Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther)

Chapter 1716: A Change Of Heart?
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Chapter 1716: A Change Of Heart?

Chapter 1716: A Change of Heart?

Clutching the watch in his hand, Luther sank heavily onto the sofa, deeply moved in his heart.

She understood him, she truly understood him.

His greatest worry was hurting her because their foundation of trust was weak due to past events, and

she had no reason to believe in him. When the rumors about his "first love" surfaced today, she should

have lost faith in him.

But she didn't.

At this moment, his heart was filled with overwhelming emotions, and he longed to hold her in his arms

and cherish her.

"Daddy, what's wrong?" Alisha saw Luther sitting heavily on the sofa, with a distant expression. She

quickly expressed her concern.

Using her small hands, she gently touched Luther's cheek. "Is Daddy feeling unwell? Alisha can help

you take a nap."

Luther gently lifted his head and saw Alisha looking at him with worry. He held her small hand, pressing

it against his cheek. It was true what they said about daughters being like close-knit cotton jackets.

No matter how much he had endured, seeing Alisha safe and well, he had no complaints anymore.

"I'm fine, my good girl. How about Daddy feeds you some food?" he asked softly.

"Mm-hmm," Alisha nodded vigorously.

Luther lifted Alisha onto the sofa and got up, walking to the kitchen to prepare a bowl of porridge for


Since falling ill, Alisha had hardly eaten properly. The occasional intake was carefully fed by him. This

was vegetable porridge that he had made himself. Joyce used to love it, and now it seemed that Alisha

loved it too.

He carried the porridge to Alisha, who was playing with her toys. While she played, he fed her

spoonfuls of the porridge.

After the fever had subsided, her appetite had improved significantly, and soon she finished the whole

bowl of porridge.

"Daddy, I still want to eat more," Alisha raised her sparkling eyes, her eyelashes fluttering.

"No, you can eat again in an hour," Luther shook his head.

He had experience. Although Alisha wanted to eat more, her digestion was still weak after recovering

from a serious illness. Eating too much would cause her to vomit. She needed to have small, frequent

meals and gradually regain her strength.

Athena had only used Alisha and couldn't possibly take good care of her. The nanny who had taken

care of Alisha before had been paid to do so and lacked genuine care. After Alisha had been in a coma

for over three years, she needed wholehearted care upon waking up. Perhaps only parents could

provide that.

"Okay, I'll listen to Daddy," Alisha said reluctantly.

After spending some time together, Alisha had become very obedient.

Luther gently patted her little head, satisfied with her behavior.

"Also, we just finished eating, so now it's time to take your medicine." Luther shook the medicine bottle

in his hand. It contained a liquid antibiotic prescribed by Jamie.

Upon hearing the word "medicine," Alisha's small eyebrows furrowed. "Ah, I don't want to take


"Oh? Where did the obedient Alisha go?" Luther pretended to look around. "Why can't I find her?"

Alisha reached out and turned Luther's head back. "I'm right here."

Luther tapped her little nose. "It's time to take your medicine! Be a good girl, okay?"

"Okay," Alisha reluctantly opened her mouth and swallowed the medicine.

After taking the medicine, Luther slipped a piece of fruit candy into her puffed-up little mouth.

Alisha happily resumed playing with her Sherita doll.

Luther sat patiently by her side, occasionally using his phone to handle work matters. After the news

about his scandal broke in the morning, being a negative news about infidelity, it had a certain impact

on the company's image, causing the stock price to temporarily decline.

He called Casey to give instructions on how to handle the situation, and then called Aaron, asking him

not to go to the Warner residence for the time being. He knew that with Joyce and Darrin there, they

would take care of things. He planned to have Aaron free up his time to help monitor other matters.

Time passed slowly.

When Alisha grew tired of playing, she yawned and lay down on the carpet, falling asleep.

After finishing his international emails, Luther glanced at her peacefully sleeping figure, smiled, and

picked her up, placing her on the bed and covering her with a blanket. She should be able to sleep for

a long time with this nap.

He left the room, closed the door, and walked to the living room.

There seemed to be some commotion outside.

Several black Land Rovers were parked in the yard, but they didn't looklike Athena's vehicles.

Luther became instantly alert. He walked to the floor-to-ceiling glass window and looked outside.

Two groups of black-clad individuals surrounded each other tightly, seemingly engaged in a heated

argument, but he couldn't hear what they were saying.

Soon, Athena's subordinates made way, and then the front door of the villa was forcefully pushed open

by someone.

Luther stood tall, looking at the person who entered, his deep eyes narrowing.

It was Christian!

Dressed in his signature all-black suit, black tie, and black sunglasses, with his alluring and unruly

appearance, he exuded an aura of wickedness.

A faint, cold smile crossed Luther's lips. It had been a long time since they last met.

As soon as Christian entered, he saw Luther. His legs felt like they were nailed to the spot, unable to


At this moment, his emotions became incredibly complex upon seeing Luther.

The two men locked eyes, and sparks seemed to fly between them. Their expressions were dark and

intimidating, as if they wanted to devour each other.

Finally, Luther spoke first.

"Why are you here?"

Christian seemed to hear a joke. "Shouldn't I be asking you that? What are you doing here?"

Luther neither confirmed nor denied anything. "Why don't you go ask your sister?"

Christian's eyes immediately darkened.

He questioned, "What are you doing? What's with the news today? How can you treat Joyce like this? I

saved her before, and she insisted on returning to your side, but you treat her like this? Are you even

human? Do you have any humanity left?"

Luther was momentarily taken aback.

Christian, instead of coming to help Athena, was demanding justice for Joyce. It was truly unexpected.

After a brief moment of surprise, Luther retorted, "Isn't this the result you were expecting? Are you and

your sister satisfied?"

"You!" Christian's anger surged. His black-clad subordinates behind him quickly tried to stop him. "Mr.

Christian, Miss Athena is not aware of your presence here yet. Don't cause too much commotion..."

"Shut up, I don't need your reminders," Christian glared fiercely at the black-clad person behind him.novelbin

Luther crossed his arms, his gaze cool as he looked at Christian. "Your beloved sister has become so

capable, didn't you anticipate that? Are you surprised?"

Christian's face grew even darker.

He hadn't anticipated that Athena had the support of OGW behind her, and now her people were

everywhere. He had almost been unable to enter even though it was his territory.

He had to realize that Athena was completely out of control, and he had no way of controlling her.

"I came today just to remind you. Don't get too close to Athena. She's dangerous," Christian suddenly

spoke up.

Luther raised an eyebrow in surprise. Such words coming from the doting brother Christian seemed


Had he undergone a change of heart?

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