Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther)

Chapter 1660: Seeking Revenge For Mommy
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Chapter 1660: Seeking Revenge For Mommy

Chapter 1660: Seeking Revenge for Mommy

On the other side, at Rohomes.

Athena half-lay on the bed, deep into the night. The floor-to-ceiling windows were open, and the dark

night spread out in all directions. She gazed at the twinkling stars outside, the crescent moon hanging

in the sky. Regardless of the beauty of the scenery, her eyes still held a sinister darkness.

Cloud stood by the floor-to-ceiling window, making a phone call.

He deliberately lowered his voice, and as the conversation progressed, his expression grew

increasingly solemn.

Occasionally, he glanced behind him at the woman lying on the bed, her face pale.

Last time, a bullet from Magnan had pierced her left scapula, and the wound had not healed yet.

Although it had stopped bleeding, the pain remained. It would take a hundred days for such injuries to

recover, and it might not fully heal for a while.

Athena held her left shoulder, as she often experienced pain at night, preventing her from falling


And all of this was thanks to Joyce.

She clenched the bedsheet tighter and tighter, her hatred almost grinding her teeth to pieces.

Damn Joyce, she made her endure this extreme pain.

She vowed to make Joyce pay for it. To make her suffer a thousandfold, ten thousandfold. She wanted

to crush Joyce to dust. Otherwise, the deep resentment in her heart would never be resolved.

Cloud finished the call and walked over, seeing Athena sweating from the pain.

His brows furrowed deeply. The injury this time was indeed severe, something even a man would find

unbearable, let alone Athena, who had been pampered since childhood. However, he also knew that

Joyce had hesitated at the time. She didn't know their identities or the power they belonged to, and she

was wary of them being foreigners. That was why she didn't aim for Athena's head.

Otherwise, a headshot would have been within Joyce's capabilities.

Athena was now practically a corpse.

"Suzuki, give me an injection," Athena squeezed her arm, her nails deeply embedded in her flesh.

"No, excessive use of opioids can lead to addiction. Endure it for a while. You'll get through it," Cloud

sat down next to Athena. "Athena, think about it. You've been in a coma for so many years. What didnovelbin

you wake up for? The things you need to do haven't even started. You absolutely cannot become

dependent on medication."

"What nonsense! If I tell you to give me an injection, then give it to me," Athena roared in anger, her

teeth chattering.

The pain was the most difficult to endure at night.

Cloud got up and opened the safe, taking out a box of opioid painkillers and gave one to Athena. At the

same time, he handed her a glass of water. "Take this, it will provide some relief, and it has the least

harm to you."

"I don't want this. It's useless," Athena raised her hand in anger.

The teacup was instantly knocked over and water spilled all over the floor.

Cloud furrowed his brow. He kneeled down, picked up the medication from the floor, and tore off some

paper towels to clean up the spilled water.

"You can't have the injection," he said firmly. "You're already on the verge of addiction. Endure it for

now. It's within your tolerance, and you can't rely on medication."

"I can't endure it," Athena's anger flared, and she swept everything off the bedside table, making a

mess on the floor.

Actually, it wasn't that she couldn't endure it.

She was just too infuriated and couldn't swallow her pride, which made the sensory pain feel even


The loud noise disturbed Iris, who was sleeping next door.

She got up from her bed and gently pushed open the door. She saw the mess on the floor and shrank

back in fear. Then she noticed Athena's contorted face, which frightened her even more.

She had never seen Athena in such a terrifying state. In her impression, Athena had always been

gentle and kind to her.

Standing at the door, she didn't dare to move forward, but she was also worried. She stood there,

fidgeting with her hands.

Athena caught sight of Iris standing by the door. Immediately, her expression changed, and she took a

deep breath, forcing herself to smile. She waved at Iris.

"Did we wake you up? Come here."

Iris timidly walked forward, seeing that Athena's expression was gentle, and only then did she dare to

climb onto the bed and sit next to Athena.

"Mommy, are you in pain?" the soft little hand gently touched Athena's bandaged wound.

Athena nodded. "Yes, it hurts a lot."

Cloud handed her another painkiller, and this time Athena didn't refuse or throw a tantrum. She

swallowed the medication.

"Who hurt mommy?" Iris's face flushed with anger.

"Yeah, if Iris finds out who hurt me, will you seek revenge for me?" Athena's eyes flashed with a hint of

sinister intent. She reached out and tousled Iris's hair.

"Of course! I will make her taste the pain mommy felt!" Iris said earnestly.

Athena smiled wickedly. Good, Iris was completely under her control. From the moment she opened

her eyes, she was the first person Iris saw, and afterwards, it was always her. She arranged various

teachers to train Iris.

She discovered that Iris had great talent. She learned to read quickly, had a strong aptitude for

mathematics, and had a sharp business mind at such a young age. She was shrewd and good at

reading people's expressions and words. It seemed she inherited this from Luther.

Moreover, Iris had a proud and stubborn personality. Once she made up her mind, it was difficult to

change it. This trait was very similar to Luther. In short, Iris was a replica of Luther.

Currently, Iris was completely influenced by her, which gave Athena great control over her.

Athena took out her phone, opened the photo album, enlarged a picture of Joyce, and handed it to Iris.

"Look, remember her face. She is the one who hurt me. She is the bad person."

Iris took Athena's phone and looked at the person in the photo, trying hard to memorize her


"I remember, mommy. She made mommy suffer like this. She's so wicked! I won't let her go," Iris said

with determination.

Athena's smile grew evil. She tightly embraced Iris and kissed her cheek. "Good girl, mommy didn't

raise you in vain. You must seek revenge for mommy."

"Yeah," Iris nodded her young head.

"Alright, go to sleep. Uncle and I still have things to discuss," Athena rubbed Iris's hair and looked at

her affectionately, her smile alluring.

"Okay, mommy, you should sleep early too. When you're asleep, you won't feel the pain anymore," Iris

slid off the bed and skipped towards the door.

As she closed the door, she turned around and waved to Athena.

The moment the door closed.

Athena's expression instantly changed, and her smile disappeared in an instant.

In its place was a sinister and cold look.

"Suzuki, what did you say on the phone just now?" Athena asked.

Cloud crossed his arms. "I received some information. Luther and Joyce have arrived in Mufron and

have been to the cemetery. I'm sorry, the people monitoring them have been a bit lax recently and

overlooked this."

Athena's lips curled up, a smile as sinister as hell. "It doesn't matter, they should know by now. Let

them investigate, no need to hide. Especially from Luther."

She couldn't help but touch her injured shoulder.

She had to recover quickly.

The show was about to begin, and she couldn't miss it.

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