Wooing My ex-wife (Gwendolyn and Maverick)

Chapter 531 Retrograde Amnesia
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Chapter 531 Retrograde Amnesia

Chapter 531 Retrograde Amnesia

Startled by Cedrick's claim, the police officer instinctively looked toward Neal.

Isn't that Neal's esteemed guest? Is he suspecting a fellow guest? The count of Ospea?

The officer dared not voice his doubt and quietly wrote down Cedrick's words.

Neal remained expressionless, as though he had predicted Cedrick's words after Gwendolyn's

persistent questions about Paul earlier.

“We will definitely investigate the suspect you've just mentioned, but could you share your reasons for

suspecting his involvement?” asked the police officer.novelbin

Cedrick replied frostily, “We've never been on good terms, and we happened to run into him and Annie

while we were out shopping yesterday. He immediately questioned my wife's collaboration project with

Dovil Group and wanted her to surrender her rights to the project to him. I refused his request and put

him in his place. He might've thought of killing us in the heat of the moment.”

The officer carefully recorded his statement before declaring, “All right. I will share your suspicions with

my chief and launch an investigation.”

Neal, who had quietly listened to their exchange, spoke up after the officer left the lounge. “I somewhat

understand Paul's character, and I don't believe he's malicious enough to organize an assassination

over a small argument. Could there be some misunderstanding?”

“Maybe not, but someone could manipulate him. You said it yourself. He's infatuated with his current

girlfriend, and it's possible that someone is using this fact to sway his actions. Of course, I admit that

these are my hypotheses, and we need a proper investigation and solid evidence before accusing

anyone,” said Cedrick.

Neal nodded, agreeing with the latter half of Cedrick's words. He proposed, “Why don't you and Ms.

Harris stay here for the next two days? At least until the investigation is complete to prevent the

perpetrator from striking again. I'll arrange for more security around your hotel. They'll move discreetly.”


Cedrick had no reason to refuse Neal's invitation. It was true that the situation had their return to

Chanaea more complicated.

Still, they needed to return soon so that Joshua could examine the extent of Gwendolyn's injury.

With that thought in mind, Cedrick added, “Settle the investigation as soon as possible. I can't afford

any delays.”

Neal vowed, “Don't worry. It's all hands on deck for this investigation. I will personally monitor the police


Cedrick carefully lifted Gwendolyn, planning to return to their hotel.

Right before he left, he turned and reminded Neal, “Do not publicize the ambush on Gwenny and me.

The diplomatic relations between our countries could crumble if any international media caught wind of

this. You know better than anyone else that there'll be hell to pay if that happens.”

“Of course. I was already planning to keep the news under wraps.”

Cedrick had nothing more to add and left the police station with Gwendolyn in his arms.

To minimize the odds of them running into further danger, Neal had them driven back to the hotel in an

armored police car.

Several police cars also escorted them, making up a formidable party.

No one was foolish enough to attempt to ram a police car.

The couple was escorted safely to their presidential suite. The police officers carried their luggage to

the room and stood guard outside.

Their dark uniforms, expressionless faces, and statue-like stillness struck fear in anyone who saw


After Cedrick tucked Gwendolyn into bed, he said to the officers, “We don't need guards outside the

door. You're too eye-catching here, and your presence will frighten the other hotel guests. Scatter your

men across the hotel grounds, and give me the phone number of your head. I'll reach out to him if I

need immediate assistance.”


A police officer stepped forward and left his phone number with Cedrick. Then, he led the other officers


The corridor regained its former peace.

Cedrick returned to the room, closing and locking the door behind him. He approached the bed and

gazed at Gwendolyn, who remained sound asleep.

His gaze roamed over her bandaged elbow and the bruise on her head as guilt swelled in his chest.

He sat on the edge of the bed and watched her quietly for nearly two hours.

For lunch, Cedrick ordered some grilled vegetables from the five-star kitchen of the hotel and had them

delivered to their suite.

Gwendolyn did not stir once as the hotel staff arrived with the dishes.

She showed no signs of waking up even after Cedrick had laid the table for lunch.

He returned to the bed and gently coaxed her, “It's time to eat, Darling. You must be tired after the

whole fiasco this morning. I bet you're starving. Gwenny?”

He called out her name twice more, but Gwendolyn did not react.

A bad feeling washed over Cedrick, and he placed his shaking fingers before Gwendolyn's nose.

Her breath remained steady.

“Darling, get up. Stop sleeping.”

He maneuvered his hands through her hair and under her head, planning to help her up. Something

sticky coated his fingers.

The sense of foreboding intensified, and he carefully swept away the hair from the back of

Gwendolyn's head.

He looked down and saw blood on his fingers.

The back of her head was bleeding. It was no minor injury like she had claimed.

He quickly called the police officers who were in the hotel. “Gwenny's situation worsened. I need an

ambulance now.”

After hanging up, he carried Gwendolyn and sped downstairs.

Cedrick was devastated to see his wife unconscious. His tears streamed down his face against his will.

He had never cried so much in his life.

On their way to the hospital, Cedrick pleaded, “You have to be safe, Gwenny! Please! Or I'll never

forgive myself...”

His bloodshot eyes were a terrifying sight, and he looked uncharacteristically like a lost child.

Almost fifteen minutes later, Gwendolyn was wheeled into the emergency room of Astoria's largest


Cedrick paced in front of the room. His entire body shook with anxiety as he stared at his blood-caked


Memories of their ambush earlier that morning replayed in his mind.

The gunshot.

The moment the baseball bat swung toward Gwendolyn, landing on the base of her head, where most

of the nerves were concentrated.

Every reminder caused his heart to throb with pain.

Malice surfaced in his gaze, followed quickly by fury.

He called Neal and, for the first time, broke rank and roared, “Gwenny's head injury is bleeding. I don't

care what you do, but you better find the person who hit Gwenny today. I want to make his life a living

hell! He needs to pay for her suffering!”

Neal had never heard Cedrick lose control like this, and he quickly stepped up his investigation efforts.

Every second and minute that passed with Gwendolyn still in the emergency room eroded Cedrick's


He did not eat or drink for three hours until the light above the emergency room finally switched off.

Cedrick stood up and saw nurses wheeling a still-unconscious Gwendolyn out of the room. He clasped

her hands and followed the nurses to the regular ward.

The doctor explained calmly, “Don't worry. There's nothing too serious at the moment. She's

unconscious because of her concussion, and the bleeding is external. The CT scan doesn't show any

internal bleeding.”

Cedrick exhaled in relief.

His relief was, however, short-lived. The doctor continued, “She's still unconscious, which is

concerning. We'll monitor her, but if she doesn't wake up within the next twenty-four hours, we'll need to

send her back to the emergency room and induce her to wake up. She may suffer from retrograde

amnesia when she wakes up. The memory loss could be temporary or permanent, and you must be

prepared for the worst.”

The devastating news almost stopped Cedrick's heart. He felt as though he had been plunged into the

deepest trenches of despair.

His voice shook as he confirmed his understanding of the situation. “Do you mean that Gwenny could

lose her memories? She could forget me or even everything in her past?”

The doctor nodded solemnly and replied, “Yes.”

The two were so absorbed in their conversation that they did not notice the patient in question slowly

coming to on the hospital bed beside them

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