Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther)

Chapter 1646: Farewell Properly
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Chapter 1646: Farewell Properly

Chapter 1646: Farewell Properly

Juanita pouted, "And you said you're not drunk. It seems Chris can't handle mixed drinks. He gets

drunk from red wine and foreign liquor."

She looked at Joyce reluctantly. "I'll go see you off the day after tomorrow. Ah, I really don't want you to


Joyce smiled and said, "Don't see me off. Let's say our goodbyes tonight. It'll only make you feel more

melancholic when the time comes. I'll come back often, and as soon as I return, I'll come see you. Just

make sure to listen to Karl and follow his instructions, okay?"

Juanita sighed, "Alright. Am I not already listening to him? I'm just... Ah, forget it."

Karl smiled at her and remained silent.

At this moment, Justin stood up. "I'll say my goodbyes to everyone as well."

He extended his hand and shook hands with Luther and then Karl, gesturing with a smile.

"I came here by myself, and I'll return to the hospital in a little while. If you need anything in the future,

feel free to reach out to me."

Juanita chuckled, "We'll need your support for our charitable endeavors."

"Of course," Justin replied.

He wore a smile as radiant as basking in spring.

"Well then, goodbye, everyone."

Justin nodded lightly. He was the last one to arrive and the first one to leave tonight. His purpose had

been achieved, and it was time for him to go.

Just as he was about to step out of the private room.

Joyce suddenly called out to him, "Justin."

Justin turned around, his eyes flickering with a slight tremor.

"Take care of yourself once you're in Mufron," Joyce's voice sounded somewhat melancholic. She

realized that after Justin left, they probably wouldn't see each other again for many years. The

memories of their youth, with him as her confidant, were truly sincere.

Justin nodded.

Fearful that he wouldn't be able to let go, he took a deep breath.

A smile as tender and bright as ever appeared on his lips.

Then he turned around and left. He wanted to leave behind his most gentle smile and most carefree

figure as his final farewell.

Perhaps they would meet again in the future, but who knew when that would be?

After he left, Justin quickened his pace towards the parking lot. After more than six years of love, it had

ultimately come to nothing. But he had no regrets. He had made up for his past mistakes and had

experienced life and death together with her. He had no regrets.

In the future, as the flowers bloomed and withered, going through the ups and downs of life, he only

hoped for a peaceful and happy life for her.

In the private room, Juanita gazed at Justin's departing figure with deep affection and melancholy,

sighing to herself.

In the end, it was a destined encounter without a destined outcome. After all, Joyce only had one

person. Justin's appearance, dashing and lost, even she felt heartbroken when she looked at him.

Joyce checked the time. "We should go. Let's say our goodbyes here."

"Okay." Karl's emotions remained calm and steady. "Give me a call when you're back in the Capital."

It wasn't that he wasn't reluctant, but he suppressed his emotions and didn't want to show them, so as

not to add to the melancholic atmosphere tonight. Over the years, they had formed an understanding.

Letting go would take time for him as well.novelbin

However, now he had someone he needed to protect.

He pulled Juanita up. "It's time to go."

"Alright." Juanita's voice sounded hoarse, and her eyes were filled with tears.

Joyce and Luther bid their farewells to everyone, concluding tonight's gathering.

The next morning.

Nina woke up in her dorm room and looked at her surroundings. She was dazed for a moment.

Last night, Karl had taken Chris back to the secret base. Then he had taken her back to Jennifer

College of Music in the Capital. She had tossed and turned in bed for a long time, only managing to

sleep for a short while before dawn.

Chris was leaving tomorrow morning, and she wouldn't see him for a long time.

Now it was truly time to say goodbye.

She realized that she couldn't let go. She had fallen too deeply, too deeply. When she returned to the

dorm room, tears streamed down her face uncontrollably. She cried and cried, unable to stop, as if all

the tears in her life were about to dry up.

When she got up in the morning and washed her face, she found that her eyes were swollen like


She couldn't go out and see people like this.

But she still had to attend classes.

She could only find theglasses with black frames that she hadn't used in a long time and put them on to

cover up a bit.

She remembered that she hadn't properly said goodbye to him last night. She had been lost and

disoriented. Her steps had felt floaty.

As she walked downstairs from the dormitory, she took a few bites of breakfast and prepared to go to


She passed by the lawn in front of the auditorium.

She heard a commotion, with all the students running in one direction. She didn't know what they were

doing, as it was almost time for class and everyone should be going to class. What could possibly be


"Why are you all in such a hurry? We're about to start class, and everyone isn't going to class. What's

going on?" someone asked.

"Forget about class! A helicopter just landed on the school's football field. Oh my god, it's a super cool

military helicopter. I'm going to check it out."

"Yeah, yeah! Skipping class to watch the show."

"Why did a military helicopter come to our school?"

"Who knows? Let's go check it out. It's military, you can never see it normally. They say it's super cool.

Check the school forum, someone has already posted pictures."

Nina, upon hearing this, quickly took out her phone and opened the campus forum.

Sure enough, someone had uploaded pictures of the helicopter. It had landed right in the middle of the

central lawn.

How was that possible?

Military helicopters. She suddenly had a faint premonition.

Could it be...?

No, it couldn't.

She rubbed her eyes and felt her excitement growing.

Her footsteps unconsciously quickened, and she ran towards the central lawn. She had never run so

fast before. The closer she got to the central lawn, the more people there were, almost overcrowding

the area.

People were crowding around, and she couldn't see what was happening up ahead.

But she could hear the deafening roar, and she caught glimpses of the massive rotor blades spinning in

the distance.

A strong gust of wind swept through, sending the leaves around into a frenzy. Some small trees were

even bent over by the wind.

She was blocked by the crowd and couldn't see who was inside the helicopter.

At this moment, someone seemed to shout something, but she couldn't make out the words.

In any case, the crowd began to split and make way.

Clearing a path.

And she stood at the end of the crowd, finally seeing what was ahead.

Underneath the magnificent helicopter, a row of special forces personnel stood in two lines, their

formation and aura awe-inspiring.

A man dressed in Alvonia's navy blue military uniform.

With a divine and handsome appearance, he stepped down from the helicopter with long strides.

Besides Chris, who else could it be?

Nina stood at the end of the cleared path.

At this moment, she gazed at him from afar, her heart almost stopping, her breath ceasing.

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