Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther)

Chapter 1626: Waiting for Nothing
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Chapter 1626: Waiting for Nothing

Chapter 1626: Waiting for Nothing

Chris carried Nina into the passenger seat of the car.

He sat in the driver's seat and fastened Nina's seatbelt.

He started the car and prepared to leave.

Nina held tightly onto the seatbelt and nervously watched him. Did his kiss just now mean that he

wasn't angry anymore?

She didn't even dare to ask where he was taking her at this late hour.

Seeing that Chris still had a tense expression, Nina hesitated for a while before cautiously asking, "You

still haven't said what you wanted to talk to me about."

Chris turned his head, his fierce gaze sweeping towards her. "What do you think I would want to talk to

you about?"

Nina instinctively shook her head. How could she guess his intentions?

Chris saw her timid appearance and gave her a stern look. "To get a room and sleep with you."

Nina was stunned, thinking she had misheard him.

Then it suddenly hit her and her face turned as red as blood. She tightly grabbed onto the seatbelt and

buried her head, feeling both embarrassed and awkward. She wanted to find a place to hide, but shenovelbin

was in the car with nowhere to go.

How could he say something so blunt and explicit?

Her heart was pounding in her throat. Just thinking about the last time they were together was too

exciting for her and she had even fainted twice. Her cheeks were so hot they felt like they were on fire.

Chris glanced at Nina.

He had just said it casually, wanting to talk to her about the future.

But when he saw her shy and helpless appearance, her red cheeks under the dim car lights, her

delicate and trembling lips with a honey-like luster, it instantly aroused his possessiveness. His

thoughts changed immediately.

The kiss just now was just a taste. Now he just wanted to firmly press her under him.

The car had been driving all the way, leaving the campus, the bustling streets, and arriving at the Super

Lux Hotel by the seaside, which was quite far away. In the silent night, on the fast road, there were few

cars passing by.

Chris's breathing gradually became heavier.

Suddenly, he turned the steering wheel sharply and drove onto the side road. Then he slammed on the

brakes and the car stopped.

As he pulled up the handbrake, he had already turned sideways and lifted her up with one arm. Her

petite body couldn't resist his force and was firmly pressed against the back of the seat. He kissed her


When he touched her lips downstairs just now, he actually wanted to do this, but there were people

around and he didn't want to embarrass her, so he restrained himself and just touched her lightly.

Her shy appearance just now had stimulated him.

The more they kissed, the more intense it became. Chris simply pressed the central lock and reclined

the seat.


It was unknown how long had passed.

Chris looked at Nina sleeping on the seat in silence, his face darkening.

Damn it, she had fainted for the third time.

Was it really that intense? He had already been very gentle and cautious knowing she was pregnant,

and his movements were light.

He didn't expect her to still not be able to bear it.

Maybe it was the environment tonight, too stimulating for her, making her feel embarrassed, scared,

and awkward. She didn't dare to resist or even make a sound, and finally passed out.

He sighed, helped her tidy up her clothes, and covered her with his coat.

Then he started the car again and drove all the way to the Super Lux Hotel by the seaside.

When he parked the car, she was still asleep, with her exquisite profile and long curly eyelashes

trembling slightly, like a beautiful porcelain doll.

Chris admired her for a while.

He felt that Nina seemed even more beautiful than before, with a few more traces of charm after

becoming pregnant. She was already very attractive before, and now she was even more irresistible.

Such a girl was hard to come by, and he had found a treasure.

With a low chuckle, he carried her out of the car and wrapped her in his coat, even covering her face.

Walking into the Super Lux Hotel, Chris approached the front desk and tossed out a black gold card.

This was given to him by Luther, and it was somewhat related to Luther's industries in Pascaylia, Super

Lux Hotel, and resorts. This black gold card could almost be used in any hotel or resort.

The man on duty at the front desk immediately gave Chris a top-floor presidential suite with a sea view.

He secretly glanced at the girl in Chris's arms, who seemed to be asleep. She had a petite body,

delicate and fragile, and was unfortunately covered up, revealing only a glimpse of her white and

slender legs, swaying in his arms. The scene was tempting, making one's mind wander, and he

couldn't help but want to see her true appearance.

Chris noticed the front desk's curious gaze and gave him a displeased look, glaring at him fiercely. The

front desk felt Chris's cold and stern gaze and quickly lowered his head. He shouldn't have looked, and

he couldn't afford to offend someone who could produce a black gold card. He didn't want to lose his

job. Besides, an influential woman like her was not someone he could match with.

Chris carried Nina into the elevator and went directly to the top-floor presidential suite. Turning on the

lights, he laid her flat on the bed. Nina was still unconscious, curled up, and her bare arms bore the

marks left behind from earlier.

Under the hotel's bright lights, nothing could be hidden.

When Chris put her down, he caught a glimpse of his handiwork from the corner of his eye, making his

breath tighten again. Just now, he had only satisfied himself briefly, which wasn't enough. Perhaps it

was too much for her.

What should he do with this little woman? Would she be this shy her entire life? But if she wasn't like

this, how could she deeply attract him? He felt uncomfortable all over and wanted to relieve it.

But he couldn't bear to wake her up. Oh well, let her rest a little longer.

Chris stood up and went to the bathroom, turning on the faucet. Warm water flowed out, connected to a

natural hot spring. He planned to take a bath and relax his entire body. Otherwise, in his current state,

he was really uncomfortable.

When the bathtub was almost full, Nina woke up quietly. She sat up from the bed, looked around, and

realized that she was already in the hotel. Just now... she remembered what had happened earlier, but

her memory was fragmented, and she realized that she had fainted again.

Oh God, she had actually done that with him, and it was even in the car... She bit her lip, feeling

embarrassed beyond words.

Chris sat on the sofa, glancing at her waking up from the corner of his eye. He smirked with a wicked

smile. Since she had woken up, he wouldn't be polite anymore.

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