Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther)

Chapter 1710: Getting News In Advance
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Chapter 1710: Getting News In Advance

Chapter 1710: Getting News in Advance

The shooting incident was a big deal, so Darrin proactively contacted the Police Headquarters while on

the road.

After arriving at the Police Headquarters, they were met by an officer specially assigned to handle theirnovelbin

case and make a record of the incident.

The officer's last name was Booth, and upon seeing Joyce, his first words were, "Are you the General?

I've heard so much about you. Please have a seat inside. Mr. Gregory has already informed us to keep

the record simple."

Joyce was taken aback. "Mr. Gregory? Karl?"

The internal information within the police department spread quickly. It had reached Karl's ears so

soon, especially considering it was already late at night.

"Yes," the sergeant nodded.

"It's quite late, and it's just a minor matter. Do you really have to bother Mr. Gregory?" Darrin exclaimed

in astonishment.

"Oh, no, that's not it. Mr. Gregory informed each substation a few days ago. If any matters concerning

the General arise, each substation has been assigned an officer specifically for reception. After we

finish recording, we will also inform Mr. Gregory," Officer Zhang explained.

Joyce and Darrin exchanged glances.

Darrin coughed lightly. "So, Mr. Gregory is indeed Mr. Gregory. He plans everything so thoughtfully." He

had often heard people mention Karl's meticulousness and attention to detail, and now he had

witnessed it firsthand. Even though Karl wasn't in Khebury, his jurisdiction was still in place.

Joyce rubbed her temples, realizing that Karl must have known about the shooting incident at the ice

cream shop, which was why he made these arrangements. She didn't want to bother him with her own

issues and wanted him to focus on taking care of Juanita. However, it seemed she had still managed to

trouble him.

"Alright, let's finish the record as soon as possible. I want to get home early," Joyce said.

Joyce sat down in the VIP reception room.

The sergeant brought a laptop to record their statements and even made coffee for them.

Darrin recounted the incident, and the sergeant was responsible for recording. In the middle of the

recording, the sergeant suddenly received a phone call.

After answering the call, the sergeant said to Joyce, "General, our officers have just arrived at the

location you mentioned. There are indeed signs of tire friction on the ground, and we found a few shell

casings at the scene. They have been collected for comparison with your handgun. However, the

vehicles that were shot at have already been moved, and the surveillance cameras around the

entrances and exits have been destroyed. At the moment, we have yet to identify the mastermind

behind this incident."

"Heh heh, they're fast," Darrin commented, clicking his tongue. "The other party is definitely a large-

scale organization. They're handling the aftermath very systematically."

"Yes," Joyce agreed. Whoever they were, they were certainly not ordinary.

She looked at the sergeant. "That's alright. Let's continue with the record."

"Alright, General," the sergeant continued to record their statements.

In the second half of the record, Joyce personally narrated. After finishing, Joyce stood up, signed the

document, and left with Darrin.

Darrin checked his watch. "It's getting late. Anderson is probably already asleep."

After Joyce got into the car and fastened her seatbelt, she said, "Yes, let's go back. We'll take the car

for maintenance and tire replacement tomorrow."

Darrin drove, carrying Joyce back to the Warner residence.

Upon returning home, Joyce was surprised to find that Anderson hadn't gone to bed yet.

"Anderson, it's already half past ten. Why aren't you asleep? Aren't you tired?" Joyce quickly took off

her coat and handed it to Darrin, then walked over and picked Anderson up from the couch.

"Mummy, I took a bath, but I can't fall asleep," Anderson rubbed his eyes. "Why did you come back so

late? I was a little worried about you."

Anderson, who had experienced the shooting incident, was sensitive. It wasn't that he was afraid of the

ice cream shop assailant. Rather, it reminded him of the terrifying memory on the rooftop of the harbor

parking lot. That evil woman had almost thrown him off the roof. Whenever he thought about it, he felt


Joyce gently stroked the back of Anderson's head. "Mummy had something happen tonight, which

delayed me. Don't worry, Uncle Darrin has been with Mummy the whole time, and he will protect


Anderson reached out and hugged Joyce. "Mummy, let's sleep together tonight."

Darrin put away Joyce's belongings and said to them, "General, you should rest early. I'll go back to my

room first."

After speaking, Darrin waved at Anderson and turned toleave.

"Mummy, why hasn't Daddy come home these past few days? Did you two have a fight?" Anderson

raised his little face and asked. "I feel like something's not right. Daddy doesn't usually act like this. No

matter what happens, he would at least call me. But recently, he's been acting strange."

Joyce was taken aback for a moment, then burst into laughter.

She tapped Anderson's temple. "What's going on in that little head of yours? Why would we have a


Anderson pouted. "Nothing, I just feel like something's off. Daddy is my Daddy, after all. No matter what

happens, he would definitely call me. But lately, he's been acting weird."

Joyce's brow twitched. Anderson was indeed very sensitive. It wasn't easy to hide things from him.

She decided to be direct. "Anderson, I think Daddy must have encountered something difficult. He

doesn't want us to worry. We won't bother him, which is the best support we can give him. If he needs

our help, I believe he will ask for it. What do you think?"

Anderson yawned. "Of course. He's my Daddy, after all. Mummy, I'm sleepy. I want to go to sleep."

"Alright. Mummy will tuck you in," Joyce carried Anderson to the bed, placed him down, turned off the

lights, and comforted him to sleep.

Cuddled in his mother's arms, Anderson soon felt drowsy and fell asleep within minutes.

After Anderson fell asleep, Joyce went to the bathroom and took a bath.

Her phone sat on the side, and she stared at the silent screen, lost in thought. It was already past

eleven at night, and Luther still hadn't come back or called or texted her.

She couldn't help but ponder, what could he be doing?

Pushing the thought aside, she finished her bath and immediately lay down next to Anderson. She

planned to meet Christian in the afternoon, and after a busy night, she was tired. It didn't take long for

her to fall asleep.

She slept until midnight.

Suddenly, her phone began ringing in the quiet room. One after another, the urgent sounds made her

heart pound. The screen suddenly lit up, radiating an unusual light in the dark.

She opened her eyes wide, sitting up alertly.

Her first thought was, did Luther contact her?

She quickly picked up her phone from the bedside table and, in the darkness, saw the caller ID,

causing her to pause.

It was someone she never expected.

Kane. Why would he call her in the middle of the night? What could be so urgent?

Her immediate reaction was, did Kane dial the wrong number? Or did something happen at JK


She quickly pressed the answer button.

"Hello, Kane, why are you calling me so late? Is there something urgent?" Joyce said.

At the other end of the line, Kane's voice sounded anxious, his emotions completely out of control as

he exclaimed loudly.

"Sis, I got news in advance. Tomorrow, the major media outlets will report news of Mr. Warner's affair.

It's said to have concrete evidence!"

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