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Chapter 1157

Even if Cecelia knew everything and the mistakes she had made, the bond that had formed between

them over the past four years as "mother and daughter". In addition, she could say that Rodney's death

was just an accident, anyway. No one could ever prove anything.

Cecelia was soft-hearted and would never take her life.

She would never have ended up in such a miserable position as she did today and got abused by Otis.

She regretted it too much.

At this time, when she remembered how Cecelia usually treated her. She regretted it so much.

Charlotte tugged on Tommy's arm, "Did you find out? Where the hell is my mother? How is she doing?"

She desperately wanted to know where the hell Cecelia was. She wanted to see Cecelia, hoping that

Cecelia could stop Otis' madness. Otis was horrible. He was not even human! He's a devil! A devil who

would skin her alive without any mercy!!!

Tommy looked around and lowered his voice, "Miss Charlotte, I just wanted to tell you this good news!"


Charlotte felt instantly empowered. Her dead eyes lit up with a brightness, and she trembled as she

clasped Tommy's arms.

"Tell me. Is my mother still alive and where is she? I want to see her!"

Tommy attached to Charlotte's ear.

He whispered, "I've been asking around for a few days, and we're surrounded by Otis people. They

rotate their posts, and the vast majority of them don't know anything about Ms. Cecelia. But there's a

group of people, and they're from somewhere else."

"I snuck inside the bushes and listened to them talk. Although they didn't directly mention where Ms.

Cecelia actually was. But they discussed about Hill 372."

"Hill 372?" asked Charlotte, her eyes rolling. She had never heard of it, and she knew very little about

the military's inner workings.

"Yes, the military had a secret hospital built above Hill 372. Very few people inside the military knew

about it, and very early on, Ms. Cecelia took me there once. Otherwise, even if they mentioned Hill 372,

I don't know what they're talking about."

Tommy looked tense and uneasy. He sneaked to the door of the room again and looked around to

make sure no one was there.

“I suspect that Ms. Cecelia is hiding inside the secret hospital at Hill 372. This secret hospital has annovelbin

excellent location. The hospital has its own water and electricity supply, oil and food storage. I

speculate that Ms. Cecelia's cronies are guarding the hospital. Mr. Robertson seems to have been

unable to attack, so Mr. Robertson is in a bad mood. From time to time he was so mad at those

soldiers, but they can’t really do anything."

Charlotte seemed to remember something, "Yes, Frank, Frank should be with my mother."

"Frank and his men are all expert snipers. No wonder Mr. Robertson couldn't do anything to them."

Tommy nodded his head in understanding.

"You mean, my mother is alive now."

Charlotte yanked Tommy hard, her nails sinking deep into the flesh of his arm in excitement.

In her watery almond eyes, large teardrops flowed and rolled down onto his sleeve.

It looked so pitiful.

She wrapped her arms around him pleadingly, almost begging, "Please, help me get out. Please, as

you can see, I will die if I continue to stay here ..."

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