Wooing My ex-wife (Gwendolyn and Maverick)

Chapter 510 Cedrick Is Jealous Again
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Chapter 510 Cedrick Is Jealous Again

She looked up at Cedrick, utterly puzzled.


Cedrick's face grew serious. It was clear that jealousy was in the air.

“Don't you plan on explaining what happened in the nursery with Charles?”

“Huh?” Gwendolyn stared at him in confusion. “What is there to explain?”

Cedrick took a deep breath. A lump was forming in his throat, and his eyes reddened. “You and

Charles were alone in a room laughing and joking. Gwendo—”

He was about to say her full name, but he stopped just in time.

He had learned from past arguments that calling her by her full name never ended well for him, so he

chose a different method to approach the matter.

“Gwenny, you're a married woman. How could you spend time alone with a single man? Did you two...

Did he do anything inappropriate to you? Did he touch your hand?”

Despite his cold and serious tone, Cedrick's use of an endearment softened his delivery. Rather than

conveying menace, his words carried a sense of a fatherly lecture, as if he were earnestly speaking to

his daughter.

Gwendolyn remained silent, feeling speechless.

Even after they had children together, why was he still so jealous?

“What do you mean by ‘alone in a room’? Did you forget about our kids? Benny and Zendy were in the

room, weren't they?” refuted Gwendolyn.

Cedrick's frustration grew evident as he replied, “They're just babies, Gwendolyn. They don't

understand what's going on. Even if you and Charles engaged in intimate acts right under their

innocent gazes, they wouldn't be able to object or comprehend it.”

Gwendolyn's gaze turned icy as she locked eyes with him, a surge of anger welling up within her and a

chilling sense of disappointment settling in her heart.

“Cedrick, after everything we've been through, how can you still doubt my loyalty to you? And to use

the term ‘intimate acts’ in such a derogatory way, how could you say such things?”

As her eyes welled up with tears, Gwendolyn turned away from the man, choosing to ignore him.

Cedrick immediately noticed the sadness in Gwendolyn's eyes. He had prepared a set of questions

and words to confront her before her shower.

However, as he witnessed Gwendolyn becoming increasingly downcast, Cedrick found himself at a

loss for words.

“I'm sorry, Gwendolyn. It's not that | don’t trust you. It's just... | find it difficult to trust Charles. He was

my love rival before, and those feelings of rivalry still linger within me. It's challenging for me to feel at

ease knowing that my wife is alone in a room with him.”

“At the end of the day, you still don't believe me,” she said, her words laden with disappointment. She

then turned sideways, continuing to avoid looking at the man.

Cedrick sat beside her, cautiously reaching out to hold her hand.

“Darling, | really do trust you. Please, just tell me what went on between you and Charles while you

were both in the nursery, and | promise to believe every single word you say.”

Gwendolyn mercilessly withdrew her hand and let out a scoff.

“The fact that you demand an account of every word and action already reveals your lack of trust in



Cedrick gazed at Gwendolyn's pouting face, sensing the need fora different approach. He let out a

silent sigh, reaching for a long ruler on the bedside table and placing it in her hand. Then, he began to

discuss with her, his voice gentle and patient.

“How about this? I'll let you do whatever you want to me if you explain everything that happened. |

promise | won't put up a fight no matter what you do.”

“You won't put up a fight no matter what?” she repeated.

“That's right.”

With an arched eyebrow and a mischievous glint in her eyes, Gwendolyn lifted her chin slightly and

took on the man's offer, saying, “You were being unreasonable and jealous without cause, so if | were

to playfully spank your butt, you're telling me you wouldn't resist at all?”

Cedrick was rendered speechless by her response, feeling conflicted in the inside.

Does it have to be such a humiliating punishment? | guess letting my wife spank me a couple of times

on the butt isn't that big of a deal...

At that thought, he uttered through gritted teeth, “Not at all.”

Gwendolyn's mischievous thoughts took shape. She then laid out the details, as per his request. “All

right then. | shall clarify for you.

Charles and | were simply entertaining Benny and Zendy with some toys. We didn't even touch each

other by the hair, not even once. As for our conversation, it was nothing more than casual chatter. He

asked about recent events and we briefly discussed the time when my father passed away. That's all

there was to it.”

Cedrick listened attentively. “Is that all?”

“That's all.” Gwendolyn raised her voice, placing emphasis on her next words. “Don't you believe me?”

“No, | believe you.”

Cedrick obediently moved to the bed and knelt down as if he were prepared to accept his wife's


Gwendolyn let out a playful chuckle as she fixed her gaze on Cedrick, a fierce glint in her eyes. “Don't

think that Ill let you off easily with just a few smacks tonight.”

The man merely hung his head without responding to that.

Gwendolyn then rose to her feet and tapped the collar of Cedrick's neat shirt with the ruler in her hand.

“Take everything off.”

Cedrick's nimble fingers skillfully unbuttoned his suit, followed by his shirt, revealing his well-defined

physique underneath.

In the warm, inviting glow of the bedroom, his perfectly sculpted physique radiated with a captivating


However, Gwendolyn was not satisfied. With the ruler gliding teasingly across his chest and abs, she

directed it downward, tracing a path to his belt buckle. “Keep going,” she commanded.

Without hesitation, he undressed until there was nothing left on him.

At that moment, he resembled a lamb whose wool had been carefully plucked, now awaiting its fate to

be cooked and devoured by its master's insatiable appetite.

Gwendolyn's eyes lingered on his exposed form, appreciating his physique for a fleeting moment

before she made her way to the coat rack. She retrieved a belt and returned to where he knelt.

“Turn around.”

Cedrick obediently complied.


In a swift motion, Gwendolyn effortlessly bound his hands behind his back, fastening them tightly with

the belt buckle.

Cedrick's sixth sense prickled with a sense of impending danger, causing him to call out anxiously,


Gwendolyn's eyes sparkled mischievously, undeterred by Cedrick's anxious call. With determination,

she firmly pressed his upper body onto the bed, forcing him to kneel on all fours.

In this way, his butt was presented to her in an elevated position.

Cedrick was shocked.

Realizing what was about to happen, he began to regret his decision.

However, Gwendolyn didn't allow him an opportunity to dwell on his regrets and raised the ruler.


A crisp sound rang out.

Wherever the ruler struck, it ignited a tingling sensation of searing pain, yet it was bearable.

Aside from feeling shy, Cedrick surprisingly didn't dislike it.

How strange.

Late at night, even the melodious birds had entered their dreams.

The main bedroom of Harrick Villa was enveloped in a veil of secrecy, as the drawn curtains concealed

all sounds within its walls.

After approximately thirty strikes, Gwendolyn still displayed remarkable control over the intensity of her

blows, leaving behind only a deep red flush on Cedrick's once-pale skin.

She set down the ruler, released Cedrick from his restraints, and flipped him over.

Swiftly pouncing on him, she pinched his chin with her fingers, flashing him a bewitching smile filled

with charm.

“| wonder hew your flushed bottom tastes, Ceddy. | haven't had a taste of it yet. Looks like tonight is

just the right time to give it a try.”

Cedrick willingly closed his eyes like a fish lying on a cutting board that was ready to be sliced.

He had surrendered both his body and mind.

Two days later, Cedrick sat in his office at the Federal Bureau of Investigation, reviewing the evidence

against Craig.

If everything went as expected, the verdict would be announced in the next two days.

Considering the multiple charges that were brought up against him, it was likely that Craig would

receive the death penalty, as he desired.

Knock, knock.

Nico entered the room.

“Cedrick, lots of things have been going on with the Newton family these past couple of days.”

With his gaze fixed on the documents in his hands, Cedrick inquired, “What's the matter?”

“Since Craig's downfall, numerous male descendants from the branches of the Newton family have

resurfaced. It appears they are vying for power.”

Cedrick only gave a hum in response, without showing much expression.

Nico expressed his confusion, “Cedrick, didn't you mention earlier that Charles wants to assume

control of the entire Newton family?

He has obtained the key and stole the serum, which is a significant contribution. Shouldn't we support

him in taking control over the Newton family?”novelbin

A frown marred Cedrick’s face as Craig's words involuntarily echoed in his mind.

“Let's not concern ourselves with it for now. We'll observe Charles and see how he handles the

situation. If he truly desires power, he will inevitably seek my assistance. When the time is right, we can

decide whether or not to intervene”

Nico nodded in agreement. “Makes sense.”

Just as they finished their conversation, there was another knock on the office door.

“Mr. Jenson, Mr. Charles from the Newton family just came in to report that there's been a new

discovery on the top floor of the Newton residence. It's apparently related to the impending verdict on


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