

Vicki took them, one she holstered at her waist, the other on her inner thigh.

Joyce took out two more pistols and handed them to Luther, "Beretta M9 Pistol, effective range of 50

meters, low recoil, take these two."

After Luther took the pistols, his expression became even more serious.

He had a feeling that what they were about to face could not be resolved with just a gunfight.

Finally, Joyce holstered two of her own Pawna Witness pistols at her waistThen, she began distributing

Bluetooth earpieces, satellite locators, transmitters, receivers, and anti-electromagnetic pulse metal

rods and other equipment.

After the distribution was complete, the warlord's specially armored vehicle was already waiting for


After boarding the vehicle, Joyce connected their real-time movements to the dedicated line of the

warlord's stationed operator.

On one side, Luther and his group set off towards the mountains.

On the other side, after Athena hung up the phone, she discarded the phone into the trash. She

wouldn't be needing it anymore.

Picking up the vial placed in front of her, she had already prepared a dose three times the usual


Without blinking, she injected the excess painkiller directly into her vein.

With nowhere else to turn, she didn't care about anything now.

Even though she knew her body was at its limits, she didn't care.

Because today, she was going to bring everything to a thorough end.

No one, not a single person, was going to make it out alive.

Including herself.

So, she no longer cared. This was her final indulgence.

She relaxed to the extreme, the room a decadent mess.

When Aldis passed by, he glanced inside with disdain, it was simply unbearable to look at. He scoffed,

then quickly walked away, his dark expression inscrutable.

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