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Chapter 582

Chapter 582 The Last Person Grandpa Saw

Cedrick could take charge

of the situation of the Jenson family now that he had returned. Coupled with the fact that Valentino’s co

ndition was relatively stable, it wouldn’t delay Kieran and Inez’s time together as an engaged couple.

After having a conversation with Kieran, Gwendolyn chose a car from the garage at the Harris residenc

e and drove back to Harrick Villa.

Upon her arrival, she didn’t get out of the car immediately. Instead, she took

out a DNA test report and used her phone to capture the result in the bottom right corner.

She then sent the photo to the number given to her by Asher.

Along with the photo was

a message that read: Your girlfriend is someone from the Harris family. Hand her over to me, and you can return to Ospea at any time. Otherwise, I’ll make sure

to spend all my resources in dealing with you. She figured that with Paul being a noble from Ospea, the

consequences would be dire if it were found out that his girlfriend’s identity was fake.

Although the threat was not explicitly stated, with Paul’s noble status at stake, even if he truly loved An

nic, the other nobles in Ospea would never allow him to be reckless.

I doubt the count would allow his reputation to be tainted. After all, he has too many things to consider, making his vulnerabilities easy to exploit.

After sending the message, Gwendolyn waited for a while, and within ten minutes, she received a call fr

om an unknown number.

The number was none other than the one Asher had sent her–Paul’s phone number.

When the call was connected, there was silence on the other end, accompanied by the audible sound o

f a person breathing heavily.

Gwendolyn’s lips curled into a smirk. “Mr. Hall, I’m not someone who likes to beat around the bush. Jus

t get straight to the point.”

Paul let out a sigh and spoke in a deep voice. “Ms. Harris, I didn’t know that Annie is a member of the H

arris family, and neither did she. When I met her, she was injured and had lost her memory. Even thoug

h she’s an illegitimate child, she is still your half–sister. Can’t you just leave her alone?”

Gwendolyn found his words amusing. “Why” Now that her identity is

about to be exposed, she’s playing the amnesia card with me? Does she think I’m a fool?”

“It’s the truth, Ms. Harris. If you don’t believe me, you can take

her for a psychiatric evaluation,” Paul suggested.

“That won’t be necessary. She’s a renowned actress, and her acting skills have won her numerous. acc

olades. Just like how we can never wake someone who’s pretending to be asleep, I doubt even a psyc

hiatrist could see through her act.”

Paul sighed again. “So I take it that you’re determined to go through with this, then? Must you be so rut


“I’m not being ruthless. She’s a member of my family and as the head of the Harris family, it is my resp

onsibility to correct her

mistakes. Besides, this is a matter for the Harris family to take care of. You have no right to intervene,

Mr. Hall.”

Paul’s voice was steady and his tone was resolute when he said, “Yes, I am an outsider and have no s

ay in this matter, but is itnovelbin

really necessary for you to be so cruel toward a young girl in the prime of her youth, Ms. Harris?”

Gwendolyn couldn’t be bothered to argue with him any longer and her tone grew cold. “I have never cla

imed to be a saint. She showed neither mercy nor regard for our blood ties when she repeatedly tried t

o harm me in the past, so I find it ironic that you’re now urging me to be kind. Let me make it clear one l

ast time. Hand Annie Steinfeld over to me, and Harris Group and Antea Group can go their separate wa

ys peacefully.”

There was a long silence from the other end of the line before Paul finally said, “Give me half a day. III t

alk to Annie and give you a response then.”

“All right.” Gwendolyn raised a brow. It seems that this matter can be resolved peacefully, Well, that wo

uld be the most ideal outcome.

In the ancestral hall of the Jenson family, Xander was being led inside by Nico, who appeared to be mu

ch stronger than him. With just one hand gripping the back of his neck, Nico seemed to hold the power

over his fate, easily tugging him along.

Xander protested, “Let go of me! So what if I went to a bar? Is it such a heinous crime that

you had to drag me all the way back to the ancestral hall?” Anger consumed him. “Hey, it hurts! Nico Je

nson, you’re making a big deal out of nothing! You-”

Before he could finish his string of insults, he lifted his

head and saw Cedrick standing before the ancestral. tablet in the ancestral hall

The man was standing with his hands behind his back, his posture straight and upright. Even from his b

ack, one could feel the cold and chilling aura emanating from him.

Xander felt his blood run cold, but he composed himself and calmly straightened the

collar of his suit. “What’s the meaning of this, Cedrick? Did I commit a crime by going to a bar? Your wif

e was the one who banned me from staying by Grandpa’s side to fulfill my filial duties. I felt frustrated

and went to the bar to vent a little. Is that wrong?”

Cedrick turned around abruptly,

his expression grim. He had no patience for idle talk and proceeded to question him directly, “You were

the last person Grandpa saw in the study before he fell into a coma. What did you do to him?”

Xander straightened his back and adjusted his golden–

rimmed glasses, reclaiming his demeanor as a refined scion of a prestigious family.

“Grandpa was just asking about my work recently. He said he was

disappointed by my lack of enthusiasm and ambition. He scolded me for

a couple of minutes, and that’s it. What else could I possibly do to him?”

Cedrick didn’t believe a word he said.

“I’m giving you one

last chance to come clean. The consequences will be dire if you choose to hide the truth,” he warned.

Lowering his head and refusing to meet his eyes, Xander

denied adamantly, “What do you mean by that? Do you think I would harm Grandpa? With you suppres

sing me and my father, Grandpa was the only one who supported me. I have no reason to harm him.”

“Yes, you do.” While Cedrick’s expression remained calm and composed, his words carried a firm convi


“What gives you the right to suspect me like this?”

Cedrick pursed his lips, suppressing his displeasure. It was obvious he

was on the brink of exploding with


He glanced at Nico, silently conveying a message with his eyes.

The latter immediately took out

a small dropper boule that was filled with an unknown transparent liquid before handing it over to Cedri


Cedrick took it and fixed a firm gaze on Xander as if saying that the evidence

in his hand was indisputable.

“This was found in Uncle Yael’s villa by someone I sent, and it was discovered in your room. I also

checked your call records and saw that an unknown number had contacted you a few days

ago. You deliberately put this medicine in Grandpa’s tea. You think I wouldn’t be able to find out?”

Xander looked perplexed and reached out to snatch the small vial

from Cedrick’s hand. “What’s this? I have no idea something like this was in my room. You’d better not f

alsely accuse me!”

Before he could take the vial, however, Cedrick moved backward swiftly, evading his hand effortlessly. “

I’m sure you know better than anyone whether you’ve been falsely accused.” He handed the vial back t

o Nico, refusing to show it to Xander. With a firm and righteous tone, he accused him of his wrongdoing

. “The person who instigated you to tamper with Grandpa’s food promised to help you or Yael

seize power once the deed was done, am I right?”

Xander shook his head fervently. “No, you’re wrong!”

Cedrick approached him. “That person wanted to use this incident to keep Gwenny busy and overwhel

med to the point where she’s unable to attend to other matters. They also deliberately tried to trap her i

n the police station. If I hadn’t returned in time and made you worry that you’ll get caught, you probably

would have already urged our family members to select someone capable

of handling Grandpa’s coma and used it as an opportunity to gain support, am I right?”

As beads of cold sweat trickled down along Xander’s jawline, a sense of unease gripped him.

Still, he refused to admit to anything. “No!”

Cedrick sneered and drew a gun from his waistband before pressing it sharply against Xander’s forehe

ad. “I’m guessing that person is Paul Hall, right?”

Xander was scared stiff by his action.

In the next second, he heard the sound of the gun being cocked.

He noticed that Cedrick’s dark and chilling gaze actually revealed a terrifying intent to kill.

Panicking, he spluttered, “I–

I didn’t do it! I really didn’t! I don’t know what’s in that vial of yours, and I certainly have no idea why you

found it in my room!”

Cedrick didn’t believe him at all and tightened his finger around the trigger, indicating his intention to pul

l it.

“You’re still lying? Do you even know what’s in this vial? Overdosing on it can be life–

threatening. You despicable creature! Grandpa loves you so much, yet you want his life! You actually tri

ed to end an elderly man’s life! Do you have no conscience left?”

It was the first time Xander experienced such terror. His legs trembled, and his whole

body shook uncontrollably because he could truly sense an intense murderous intent emanating from C


Trying to prove his innocence,

he stated, “I swear, that vial isn’t mine. If I wanted to harm Grandpa, all I needed to

do was to give him a few extra grapes or grapefruits since he was on his hypertension medication. I ha

ve no reason to tamper with his food. Besides, why would I want to take Grandpa’s life? He’s only in a

coma, and a couple of days of IV drip will make him better!”

Cedrick smirked when he heard that. “So, it was you who persuaded Grandpa to eat grapes and grapef

ruit while he was taking his hypertension medication.”

Xander was momentarily stunned but soon

realized what was happening. He glared at Cedrick and exclaimed through gritted teeth, “Cedrick

Jenson! You tricked me!”

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