Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther)

Chapter 1679: The Feeling of Being Above
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Chapter 1679: The Feeling of Being Above

Chapter 1679: The Feeling of Being Above

After dealing with the affairs of the group, Luther drove to the seaside villa where Athena was staying.

According to their arrangement, today Athena would let him see Iris.

He needed to figure out the whole situation. Before making any decisions, he couldn't act rashly.

Athena dared to openly threaten him because she definitely had a backup plan.novelbin

Any careless move from him could result in Iris losing her life, and that was something he absolutely

couldn't allow.

He drove quickly and parked the car at the seaside villa. Arriving in the daytime felt different from

arriving at night. The surroundings looked well-maintained and exquisite compared to the abandoned

state of the other villas. This place didn't appear dilapidated.

Athena had always been a woman who pursued a refined lifestyle, even since she was a child. This

could be seen from her dressing, eating, and living habits.

Luther took out the items Athena requested from the car, two sets of satellite systems. He didn't know

what Athena wanted to do with these things, but it definitely wasn't for anything good. However, for the

sake of Iris, he would fulfill her requests to this extent. Now, the most important thing was seeing Iris.

He walked in and threw the boxes he brought onto the ground, kicking them with his foot. "Here are the

things you wanted."

Athena was dressed in all white today, with a black ribbon tied around her hairline. She had no other

decorations on her body. This aesthetic sense wasn't in line with Pascaylia's taste. This kind of

dressing was usually done for funerals. But in Rohomes, it was considered festive attire.

Luther furrowed his brows. Athena grew up in Pascaylia, but she didn't have a trace of Pascaylia's

culture in her.

Athena signaled to the black-clad person beside her, and the person immediately took away the two


Athena pushed her wheelchair to Luther's side. She was about to lean against him, but Luther

discreetly avoided her.

Athena's face immediately darkened. "Brother Luther, what do you mean? Don't you want to see Iris?

Didn't we agree last night that you would try to accept me? You come here today and give me this


Luther clenched his fists, enduring and enduring. "I also said that I need time."

He stood still, not moving.

Athena approached again. "Brother Luther, can you sit with me for a while? Let's talk. I'll call someone

to bring Iris over."

Luther patiently sat down on the sofa. He surveyed the surroundings, silently memorizing the structure

of the house, noting the number of doors, windows, and any suspicious hidden entrances.

From his observation, the interior structure of the house seemed smaller than the exterior structure,

indicating that there must be hidden spaces inside. Apart from the special glass room where Iris was,

there should be other hidden rooms.

He contemplated how to rescue Iris.

Even if he didn't care about his own life, how could he disregard Iris's safety?

Athena pulled Luther's arm, putting on a pitiful look.

"Brother Luther, look, I can't walk because of you. It was all because of you that I ended up like this.

Can you carry me to the sofa? I want to sit with you for a while." Athena's voice sounded sweet and


Luther felt a wave of disgust. "Let your personal bodyguard do it."

"Brother Luther, you promised me," Athena raised her voice, and her delicate face twisted up. "I want

you to carry me."

Luther glanced at her, knowing that if he didn't fulfill her request, he might not see Iris today.

He had no choice but to endure.

He stood up and roughly lifted Athena from her wheelchair, tossing her onto the sofa, showing no hint

of tenderness.

Athena's back hit the back of the sofa, and it hit her injured shoulder. It hurt so much that she clenched

her teeth and almost shed tears, but in the end, she held back. It didn't matter; she had time to slowly

deal with it. At least for now, Luther had to listen to her every word. This was a good start.

She brushed her injured shoulder and thought about the pain she would inflict on Joyce, the woman

who had caused her so much suffering. How dare she hurt her? Athena would make sure Joyce

experienced a hundred times the pain.

The first step was to snatch Luther away from her.

Luther sat down on a spot away from Athena, his face cold. "When can I see Iris?"

Athena moved closer to him. "Don't be in such a hurry. Have some tea and chat for a while. I'll call

someone to bring Iris over."

She skewered a piece of dragon fruit with a fruit fork, thinking of feeding it to Luther.

Luther raised his hand to stop her. "I don't eat that."

He thought to himself that he definitely couldn't eat anything from her.

Athena withdrew her hand and ate it herself. "If you don't eat dragon fruit, don't worry, I won't harm you.

Brother Luther, I love you so much that I can't contain it."

She chewed on the dragon fruit, swallowing it, deliberately making a seductive gesture in front of him.

Luther's body tensed up, almost wanting to vomit.

Athena thought that he didn't avoid her and was willing to accept her.

She became bolder, after ten years, he was finally by her side, so close. She could reach out and touch


His handsome contours, his arched eyebrows, his perfectly straight nose, and his sexy lips.

She looked at him greedily, almost going crazy. She wanted to kiss him, to possess him madly.

She leaned closer, her red lips getting closer, wanting to offer him her kiss.

However, Luther suddenly stood up.

She missed, falling awkwardly on the sofa.

Luther's frosty eyes stared at Athena. "My patience has limits. You can try if you want. Before I lose my

cool, let me see Iris."

Athena stood up straight, and the powerful coldness emanating from him intimidated her. She had

always been afraid of him since childhood. Only he could give her this feeling of being above others. In

front of him, she never dared to be presumptuous.

Even a single glance from him could make her heart tremble, palpitate, and flutter.

She approached him again, wanting to be close to him, soft and small, really appearing in front of him

without the bulletproof glass.

His thin lips trembled with excitement. This was his and Joyce's daughter, their daughter, standing right

in front of him, alive and real.

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