Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther)

Chapter 1608 Dark Organization
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Chapter 1608 Dark Organization

Chapter 1608 Dark Organization

On the other side.

Joyce bought lunch from outside and returned to the VIP ward of the hospital.

Luther was playing games with Anderson in the room.

As soon as she put down the bag in her hand, she received a call from Ralph.

"Dad, any new situation?" As soon as she pressed the answer button, she immediately became


"Joyce, according to international conventions, we must send Otis to International Sea Island Prison.

So, after the first round of interrogation of Otis, the military landing craft has been sent to send him to

the island prison. But just now, I received news that radar detected an unidentified helicopter invading

the airspace. Now, highly suspect the other party's purpose. "

"Someone wants to hijack Otis?" Joyce frowned.

"It's possible. Take a team to check it out by speedboat, and I will send naval forces for subsequent

support." Ralph ordered, "The car is waiting for you downstairs in the hospital."

"Yes, I will set off immediately." Joyce agreed, "Dad, please rest assured, there will be no omissions

this time."

"Take care of yourself. The details will be told to you by my deputy." With that, Ralph hung up the


After finishing the call, Joyce turned around and found that Luther was already standing behind her.

"Be careful." He gently rubbed the top of her head, "Go quickly and come back quickly. You have to

accompany me to stay overnight here tonight. Anderson and I will wait for you here."

He probably knew what she was going to do and did not stop her.

He also knew that as the only heir of the Heath family, to establish prestige in the warlords in the future

and successfully take over the warlords, major operations of historical significance such as this, Ralph

and Cecelia must hope that Joyce will appear on the front line.

This is why the operation to arrest Otis last night had to be personally led by Joyce.

Not that others could not do it, but the meaning was different.

Since inheriting the bloodline, naturally inherited the obligation.

He understood all these truths.

He supported her, just reminded her in this way not to take risks easily. He would always wait for her.

Joyce's lips opened and closed, wanting to say something, but did not say it in the end.

She thanked him for his understanding and support. She needed experience to deal with all kinds of


In addition, her marksmanship was the best in the warlords.novelbin

Therefore, she must participate in many things and could not stay out of it.

Not to mention, Otis's affairs were related to her personal interests.

When she reached the door, she turned around and explained, "It's not certain now whether the other

party's goal is to hijack Otis. It's better to be safe than sorry. Anyway, I can't let Otis escape. About the

medicine you took, I have to personally confirm with him what exactly it is."

Without asking the result, I could never feel at ease.

Luther suddenly pulled her back and hugged her in his arms.

Knowing that he could not delay time, he just hugged her for a while, bowed his head and lightly

dropped a kiss on her lips, "Go on."

Anderson popped out from behind Luther, "Goodbye, Mommy."

Joyce smiled slightly, "Wait for me."

After speaking, she turned and left the ward. Straight downstairs.

At the hospital entrance, Dewey Fowler, Ralph's dedicated deputy, was already waiting for her.

After getting in the car, a team set off in full battle array, rushing to the military port.

On the way, Dewey explained the current situation to Joyce in detail, as well as preliminary action plans

in reserve to deal with emergencies and contingencies.

On the other side.

On the high seas.

The Black Hawk Helicopters gradually approached the landing craft.

A burst of machine gun bullets swept over, and the guards on the landing craft scattered around

looking for shelter to avoid the fire attack. The deck was instantly riddled with holes.

Next came another burst of bullets, directly blowing up the cockpit of the landing craft, causing the ship

to lose its braking function and could only drift forward with inertia.

Under fire suppression, the Black Hawk Helicopter opened its hatch, lowering a thick rope, and four

black-clothed men in bulletproof vests slid down the rope and landed on the landing craft.

The two sides engaged in fierce exchanges of fire on the landing craft.

Otis had left the cabin.

Taking this opportunity. He rushed to the deck and, under the cover of the four black-clothed men,

grabbed the thick rope and climbed up quickly.

At the same time, the Black Hawk Helicopter continued to rise higher and higher, turning its head and

flying away from the landing craft.

The four black-clothed men were all dead men, and their mission was to go without returning. So once

Otis was taken away by the Black Hawk Helicopter, their mission was accomplished. Seeing that the

guards on the landing craft eventually subdued them all, they bit the poison in their mouths and

committed suicide instantly.

The wind was strong at sea, Otis had injured ribs, and climbing ropes was somewhat difficult.

Fortunately, the ropes had an automatic lifting function, and soon they pulled him up and climbed into

the helicopter cabin. Otis sat on the floor of the cabin, panting heavily.

In the cabin, Athena was dressed in a black tight outfit, her black hair still scattered, looking enchanting

and cold.

Beside her sat Cloud Takashima.

"I have long heard the famous name. Nice to meet you for the first time, General Otis." Cloud hooked

the corner of his lips and glanced at Otis indifferently.

Otis regained his breath and sat down in the helicopter seat. He looked up and down at Cloud.

This long-haired man, with his literate appearance and dark temperament, had an extremely strong

contrast and discord.

Otis narrowed his eyes. According to rumors in the world, there has always existed a mysterious

organization called OGW.

Appearing and disappearing without a trace, no one knew who they really were or what they usually

did. It was only known that they could do anything and were capable of any evil. He had heard some

rumors about the leader of OGW.

Could it be?

Otis asked directly the doubt in his heart, "Are you the leader of OGW?"

Cloud laughed wildly, "General Otis is indeed well-informed." He stroked his long hair, "It's a bit boring

to be guessed by you so easily."

"Since you guessed it, let me introduce myself. My name is Cloud."

Although he said it was self-introduction, Cloud did not reach out his hand.

A contemptuous sound emanated from Athena's throat.

Otis narrowed his eyes. He was now a defeated man and was in no position to care about the OGW


Cloud, originally from Rohomes, no wonder Pascaylia had a hard time tracking down OGW's


His gaze on Athena sank somewhat.

No wonder this woman was unscrupulous and arrogant without limit. It turned out that in addition to the

Black and White Double Shark Clan as her background, she was actually colluding with the head of

OGW. No wonder she could get wind and rain as she pleased, and even get Black Hawk Helicopters.

Most importantly, judging from their seating order and the way they spoke to each other.

It seemed that Cloud listened to Athena.

As far as he knew, Athena's mother was also from Rohomes. So what was the relationship between


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