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Chapter 1338

Chapter 1338

"You need a plan for this?" Chris found it unbelievable, "Aren't you people too stubborn to do anything?

"Of course you need a plan." Luther looked at Chris with amusement, "Do you know what school Nina

goes to? Where does she live and what kind of transportation does she use to get to school? Where do

you pass every day? What are the regular places she goes? What are her hobbies? What are her

special interests? Do you know?"

Chris , "..."

"We'll give the basic information to Mr. Hurley, and I'm sure he'll have his own judgment." Joyce eased

from it.

Chris resumed his seat.

The military has always been straightforward and straightforward, unlike the Special Investigation Unit,

a department that requires thorough consideration of everything and all kinds of detours.

He did not quite fit in.

Karl pulled out a stack of information.

Spread out on the table.

He then dragged the mobile whiteboard over and drew up the road map on it, as well as the character

association diagram. And pasted the relevant materials on it.

Karl then began his presentation.

"Nina has male-phobia, which is a psychological disorder. Belonging to a kind of social phobia, will

show anxiety to men, fear, accompanied by blushing, rapid heartbeat, whole body shock and other

symptoms, causing the cause visually is the family environment."

"So, she lives a very simple life, almost two to one. She leaves Hughes residence at 8 a. m. and takes

the 56 bus to W U. Halfway through the day she gets off at a stop in front of the university and goes to

the CU Store to buy breakfast. For lunch, she usually brings her own rice balls or sandwiches and eats

them by herself in the school garden. After class in the afternoon, she still takes the 56 bus, but gets off

halfway at the National Library, where she usually reads in the library until about 8:00 p. m., when she

continues to take the 56 bus and should have dinner in the library. Sometimes, instead of going to thenovelbin

National Library, she would go to the Bluemoon Cafe next to the library and sit there until 8 p. m. as

well, before returning to Hughes residence. on weekends, her life was simpler, and she would go to the

Catholic Church for services, morning to night. Week after week, day after day."

Karl simply finished, "These are the messages that I have been sending people to follow for some time

and get."

Chris propped up his jaw, "Shit, it's like the life of a nun. It's a wonder she can live like that."

"You are right. There is a piece of news that I have not yet confirmed, it seems that she has submitted

an application to the seminary and will become a nun when she passes. This news, however, is not

necessarily true, so I didn't say anything about it just now." Karl spread his hands, "That's all the basic


Chris' eyes widened, "So you really want to be a nun! Nowadays, there are too few people who are as

puritanical as she is. If so, why did she help her brother to organize the accounts? Concealing the fact

that her brother was doing unseemly deeds? Isn't that a sin before God."

Luther sneered, "Although I do not believe in religion, but many people who think they believe in

religion. Perhaps because they are full of sins and have nowhere to redeem themselves, they take

religion as their spiritual support. Thinking that this can wash away their sins, so it seems that Nina

does not deserve sympathy."

Joyce fell into a moment of contemplation, looking at the photo of the girl, immersed in introversion, not

quite like the kind they say, sinful.

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