Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther)

Chapter 1620 I’m Afraid I Can’t Accept That
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Chapter 1620 I'm Afraid I Can't Accept That

Chapter 1620 I'm Afraid I Can't Accept That

As if knowing her worries, Luther gently patted her shoulder, "Just work-related matters."


Joyce waved to Anderson, "Come on, Mommy will take you across the street to eat Japanese seafood

fried rice, okay?"

"Great!" Anderson stood up happily.

Joyce took Anderson out of the VIP ward. As she left, she looked inside doubtfully.

She felt something was wrong.

She couldn't say what it was, but ever since Luther woke up, she felt he was a little abnormal, like

today when he suddenly wanted to know if the child in her belly was a boy or a girl, and came up with a

name for the child on impulse.

As if he had arranged things in advance.

Yet Luther seemed in a good mood and his body showed no abnormalities.

She shook her head. She must be overthinking it.

Perhaps her emotions were affected by Justin's will just now, making her sensitive and overthinking

things. No, Otis was dead, and the remaining initiative was firmly in their hands.

The most difficult and darkest times were over.

There were no future troubles, nothing they couldn't solve.

"Mommy, what are you thinking about?" Anderson saw that Joyce wasn't paying attention.

"Nothing, Mommy is thinking about what to order." Joyce held Anderson's hand, smiling as she walked

into the Japanese restaurant.

On the other side.

VIP ward.

Justin was leaning against the bed back, sitting up a bit. Although pale, his spirit was undiminished.

Only he and Luther were left in the room.

"I wonder what Mr. Warner wants to talk to me about privately?"

Justin would not be naive enough to believe that what Luther wanted to talk about privately with him

was work-related.

He slightly raised his long eyebrows, "There's no one else here now, you can speak."

Luther sat down on the stool next to the bed. Standing for too long, his wound ached slightly.

"Don't go to Mufron, stay." He went straight to the point.

"Why?" Justin suddenly smiled, "Mr. Warner always thought I was the biggest threat. Now that I'm

leaving, I won't disturb your lives in the future, yet you want me to stay? I can't understand that."

Luther's voice was cold, "I never thought you were a threat."

Ridiculous. Although he minded that Justin had known Joyce two years earlier and accompanied Joycenovelbin

through her youth, he was not lacking in confidence to the point of always seeing Justin as his greatest

rival and brooding over it.

To be honest, if Joyce had wanted to be with Justin back then, he would not have had a chance.

He did not feel Justin was a threat, purely unpleasant and jealous.

Justin's expression turned ugly upon hearing this.

"Mr. Warner really looks down on people. If you hadn't appeared, wasting until now, she would

definitely have been with me." He still had confidence in this. With time and patience, even Joyce

wouldn't be able to stand it.

"Sorry. I appeared, there's no 'if'." Luther sneered coldly.

"So what exactly does Mr. Warner want to say to me?" Justin frowned. Luther couldn't possibly stay

behind just to argue superiority with him, could he?

Just as Luther was about to speak.

Suddenly, a warm sensation surged in his nose.

Before he could cover it, bright red blood flowed unwarned from his nose, dropping straight down and

staining his shirt.

Luther raised his hand and gently wiped his nose. His fingers were stained red, glaringly conspicuous.

Justin's eyes opened wide, not expecting to see such a scene.

He hurriedly asked, "What's wrong?"

Luther took some napkins to wipe away the blood, then picked up the phone in Justin's room and

called the nurse's station.

"Bring a new set of hospital clothes in ten minutes."

After hanging up the phone, he said to Justin, "As you can see, I've been poisoned by some unknown

toxin. Current medical means and testing methods can't determine what exactly I've been poisoned

with. It's the poison Otis administered to me before he was arrested."

Justin narrowed his eyes, "Joyce doesn't know?"

"She knows, but I told her it was just ordinary medicine. Otis was at a dead end and deceived us with

fake medicine." Luther explained.

"Would she believe that?" Justin asked doubtfully.

"She believes it. After all, my physical examinations so far have been normal." After a pause, Luther

said, "I know my own body best. She doesn't know about the unexplained nosebleeds. I don't want her

to know either."

Justin looked over Luther.

Indeed, outwardly he looked normal except for being a little pale.

Luther, this person, he had dealt with several times. Arrogant beyond compare. If he didn't feel extreme

danger, he would never have asked him to stay. That was impossible.

"Heh." Justin gazed deeply at Luther.

"From Mr. Warner's meaning, it seems like arranging matters in case of death, wanting me as a

backup? In case something happens to you, to take care of Joyce and Andres?" Justin mercilessly hit

the nail on the head.

Although the words were unpleasant, they got to the crux of the matter.

Luther's face showed embarrassment.

Justin was not wrong. That was exactly what he had been thinking. For some reason, he felt especially

uneasy this time. In the past, he would never have allowed Justin to get close to Joyce, let alone

entrust her to him.

As the nurse came in with a clean set of hospital clothes, Luther got up and went into the bathroom to

clean away the bloodstains and change into the new clothes.

It was as if nothing had happened just now.

"How do you consider my proposal?" he asked.

Justin swept Luther with a cold look and rejected, "Sorry, I'm afraid I can't accept that."

Luther was stunned, not expecting Justin to refuse at all.

"What do you mean?"

Justin said coldly, "I don't accept. I'm going to Mufron. I won't come back again. As for you, since you

snatched her from me back then, figure out how to be responsible to the end yourself."

Luther's face darkened, "I didn't snatch her from you, she was mine to begin with. Please get that


Justin smiled, "Whether that's true or not no longer matters. Since you got her, figure out a way to live

on. No matter how difficult, persevere. Don't try to dump her on me halfway, sorry, I don't accept. After

I'm discharged from the hospital, the first thing I'll do is fly to Mufron. No need for you to see me off


Luther's face dropped completely.

"Mr. Warner, if there's nothing else, please leave. I want to rest." Justin coldly ordered him out.

Luther left the ward in suppressed anger.

Watching his retreating back.

Justin's eyes darkened. Aggressive tactics, hoping to be useful. In dire straits, only having no way out

would lead to turning peril into safety. For Joyce, he would not leave Luther this way out.

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