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Chapter 1458

Chapter 1458

Nina rushed to the bathroom and finally couldn't restrain herself from dry heaving one after another.

She had just started eating and her stomach was still empty.

I can't throw up, I can only dry heave.

It took a while for her to slow down.

She looked in the mirror, rewashed her face, and after wiping it clean, she walked out of the bathroom.

Unexpectedly, the scene of her dry heaving was seen by Sienna who was inside the cubicle.

Sienna's suspicions rose in her mind. When she herself was in high school, she had a boyfriend who

later became inadvertently pregnant, and it was because of such dry heaves that she was alerted to

the fact that she was pregnant.

Later, she went to abort the baby, and then later, broke up with her ex-boyfriend during her freshman


So, Nina's reaction just now?

Could it be a pregnancy reaction?

Sienna can't help but cover her lips, God, if this is really the case, Nina play innocent what? What white

lotus flower?

It turns out that it is also the goods that are played badly.

How dare you pretend to be so noble in front of Erik, pretending that you never touch boys? That's


The bottom line is that she suspects Nina of having an inappropriate relationship with Professor Degan.

This explains why Professor Degan recruited Nina, who must have gotten her body on top. This bitch.

Sienna had a sinister look in her eyes.

Now that she has caught her in the act, she must find out Nina's true colors so that Nina will never be

able to get along in school again.

She took out her cell phone and called Aria.

"Hey, guess what I just saw?"

Aria, "What do you see?"

Sienna, "I'm telling you, keep an eye on Nina, see how many times a day she goes in and out of

Professor Degan's office, what she does at night, and keep an eye on her trips to the drugstore,

especially the hospital."

"What for? Why are you keeping an eye on her for these actions?" Aria couldn't figure it out.

"I suspect she's pregnant." Sienna whispered.

"Ah!" Aria shouted over the phone, "How is that possible? She looks like boys can't even get close."

"Fake it! I really did not expect, she can pretend too much, never seen such a bitch. I just heard her drynovelbin

heaving in the bathroom, this symptom, definitely not eating bad stomach, not the same. My intuition

tells me that there is definitely something wrong with her." Sienna sneered, "I must reveal her true


"Got it, don't worry, I'll take care of it!" Aria assured, "Snooping is what I do best."

Nina walks out of the bathroom and returns to her seat at dinner, her bag still in its place.

Erik had been waiting for her and saw her blushing.

Concerned, "What's wrong, you're not feeling well? Can I take you to the infirmary?"

Nina was stunned and shook her head in a hurry.

Erik said again, "You look bad, is the food not to your liking, you are just not familiar with the campus

around. How about I take you out to eat? I know a congee stew that is very good."

Nina shakes her head again.

"Are you always like this, not talking to people? Is there something I'm not doing right? Say it so I can

pay attention." Erik was slightly frustrated.

Nina still didn't answer.

Erik sighed, "I saw the Bible in your bag, you believe in religion? I didn't mean to look in your bag. Just

now you got up in such a hurry that you dropped your bag on the floor. I picked it up for you and saw it

by accident."

Nina finally responded, "Well, Catholic."

Erik froze.

Catholicism, he knows some, there are many taboos, such as no divorce after marriage.

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