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Chapter 613

Chapter 613 Embarrassed

“Good day, Mr. and Mrs. Jenson,” greeted the police officers who passed by Cedrick and Gwendolyn


Their gazes were all filled with envy.

Gwendolyn responded with a warm smile.

That left a gentle and friendly impression on everyone.novelbin

Even though Gwendolyn tried to play it cool, she thought Cedrick's choice was a little bizarre.

She had presumed they would be eating packed meals in Cedrick's office privately.

Little did she expect Cedrick to drag her to the cafeteria instead.

Gwendolyn was initially a little apprehensive about making such a high-profile appearance in the

cafeteria of the bureau. Even though she was unsure what was going through the man's mind, she

respected his decision after seeing how firm he was.

Cedrick grabbed a tray and took two sets of packed meals that came with a good mix of meat and


Along his way, he called the leader of Team Nine, Jasper, who was collecting his meal, over. He

whispered something into his ear before returning to the table where Gwendolyn was seated at.

Despite maintaining a calm expression, the man kept observing the police officers, who were having

lunch, from the corner of his eye.

The food at the cafeteria was light and simple. It was nowhere comparable to Cedrick's cooking.

Then again, Gwendolyn figured she could make do with that since she had the chance to eat with

Cedrick instead of eating alone back at the villa.

After she reluctantly finished half the food on her plate, the couple left the cafeteria hand in hand.

Before leaving, Gwendolyn vaguely heard some police officers discreetly talking about her and Cedrick.

Of course, they were mainly praises and compliments of the two.


She tilted her head to the side, only to notice Cedrick staring dead ahead. A cold and solemn

expression clouded his face, and it seemed that he was in a daze, lost in his thought.

Gwendolyn stood on tiptoes to lean closer to Cedrick's ear and called out to him again, “Hubby?”

Only then did the man snap back to his senses and turn to look at her. “What's wrong?”

“I should be the one asking that.”

Cedrick was, in truth, thinking about how Valentino knew about his every move in the Federal Bureau

of Investigation.

I've tested the waters earlier. I believe I'll get an answer in no time. But how long has Grandpa been

spying on me? Was he forced to utilize his connection this time because of Xander and Yael? Or did he

plant a spy to watch me all along? It's no big deal if it's the former. But if it's the latter, that'll spell a big


Deep down, he wished it was the former. After all, he only had Valentino by his side as far as his

memory served.

Grandpa is very strict with me, but I know he loves me very much. Hopefully, there won't be anything

that'll ruin our kinship.


Cedrick was lost in his thoughts again and only snapped out of it after Gwendolyn's voice rang out.

He was deeply apologetic. “I'm sorry, Darling. I—”

Gwendolyn lightly pressed her index finger on his thin lips, cutting him off.

“It's okay. There's no need to explain. I know what you're worrying about.”

The sense of trust in those words was so strong it made Cedrick feel much more secure than any other


He scanned the surroundings of the corridor, then slightly bent over and quickly planted a peck on

Gwendolyn's cheek.

His black orbs lit up mischievously, almost as if he had secretly tasted sweet candy.

The tip of Gwendolyn's ear reddened slightly. She gently gave his shoulder a nudge. “Are there no

surveillance cameras along this corridor? Won't you feel embarrassed if the guards in the surveillance

room see that?”

“Why should I feel embarrassed for kissing my wife? They should be jealous of me for not having a wife

like you to kiss.” Cedrick sounded proud.

Being left incredulous by the man's eloquence, Gwendolyn softly grumbled, “How shameless.”

As soon as she finished talking, she dashed into the office, avoiding acting lovey-dovey in the corridor.

After sweeping his gaze along both sides of the corridor, Cedrick followed behind into the office.

It was eight o'clock at night. There were still two hours left until the agreed-upon time with Yael.

Cedrick kept glancing at his watch. It was probably the first time he felt time crawl by so slowly.

Gwendolyn sat on the couch and used her phone as she stayed by the man's side while he worked


A few minutes later, a knock rapped against the office door again.

It was a police officer who guarded the entrance of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

“Mr. Jenson, Logan is here again. Would you like to meet him?”

Cedrick knitted his brows, and his face turned cold.

Gwendolyn put her phone down and turned to look at the man sitting behind the desk.

After remaining silent for a while, Cedrick said in a calm tone, “Bring him in.”

“Yes, Mr. Jenson.”

Cedrick stood up, walked over to Gwendolyn, and inched near her ear to utter a few words.

When the officer brought Logan and headed inside Cedrick's office, only Gwendolyn was inside. The

tall and broad-shouldered man in military uniform was nowhere to be seen.

The police officer was dumbfounded. “Why is Mr. Jenson—”

“Go out. I'll receive Logan myself,” interrupted Gwendolyn.

The officer bowed respectfully. “All right.”

With that, he shut the office door.

Logan stared at Gwendolyn, who sat in the middle of the couch. A benevolent smile crept up his face.

“Why are you alone in the office, Mrs. Jenson? Where's Mr. Jenson?”

Maintaining an elegant sitting posture, Gwendolyn curled her red lips into a faint smile. “He went out as

something came up. I think he went to the detention center.”

Something popped into Logan's mind. He appeared slightly shocked and was about to turn to leave.

Gwendolyn stopped him. “You didn't seem shocked when you saw me just now, and you didn't question

why I'm here. Did you know I was coming?”

Logan halted in his tracks. “I only knew about it a while ago. I was passing by and overheard some

officers discussing how you and Mr. Jenson were having a sweet time while dining at the cafeteria

earlier,” he answered.

“Oh?” Gwendolyn acted surprised. “Then how did you know I didn't leave?”

At that moment, Cedrick, who had hidden himself in the tiny bathroom in the office, had a dark, stormy

look registered on his face.

He tapped on his phone screen and swiftly texted Swain an instruction: Check all surveillance footage

along the corridors. See if anyone talked about Gwenny and me after Logan arrived at the Federal

Bureau of Investigation. Also, perform a background check on all police officers dining at the cafeteria

when Gwenny and I were there. Find those related to Grandpa's former subordinates and give me a list

of their names.

About a minute later, Cedrick received a reply from Swain.

Cedrick had switched his phone to silent mode in advance so that no one outside would discover his


Meanwhile, Logan smoothly changed the subject instead of answering Gwendolyn's question. “Mrs.

Jenson, I'm merely acting under Old Mr. Jenson's order to come here. He has something urgent and

wants me to tell Mr. Jenson. Since Mr. Jenson is in the detention center, I shall head over to look for

him and won't bother you any longer.”

“Not everyone can enter the detention center. Only the Federal Bureau of Investigation's employees

have the right to do so. How are you going to find him there?”

Logan smiled. “Mr. Jenson is the head, after all. I don't think me looking for him there will be a


“That's not it. The rules are set. He has to follow them even if he's the head of the Federal Bureau of

Investigation.” Gwendolyn walked up to Logan, grabbed his shoulder, and ushered him to sit on the

couch aside. “I'm sure Cedrick will settle the matter at the detention center soon. Stay here and wait,

Logan. If it's regarding the Jenson family, you can tell me about it too.”

Logan stiffened and said nothing more.

Gwendolyn feigned disappointment. Lowering her gaze, she muttered with a dull voice, “It seems that

you don't see me as a member of the Jenson family. That's why you're unwilling to tell me anything.”

Logan flashed a bitter smile. “You're overthinking it, Mrs. Jenson. Why would I think that way? It's just

that this matter is not like any other. Old Mr. Jenson has specifically asked me to tell Mr. Jenson alone.

I'm in a difficult position too.”

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