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Chapter 1703: Dependence

Chapter 1703: Dependence

Immediately, Luther dialed Jamie's phone number.

Over the phone, he briefly explained the situation to Jamie and provided a detailed description of

Alisha's symptoms. He instructed Jamie to bring the necessary intravenous fluids and some basic

testing equipment.novelbin

After hanging up the phone, he held Alisha in his arms, glaring coldly at Athena.

His voice was icy, as if ready to devour, "I need ice packs, now, immediately."

Athena bit her lip. Although she was dissatisfied, she didn't dare to go against Luther's wishes. She

pushed her wheelchair out of the glass room and all the way to the kitchen. Opening the refrigerator,

she took out the ice packs that were usually kept there. Then she pushed her wheelchair back to

Luther's side and handed him the ice packs.

Luther couldn't be bothered to look at her. He reached out and took the ice packs, removing the fever-

reducing patch from Alisha's forehead and replacing it with the ice packs.

Alisha's temperature was dangerously high, and it could easily lead to febrile seizures. Before Jamie

arrived, Luther had to help Alisha with physical cooling.

Athena watched from the side as Luther tenderly and meticulously cared for Alisha. She felt jealous in

her heart.

Because Alisha was his and Joyce's child, that was why he cared so much.

She had never witnessed such tenderness before. She wished that she were the one who was sick at

this moment, and he was the one taking care of her.

Seeing Luther giving all his tenderness to someone unrelated, she even had the impulse to strangle

Alisha. But she knew that she couldn't do it now. If Alisha died, she wouldn't be able to control Luther.

Luther wouldn't let her off either; they would definitely have a falling out, which was not the outcome

she desired. So, for now, she had to endure.

Luther applied the ice packs to Alisha, but he felt that the ice was too cold. He gave further instructions

to Athena, "Fill a basin with cold water and bring me a towel."

Athena gritted her teeth and narrowed her eyes in annoyance. Once again, she turned around and

pushed her wheelchair to the bathroom, fetched a towel and a basin of cold water, and handed them to

Luther. She wouldn't bother with anyone else's orders; it was only because of Alisha that she did it.

Luther's mind was solely focused on Alisha. He carefully helped her cool down, using the ice packs and

the cold water-soaked towel to alternate between applying them to her forehead and gently wiping her

neck and chest to synchronize the cooling process.

After repeatedly wiping for nearly an hour, he used an ear thermometer to measure Alisha's

temperature once again. Finally, it had dropped to around 39 degrees. Although her temperature was

still high, it was much safer than 40 degrees.

At this moment, Jamie had arrived.

Two black-clad individuals escorted him into the villa and removed the black hood covering his head.

Jamie opened his eyes, adjusting to the light inside the villa. When he saw the room where Luther was,

he quickly approached while carrying his medical kit. Respectfully, he said, "Mr. Warner, I'm here.

Please let me take a look."

Luther and Jamie had a deep friendship, and they could understand each other with just a glance.

Luther nodded slightly and made space for Jamie to sit down. "This is my daughter, Alisha. I suspect

she has acute pneumonia. Please diagnose her properly."

He didn't hide Alisha's identity. He also understood Jamie's character; he would keep their secret.

Jamie was taken aback. Luther hadn't mentioned anything about a daughter on the phone. He

subconsciously glanced at Athena, the woman who sat in the wheelchair. She was beautiful, but there

was something unsettling about her. Then he looked at Alisha, who was exquisitely beautiful and

resembled Mr. Warner to some extent.

In this remote location, with this strange woman, Mr. Warner's daughter?

Jamie didn't ask further; he trusted Mr. Warner's character. Mr. Warner was already married to Joyce,

and their love was deep. There must be something unspeakable.

He took out his stethoscope and carefully listened to Alisha's lungs.

"Yes, it is indeed pneumonia. It's progressing rapidly, and she needs intravenous therapy. Mr. Warner,

let me test her blood glucose first." After saying that, he immediately took out a small blood glucose

meter, a blood collection tube, and a disposable needle.

Luther nodded. He held Alisha's small hand and extended it to Jamie.

Jamie gently pricked her finger, squeezing a few drops of blood.

Alisha let out a soft hum, half asleep and half awake. She murmured, ""Daddy, Daddy."

"I'm here," Luther held Alisha tenderly, his voice trembling with affection.

After about five minutes, the blood glucose test results were ready.

Jamie looked at the indicators on the screen, furrowing his brow. "Alisha's overall health seems weak,

is that right? All the blood parameters are not good. Hemoglobin is low, and platelet count is also low."

He looked at Luther with a puzzled expression. Why? It seemed that this child hadn't received proper


"She has a weak constitution, and coupled with the sudden onset of pneumonia, it's a dangerous

situation. She needs continuous intravenous therapy for at least seven days, followed by further

observation. During these seven days, someone must be with Alisha 24/7 because her temperature

can spike at any moment. If it spikes and there's no one around, it can easily lead to seizures."

"This is serious," Luther was shocked, quickly explaining, "Alisha does have a weak constitution. It was

a miracle that she survived after falling into the sea. She depended on instruments and intubation for

over three years after birth. It's a miracle within miracles that she's still alive. I just hope she'll be safe."

Jamie was momentarily stunned, realizing Luther's meaning. So, this was also Joyce's child. He knew

about Anderson, and to think that Alisha and Anderson were fraternal twins.

He could somewhat guess the current situation.

He couldn't help with anything else, so he could only try his best to alleviate Mr. Warner's worries.

"Mr. Warner, please rest assured. I will do everything I can to take care of Alisha. I have brought all the

necessary medications. If there's any shortage, please send someone to purchase them." With that, he

took out the intravenous needle, the medications, and began preparing for Alisha's treatment.

"Okay," Luther nodded.

He turned his head and looked at Alisha, who was sleeping peacefully. Her small hand was curled up,

holding onto his sleeve tightly. She held on tightly, afraid that if she let go, he would disappear.

A child's feelings were the most genuine. Alisha could sense the genuine love he felt for her. That's

why she saw him as her pillar of support. She relied heavily on him.

He held Alisha tightly, watching Jamie administer the intravenous therapy. The delicate blood vessels

were almost transparent, but they were being pierced by the chilling needle. At such a young age, she

was enduring more pain than she should have. It pained Luther's heart.

Athena coolly stood on the side, indifferent to it all. She hadn't expected that Alisha's fever would have

such serious consequences. But it was for the best. Luther wouldn't be able to leave for a week now,

and Alisha would be especially clingy after falling ill. She would definitely cling to Luther and refuse to

let him go.

What would that bitch, Joyce, think after a week without him coming home?

Thinking of this, a smug smile appeared on Athena's lips.

This time, her method was indeed effective.

She couldn't wait to see how Joyce would react when she found out that Luther had another woman.

Suddenly, pain shot through her shoulder again. The convulsive pain was difficult to relieve.

She pressed down on the wound with force, gritting her teeth to endure it. That damn Joyce, she would

make sure Joyce paid a painful price.

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