Wooing My ex-wife (Gwendolyn and Maverick)

Chapter 534 He Has A Neurological Disorder
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Chapter 534 He Has A Neurological Disorder

Chapter 534 He Has A Neurological Disorder

The entire police station was filled with elite officers who had been transferred over to investigate the


Unfortunately, they were unable to make any progress on the case after an entire day.

Neal had given them an ultimatum—three days to find the mastermind.

Meanwhile, the young police chief was sitting in his office, brimming with anxiety.

As he went through the information provided one by one, repeated sighs could be heard in between his

sips of coffee.

He was worried about his inability to find any suspects so far.

Cedrick suspected Paul, who was a count from Ospea. Given his important station, it was difficult for

the police to investigate the latter unless they had concrete proof to back up their accusation.

Taking such action would, after all, affect the relations between Astoria and Ospea.

On the other hand, if Paul wasn't investigated, the chief would have a hard time explaining it to Cedrick.

It would also affect the foreign relations between Chanaea and Astoria.

Finally, if he couldn't find anything, he would not only be given a hard time by Neal but also be relieved

of his position.

The predicament he was in made him feel trapped.

While going through the unsettling information that had yet to yield a lead, he finished his third cigarette

without even realizing it.

Just as he was lost in his frustration, a knock on the door was heard.

“Come in,” he barked impatiently.

A uniformed officer subsequently entered.

“Sir, there's a lady outside who claims to have knowledge about the incident and wants to help you.”

“Help me?” The chief adjusted his tie in an annoyed manner before letting out a snort. “Who is she?”

“She says she's Count Hall's girlfriend, Ms. Annie.”

Oh? She's another big shot.

“Bring her in and prepare a cup of cappuccino.”

“Yes, Sir.”

A few minutes later, the officer led Annie into the chief's office.

The young chief invited her to have a seat on the couch.

Wearing a gentle smile, Annie appeared genuine.

“Ms. Annie, did you come here with some evidence for us?”

Annie nodded. “I know very well what your current concerns are and have a plan to solve the dilemma

you're facing. You'll be able to provide everyone with a satisfactory answer. On top of that, you get to

keep your position as chief too.”

The chief cocked a skeptical brow. After all, the lady before him was still very young despite her beauty.

Since he had no better option, he decided to listen to what she had to say. “Tell me about it.”

Having applied exquisite makeup, Annie looked innocent and adorable with her captivating smile.

However, behind the calm look in her eyes was an unbelievably wicked mind.

Meanwhile, Gwendolyn had spent two days at the hospital.

Under Cedrick's meticulous care, her feet didn't touch the ground the entire time. He carried her

everywhere, including the toilet.

Feeling as if she was his young, paralyzed charge, Gwendolyn couldn't help but feel awkward about it.

During the day, she spoke over the phone with Charles as usual, but she didn't do a video call as she

was in the hospital.

Upon learning that the children were doing fine, she heaved a sigh of relief.

After a week passed in Astoria, the day of Neal's ultimatum finally arrived. Hence, the result of the

investigation was expected in the afternoon.

When the determined Gwendolyn asked to be discharged, Cedrick objected to it but to no avail.

During her checkup, the doctor examined both her wounds from the gunshot and her head trauma.

When he didn't find any problems, he gave her the green light to leave.

Rendered speechless, Cedrick had no choice but to accompany Gwendolyn in an armored car to the

police station, where they would learn about the results of the investigation.

Upon their arrival, they ran into Neal, who entered the building together with them.

Inside the conference room, the blackboard had complicated leads plastered all over it.

The police chief printed three copies of the evidence and distributed one each to the three important

figures in the room.

While everyone was going through the document, he pointed to the blackboard and explained, “Based

on our investigations, we conclude that the lorry driver is the prime suspect. He was a Chanaean who

came to Astoria this year. After submitting the relevant documents, he managed to obtain Astorian


The chief's finger subsequently shifted to Gwendolyn's picture. “We found many pictures of Mrs.

Jenson in the driver's house. We know that he watched Mrs. Jenson's viral dance video online and is a

fan of hers. On top of that, he fantasized that she was his wife online. Therefore, the announcement of

Mrs. Jenson's marriage came as such a shock that he lost control of his emotions.”

The words triggered a furrow of Cedrick's brows. The displeasure from his darkened expression was


Nonetheless, he didn't interrupt the chief but scowled as he continued to listen.

“Yesterday, we sent him for a psychiatric evaluation. The doctor concluded that he has a neurological

disorder that causes him to behave in an aggressive and violent manner. Due to his obsession with

Mrs. Jenson, he plotted the incident in an attempt to destroy what he couldn't have.”

Gwendolyn snorted abruptly to express her skepticism toward the chief's prime suspect. “This theorynovelbin

has too many flaws. How can a lowly lorry driver afford to hire a group of elite assassins and snipers

from the black market?”

The chief responded calmly, “We checked the transactions of his bank account and found out that he

had spent all his money a few days ago. On top of that, he decided to personally drive the lorry himself

in the suicide attack. Mrs. Jenson, if you try and recall what happened that day, you'll remember that he

didn't give up after ramming the lorry into the taxi. He dragged the taxi for tens of meters until he was

forced to stop by the road divider. His vengeful and impulsive behavior is extremely obvious from his


Upon hearing the explanation, Neal maintained his silence.

As for the fuming Gwendolyn, she flipped through the evidence back and forth with mounting distress in

her eyes.

In an icy tone, Cedrick inquired, “Where's the lorry driver now?”

“He was sent to the emergency room after the incident. Unfortunately, he's now reduced to a vegetable.

He's still alive but might not wake up, ever.”

Pinning all the blame on a paralyzed man was no different than doing the same with a dead man. That

was the solution to resolve the tripartite dilemma. No one had any basis to question the investigation

any further, as dead men tell no tales.

After going through the evidence a few times, Neal found the hypothesis that the lorry driver had

exacted revenge due to a violent neurological disorder to be reasonable.

Thereafter, he put the document down and turned his attention to the victim. “Ms. Harris, do you still

have any objections to the conclusion? If you do, please raise them at once.”

Gwendolyn snorted in response.

It's unbelievable how they can blame such a huge incident on a lorry driver.

Gwendolyn shot the chief a piercing glare as she asked candidly, “I've heard that you have been placed

in charge of this case. So, have you met anyone unrelated to the case here in the police station?”

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