Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther)

Chapter 1687: Stirring up a Bloody Storm
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Chapter 1687: Stirring up a Bloody Storm

Chapter 1687: Stirring up a Bloody Stormnovelbin

Sanyans Street.

This is a section waiting for demolition, and most of the residents have already moved out, leaving only

empty alleys. The cold wind whistled through, making a "whooshing" sound.

Vicki walked alone in the alleys of Sanyans Street, with each step she took, her footsteps were steady.

Suddenly, there was a "clang" sound, and a dilapidated sign of a small store in the alley fell down,

shattering into pieces on the ground. Looking around, there were signs of decay everywhere.

As Vicki continued walking, she suddenly stopped in her tracks.

"Come out, I know you've been following me." Vicki's voice was clear, cold, and magnetic.

She turned around, revealing a beautiful and cold face with wheat-colored skin, possessing a unique


In the empty alley, at the end, a deserted house, a man walked out from inside.

His long hair fluttered in the swirling wind, partially obscuring his handsome face. His extravagant and

wild appearance clashed strongly with his currently dark and imposing aura, contrasting with his refined


He walked all the way to the center of the alley, raised his head, and faced Vicki directly.

Vicki smiled faintly, taking the initiative to greet him, "Long time no see, Rayan Takashima."

This long-forgotten title made Cloud startle.

"Oh, right, I always forget, you've changed your surname, now called Cloud." Vicki's tone carried a hint

of mockery, her lips slightly curved.

Once known as Cloud, his real name was Rayan.

They belonged to the same welfare institution and grew up together since childhood. The welfare

institution specialized in receiving idle and wandering children from society. Compared to orphanages,

this place was darker, and the children who came here often carried the lowest aspects of society.

Theft and fighting were rampant.

It was like a corner untouched by sunlight, allowing darkness to breed and spread freely.

Before meeting Rayan, Vicki had already established her place in the welfare institution, but because

she was young, even with her imposing presence, she couldn't avoid being bullied by older children.

However, after Rayan came, he and Vicki got along well, quickly becoming friends.

They supported each other. When Rayan was bullied, Vicki would stand up for him, and vice versa. If

Vicki was being bullied, Rayan would tear into the other person like a madman. Over time, the two of

them joined forces, and even the bigger kids in the welfare institution were no match for them. They

became the rulers of the entire welfare institution, setting the rules, maintaining order, and forming their

own faction. No one dared to bully them anymore.

But this friendship eventually crumbled because of that incident...

Vicki remained Vicki.

Rayan became Cloud.

Cloud stood in the wind, staring at Vicki intently. After ten years, she was still the same as before, full of

wildness from head to toe. As she grew older, her fierceness, wildness, and femininity merged

perfectly, making her unforgettable at a glance.

Over the years, he occasionally heard news about her.

He even had the opportunity to see her. But every time it came down to the end, he would retreat. What

could he do even if they met?

Now they had become enemies.

He took a few steps forward, walking up to her and stopping. Looking at her up close had an even

greater impact than from a distance.

He noticed that there seemed to be some abnormal red marks on her neck. It was very suggestive, and

as a man, he understood what it meant. Yet she seemed unconcerned, not bothering to hide it.

"Vicki, I heard you're involved with the Saunders family? Is it true?" These were the first words Cloud

spoke after ten years of not seeing each other.

Vicki's eyes turned cold, astonished that Cloud had already found out about her private affairs. She had

been very secretive, and few people knew about it.

"So what if I am? So what if I'm not? It's none of your business." Her voice was cold. "Rayan, your

purpose in coming to Pascaylia is probably not to inquire about my private matters. What exactly do

you want?"

"You're with Felix?" Cloud pursued.

Vicki frowned; he seemed to know a lot.

"The Saunders family, are you crazy? Have you forgotten why you were given probation back then?

How can you be with the Saunders? Can you justify..." Cloud didn't finish his sentence. Wasn't his

position today all thanks to the Saunders family?

She had completely changed, turning around to associate with that idle playboy from the Saunders


Ten years apart, never did he imagine it would turn out like this.

"I said it's none of your business. Don't meddle inmy affairs. Let's be frank, your purpose in coming to

Pascaylia is not simple, so what is it?" Vicki brushed away the hair that fell on her shoulder, exuding an

air of arrogance.

"Heh, you'd better not know." Cloud coldly replied, "Now that I'm back, I won't let the Saunders family

off the hook. I will settle the old scores. Just wait and see as Felix meets his demise."

Vicki instantly became furious and swung her hand towards Cloud, aiming for his shoulder.

"The Saunders family is so big, they are not even from the same clan. What happened back then has

nothing to do with Felix. Don't mistake your target." She grabbed his shoulder, attempting to flip him


Cloud sidestepped, easily dodging her attack with extreme agility.

Reaching out with one hand, he attempted to capture Vicki.

"What's wrong? Are you anxious? Have you fallen for him? Then I won't let him off even more!" His

heart was filled with resentment.

How could she betray him like this, he couldn't bear it.

Vicki was even more agile, easily evading Cloud's attack.

In just a few moments, they had exchanged more than a dozen moves.

Counter after counter, neither gaining the upper hand. They knew each other's moves too well, like twin

siblings who grew up together, training in martial arts together. How could they not know each other's

strengths and weaknesses?

After a few more moves, Vicki squinted, "Rayan, your Rohomes Ninjutsu has improved."

She knew that if they continued to fight for a long time, she might not be his match. The current Rayan

was already Cloud, backed by the powerful OGW. He was no longer the youthful and righteous young

boy from before.

Performing a beautiful spin, she landed with a firm grip on a handgun, aiming it directly at Cloud's

forehead. "Today is just a warning. Regardless of your intentions, I advise you to return to your

Rohomes and never come back! Otherwise, I will not spare you."

Pausing for a moment, her voice grew colder. "And don't touch anyone I care about."

Ice formed in Cloud's eyes.

She could actually point a gun at his forehead.

Finally, they had reached this point.

He turned around and walked away with long strides, as if her handgun didn't exist.

Since they had torn apart their relationship, he no longer had any reservations. If she was heartless,

then don't blame him for stirring up a bloody storm.

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