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Chapter 1290

Chapter 1290

The days passed uneventfully for a few days. It was as if everything was normal, with the hustle and

bustle of the city and the traffic.

JK Intelligence's staff at the Capital will return to Mufron in a few days, and Joyce returned to the

company to explain why she had concealed her identity and appearance, and everyone was happy to

accept her blessing.

Luther's plot project at the Capital, too, started on schedule, and everything is moving along in an

orderly fashion.

Anderson's new school has been chosen, AS Kindergarten, near Julia's home.

Now, Julia is happy.

At this moment, she excitedly called Joyce, "Hello, Joyce, today Andres first day to report to the new

kindergarten. I just asked his teacher, the teacher said he adapted quickly. Don't worry, I have all the

greetings, absolutely no one will reveal Andres' identity, no one knows except his teacher."

"You are simply right to give Andres to AS Kindergarten, this is my jurisdiction you know? Haha, don't

worry, everything is covered by me."

Joyce is still off work today and she is sitting in her office answering the phone.

"Julia , it's Wednesday, right, and you're getting married on Saturday. Are you all set? Let's get busy

with your own. You don't have to worry about my side, everything is fine for now."

"Eh, what's so busy about a wedding. If you ask me, I don't even want to have a wedding. The red

tape, the formality, it's annoying." Julia grumbled.

"You don't want to do it? What about Karl? Doesn't he want to have a wedding either?" Joyce teased.

"Him? You think a character like him would like to get into this? You should know him well. Like a

wooden head, nothing matters, you ask him, he said yes to everything. Let him choose anything, he

said yes. You do not even know, when taking wedding photos, let him change the third set of clothes,

his face turned black, no expression. Scared the photographer are afraid to continue shooting, said

already very good, two sets of clothes is enough. Then, the rest of the things, basically Michal, that is,

my mother-in-law, and my mother in law. So, I simply do not care about anything. I'm just going to do

the wedding, and they can do whatever they want." Julia chatters on and on.

Joyce let out a giggle. It's really like Karl's style.

"All right, it's the maximum he can do to accompany you in this and be able to cooperate with the two


"Well, when I think about it, yes. Even I hate those, not to mention him."

Julia suddenly thought of something, "By the way, Andres has to be my wedding boy. I've already

bought him his little dress."

"I know. It's the right thing to do." Joyce smiled.

"Uh-huh. I'll give him a gift. Eh, but he has the richest father, and there is no shortage of money. joyce I

tell you, let Andres stay at my house every other night ah, the morning of the wedding, I personally take

him, and then we go to the scene together. Can it work?" Julia asked.

"OK. Your wedding, you call the shots, I'll cooperate fully." Joyce responded.

"Eh, Joyce you didn't even have a wedding, so you got married like this. Four years ago by mistake

received a license, until now are valid. You are also really a loss, just like that you married yourself."

Julia voice dissatisfied.

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