Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther)

Chapter 1610 Thoroughly Understand
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Chapter 1610 Thoroughly Understand

Chapter 1610 Thoroughly Understand

"Dewey, let them go at maximum speed. On my way here, I have studied the structure of the

Blackhawk Helicopter. I intend to hit the control system under the cockpit of the helicopter. This will not

blow up the helicopter immediately, but will force them to jump into the sea to escape. When they jump

into the sea to escape, you take people to search for them. By then, the military ships should have


Joyce stood at the bow, facing the wind. Her long hair was simply tied behind her ears, fluttering slightly

in the gale.

Previously on the roof of the garage in the harbor, she watched helplessly as the helicopter flew away.

At that time, she did not understand the model and structure of the helicopter and did not dare to fire at

will, not to mention Fair was still on the helicopter. Recklessly blowing up the fuel tank would lead to the

helicopter crashing and killing people on the spot.

So this time she learned her lesson and studied the structure of today's Blackhawk Helicopter on her

way here.

The weather helped today, with severe convection in the clouds, the helicopter could only fly at a very

low altitude above sea level.

While Dewey responded, he asked in surprise, "Commander, can you see the target clearly? And hit

the control system under the cockpit of the helicopter?"

Joyce took out a pair of binoculars, "No problem. Triple magnification is enough."

Dewey asked again, "But the helicopter is moving, and the wind speed also affects us, and our boat is

shaking. Are you sure you can hit it in one shot? The Blackhawk Helicopter has fierce firepower and

high speed. If it can't be hit in one shot, once the Blackhawk Helicopter turns around to attack us, two

rows of bullets will be enough to pierce through and sink our speedboat. We have nowhere to dodge,

isn't it too risky?"

"And now we are outside Pascaylia waters, in international waters. They have no reason to fire at us,

and we have no way to appeal to the International Maritime Tribunal."

"I understand, I'm confident." Joyce controlled the direction of the M2 machine gun, "Dewey, keep the

speedboat sailing at 45 degrees southeast for two minutes. Try to stay stable."

"Yes." Dewey responded.

He had heard that the real Miss Heath in front of him was a well-known crack shot, accurate to 0. 01

mm, but competition venues and battlefields were different, and theory might not be applicable in


Could she really accurately hit the control system?

He was skeptical.

In any case, the commander wanted the commander to establish prestige in the army, and arresting

Otis was the best opportunity. He could understand. But the commander also secretly instructed that no

matter what, the commander's life safety should be the top priority, so he was also responsible for

protecting her.

So he was ready for contingency plans in case the Blackhawk Helicopter turned around to attack them.

He would jump into the sea with the commander, dive to a certain depth to avoid fire attacks, and the

equipment was ready.

As he was thinking, the Blackhawk Helicopter in front of them suddenly turned around.

Dewey shouted coldly, "Not good, the people on the helicopter have discovered us. It's turning around

and flying towards us."

It's over, he was just thinking of the worst case scenario, and it happened so quickly.

"It's okay, steady the bow."

Joyce shouted in a low voice, suddenly the corners of her lips rose, "I was just worried that there was

no chance, but they delivered it themselves."

As she spoke, a burst of bullets from the M2 flew out, cutting a perfect arc in the sunset, cutting throughnovelbin

the afterglow and heading straight for the Blackhawk Helicopter.

Then, not far away in the sky came a loud "clunk, clunk" sound, like the sound of a mechanical

malfunction jamming. The Blackhawk Helicopter began to vibrate and shake in the air.

Dewey saw it happen with his own eyes, unbelievable. With his years of experience, he knew of course

that this was due to the sudden failure of the helicopter's braking system.

What the commander said just now was actually done.

"Perfect!" Dewey couldn't help but praise, "Commander, how did you do it? The target is moving, and

the distance hasn't entered our firing range yet."

Joyce explained, "Originally the Blackhawk Helicopter was flying forward, and part of the control

system was blocked, making it a bit difficult to aim for penetration. But when they found us, the moment

they turned, the entire control system was exposed in my field of vision. A perfect opportunity, of

course, could not be missed. I controlled the firing speed, controlling the burst into single shots, and the

bullets fired later pushed the bullets already fired, which could greatly increase the power, hitting the

interior of the helicopter at the same location, so a burst of bullets was enough. This minimizes damage

to the helicopter."

Dewey was dumbfounded when he heard it. Such marksmanship was simply amazing.

He opened his eyes today for the first time.

Obviously, the commander combined the strengths of the commander and the commander's wife,

proficient in short and long distances, and blue comes out of blue but better than blue.

"Commander, I estimate they have about ten minutes to jump into the sea to escape. We must act

quickly, not far ahead is the Rohomes waters, according to international high seas regulations, our

military vessels cannot cross the line, otherwise it will cause international problems." Dewey reminded.

"Um." Joyce nodded.

On the other side.

On the Blackhawk Helicopter.

Cloud commanded the helicopter to descend gradually to avoid the airflow.

At the same time, he determined that the unidentified object on the sea surface was a light speedboat.

"Haha, just a speedboat dare to chase the Black Eagle?" Athena sneered, "Turn around and give it a

row of bullets to sink it. See if they dare to be arrogant?"

Cloud hesitated, "In ten minutes we will be in Rohomes waters, they dare not chase after us. Do we

need to take the risk? It is better to have one thing less than one thing more."

"No." Athena's eyes showed a stern look, "The warlords sent someone to chase us, and maybe Joyce

is on the speedboat too."

"Possible, and Ralph's Dewey must be there." Otis said at this time, "But it's best not to provoke


"Haha, then we should go and meet her." Athena was provoked by Otis's words and issued a direct

order to the cockpit, "Turn around! Sink the speedboat. Joyce, today I will make her come and go."

"Wait." Cloud was about to stop her, but Athena had already ordered.

The Blackhawk Helicopter climbed in altitude and turned around.

Cloud knew that Athena was reckless, and now what he could do was how to cope with emergencies.

Just as the Blackhawk Helicopter had just turned around and adjusted its direction, preparing to fly

towards the speedboat.

Suddenly, the helicopter's fuselage shook violently, followed by violent shaking.

Athena could barely sit still and almost fell to the ground.

Otis grabbed the suspension handle to maintain his balance.

Cloud's eyes darkened suddenly. As he expected, the worst had happened. He knew that helicopters

had weaknesses, and with good enough marksmanship, piercing a helicopter was not impossible.

And coincidentally, the warlords had such a crack shot.

It shows that Joyce must be on the speedboat.

Legend has it that the marksmanship is superb, unfortunately he has not seen it, and today he has

thoroughly understood it.

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