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Chapter 1591

Chapter 1591

"Prepare to ambush them," Otis ordered coldly.

On the other side.

Luther, Joyce and Chris led people to the abandoned airport.

Tonight there were no stars or moon. In the wilderness, darkness was like a giant cover, and you couldnovelbin

hardly see your fingers. Only the howling wind shuttled back and forth.

They all took out night vision goggles and wore them.

The special forces rushed to the front, protecting them while paving the way forward.

Chris, wearing night vision goggles, surveyed the surrounding environment and doubted, "Can this take

off? Are you sure? I can't even see the runway."

"It would not be Otis's work if it were so easily discovered," Joyce said with increased vigilance.

Luther agreed, "I feel it must be here. Mr. Hurley, didn't you see the tire marks on the ground just now?

And the crushed thorn bushes? They were all newly caused."

Suddenly Joyce stopped, "Listen, there's movement."

Professional snipers often have a higher sensitivity to sounds.

Chris closed his eyes and discerned, "45 degrees left front."

Luther pointed, "There, it looks like an oil depot."

Joyce immediately took out her gun, fully alert, lightened her footsteps, and approached the oil depot

step by step.

"Be careful of ambush," Luther said in a low voice, "The quieter it is, the more wrong it is. You are

behind me."

Joyce shook her head, "No, I have to be in front of you."

Chris glanced at them silently, "Alright, I'm in the front. You two stay behind."

After all, Luther was not a professional soldier. Joyce was pregnant. Seeing Luther's worried face and

being extra careful to protect Joyce everywhere, afraid that she would get hurt, he had been feeding

the dog all the way. He was almost unbearable.

It was better for him to rush to the front. If there was danger, he would block it.

It was better than eating dog food all the time. He was almost eaten to death.

When they approached the oil depot.

Suddenly, a person appeared in front of them, hanging on the iron door of the oil depot.

The person was motionless.

Joyce was shocked when she saw it clearly and cried out, "Not good, it's Eugene."

In order not to fire and make a sound.

Joyce waved her hand, threw the spinning dart in her hand rapidly,

A flash of silver light flashed perfectly in the air, directly cutting the rope. With a "bang", Eugene fell to

the ground. At the same time, the silver spinning dart returned to Joyce's hand.

"Oh, the spinning dart, you can also do this trick. Interesting. Impressive." Chris turned to look at Joyce

with admiration.

Luther had seen too much and was not surprised. Years ago, Joyce had saved his life with a spinning


He pulled Joyce to his side and extended his hand to protect her.

The special forces in front placed Eugene flat on the ground. One of them gave Eugene

cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The other leaned over to check his breath.

Joyce took two quick steps forward and asked anxiously, "How is it? Is he still breathing?"

"Report to the Major General, the man is still alive. We saved him in time." The special forces replied.

Joyce breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Eugene was still saved, "Hide him to avoid being found.

After we deal with Otis, come back and save him."

The special forces nodded and moved Eugene into the bushes outside the warehouse door.

Luther pulled Joyce behind him, "Otis must know that Eugene betrayed us. He hanged him on the door

beam to warn us. Eugene is still alive, which means they just left recently."

"Be careful!"

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