Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther)

Chapter 1665 Innocence and Evil
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Chapter 1665 Innocence and Evil

Chapter 1665 Innocence and Evil

"What!" Felix almost jumped up from the sofa. "How is that possible? I saw her fall with my own eyes..."

"She might have just been unconscious. In any case, she's awake now. Don't doubt it, I'm not just

hearing rumors, I heard her voice with my own ears." Luther's eyes changed. "After what you just said,

I'm even more suspicious. Vicki must know about it too. Her recent abnormal behavior is probably

related to Athena."

Felix's face turned pale. "Athena, she... Oh my god, this witch, she's not dead after all. What does she

want to do?"

He looked at Luther. "What can I do?"

Luther pointed to the bottles scattered on the floor. "First, pull yourself together and stop drinking. Don't

forget the background of the Saunders family and what they used to do. Secondly, communicate with

Vicki and ask her what exactly she's involved in."

"Oh, I see." Felix stood up, and his eyes cleared up.

In fact, he had a high alcohol tolerance and couldn't really get drunk. He was just venting his emotions.

Athena's appearance was definitely not simple. He didn't know what her true intentions were. Vicki's

recent avoidance of him was probably related to this matter. Thinking about it, his mood improved


Seeing Felix finally pull himself together, Luther felt relieved.

"I'll leave now. The information network of the Saunders family, both legitimate and illegitimate, is

extraordinary. Look into it and let me know if there's any news."

"Don't worry, I'll check right away." Felix's eyes turned sharp. "The old accounts from ten years ago

didn't end, huh? What are you planning to do?"

"I'll meet her first, and then we'll see." Luther raised his hand and straightened his sleeve.

"She's too dangerous. Damn it, there was no other physical evidence back then. With just our words,

no one would believe us." Felix was filled with frustration. "I almost got deceived by her too. Be careful."

Luther patted Felix's shoulder. "I know."

He paused for a moment. "Don't be too impatient about Vicki. She's loyal, as long as you don't betray

her, she won't betray you."

Felix's handsome face darkened, and he sighed.

It was true that she hadn't betrayed him. When they were together, she never had any involvement withnovelbin

other men. She even promised to have a child with him. But those were not what he wanted.

She refused to marry, she didn't want any status. But he wanted recognition!

Luther continued, "It seems like you still don't know much about her past even though you're together."

"I asked her, but she didn't say anything." Felix helplessly said. "What can I do?"

Luther narrowed his eyes. "Maybe the time hasn't come yet. I have a feeling that everything will be

revealed this time."

"Okay. I'll go find out right away." Felix nodded.

Luther looked at his watch. "I should go back. Let's stay in touch."

After saying that, he turned and left.

The Ballard family.

Late at night, there were two rows of black-clad men standing in front of the door, standing neatly on

both sides. They respectfully lowered their heads.

A stretched limousine stopped on the lawn in front of the Ballard family's door. The back door opened,

and Yan Ling pushed a wheelchair down. Athena sat upright in the wheelchair.

As they passed the entrance, the black-clad men respectfully greeted in unison, "Good evening, Miss.

Welcome back home, Miss."

Under the dark night, the crescent moon was like a hook, casting a faint cold light and shadows.

Athena entered the main hall of the Ballard family in the wheelchair.

Christian stood in the center of the hall, wearing a black suit that made him appear incredibly solemn.

Vicki wore a floor-length navy blue dress and stood beside Christian, her tall figure not inferior to his.

Christian looked at Athena, who was now wearing makeup. Her pitch-black, clear eyes, slender

eyebrows, rosy cheeks, and cherry pink lips, along with her loose black-based pink cherry blossom

kimono and a solid-colored cashmere shawl draped over her shoulders, gave her a fluctuating

temperament between innocence and evil.

Heavenly when she smiles, hellish when she doesn't.

No description could be more appropriate for her.

Although Athena's wounds hadn't completely healed, they were covered by her heavy clothes, so no

one could see them. She had carefully applied makeup to hide her pale complexion.

After more than ten years, she set foot in the Ballard family once again, feeling a complex mix of


Christian looked at Athena intently, his eyes full of familiarity but also tinged with a hint of unfamiliarity.

Froma young age, he had been extremely protective of her, going beyond the boundaries of sibling


But now, he realized that he didn't truly understand her.

His gaze was filled with confusion as he asked, "When did you actually wake up? Why did you deceive

me? You disappeared from Manderson Hospital, where have you been all this time? What have you

been up to?"

Athena curled her lips, a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

"Brother, you're asking me so many questions. Which one should I answer?"

Christian couldn't help but clench his fists in anger. "Answer them one by one. You were unconscious

for ten years, and I've been worried for a whole decade. And in the end, you lied to me, Athena, what

exactly do you want to do?"

Vicki also watched Athena at this moment.

She felt that Athena was different from the last time they met. There was a stronger sense of hostility in

her eyes and a more gloomy expression.

Suddenly, Athena stood up from the wheelchair and took a few steps forward.

Everyone around was shocked, their mouths agape.

Christian's anger grew, and his lips trembled. "So your legs have been fine for a long time. How many

more things have you been lying to me about?"

Athena sneered, her expression twisted. "In the end, we don't even share the same blood. What right

do you have to question me?"

Christian's lips quivered with anger.

But more than anger, he felt heartbroken. He didn't have the right? In his impression, she had always

been gentle and spoke softly, with a sweet smile like a flower. She had never been as terrifying and

sinister as she was now.

Either she had changed, or everything before was a lie.

"My dear brother, you should know best what I want. I've been lying in bed for a whole ten years! Ten

years! The person I loved has even had a child! How can I swallow this anger?" Athena's expression

turned even colder.

Christian's narrow eyes squinted. "Precisely because it's been ten years! You've finally woken up.

Shouldn't you let go of the past and start anew? Shouldn't I...?"

He didn't finish his sentence. Shouldn't he have treated her well?

Did she still insist on clinging to the past?

"Why should I let go? Why should I let that bitch, Joyce, have Luther? I will never let her get away with

it!" Athena almost roared.

Christian couldn't believe what he was hearing as he stared at Athena.

"What do you mean, brother? Are you protecting that bitch too? You saved her, and now you even like


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